Anxiety is a BITCH - as is depression

arpie Member Posts: 8,314

All because someone said or did something, along comes that feeling, the tight chest, the unease etc... sometimes you don't even know what triggered it, it just hits you.    Then you feel anxious about the anxiety!  This in turn can lead to depression.

So - That is how it starts - and the first step would be to call the hotline here & chat about it 1800500258

Or - see if your local health service or Cancer Clinic has access to a Counsellor/psychologist for a chat.

There are many ways that chatting with a total stranger can help you ..... 

Some more benefits of counselling ..... 

It happens to ALL of us at one stage or another.

Don't wait for it to become a major problem - get onto it early, learn some coping mechanisms (eg identifying the triggers) and disarm it before it becomes a major issue

Take care xxx


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Thanks @arpie

    I’d add that it’s useful for things that aren’t anxiety or trauma too. I used a counsellor for work once (before I had bc). I needed to clear space in my own mind about my next career step - sounds easy but sometimes the drives to move ‘up’ get in the way of the drives to move ‘better’. A clear, dispassionate mind asking you to ask the obvious questions is a lot less common than you may think.  Ditto cancer. Quite apart from treatment side effects, impact on life/work/family etc, cancer is a brush with death. That’s tough stuff for friends or family, who aren’t always keen to engage in that kind of thought either! Getting my head around the concept (not anything looming, may not ever be cancer related, but simply that, like everyone else, I am not going to live for ever!) with an experienced stranger has been important to my continued health and happiness. I’d have no hesitation in seeking a good counsellor again if the occasion arose. 
  • MisseMooks
    MisseMooks Member Posts: 10

    My last experience of my first chemo ended up
    in a Private Hospital for anxiety disorder which chemo was acerbating  ... as
    much as I didnt want to go back, my doc insisted and I went in for 10 days. The
    nursing team work around the clock to make sure mentally i was dealing with the cancer
    and the treatment. You don’t have to cook or clean , meals are all prepared and
    you just show up at meal times... no washing up the kitchen staff look after
    all of that .. you attended grp session on mindfulness, dealing with stress, yoga,
    relaxation etc ..  these grp sessions teach you how to deal with the
    difficulties we experience during our cancer journey ... it a place of respite   

    I can return anytime if I feel I need further support.. I
    wouldnt have coped has this service not been available to me and I recomend it for anyone struggling with their own personal journey   

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Sounds brilliant @MisseMooks
  • Butters
    Butters Member Posts: 3
    I'm not dealing very well mentally at the prospect of doing chemo. I'm on  antidepressants because my doctor said I need to get my fear uner control before i start. Do oncologists understand this, and do they help? 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Some do, some don’t - mental
    health is not their area of specialisation. Your oncologist is trying to ensure you don’t have cancer again. You may need another specialist to deal with your anxiety about chemo. Your GP sounds helpful and understanding, that’s good. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Some will, some won't. You're possibly better off talking to your GP about it @Butters. If you have a breastcare nurse you could have a chat with her about it.

    Two nights before my first chemo I had a massive panic attack. It was just dreadful. But I did it and I got through it. And the rest of them. For most people it's not the horror show it once was. Some people even breeze through it but for most of us it's grotty but doable.

    Hang in there. It's the unknown that's the worst part. Once you're underway and you know how your body reacts, your emotions will get better. K xox
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    So Sorry to hear that @Butters - maybe give our help line a bell too ...  

    Welcome to the forum!  Whack up any questions that you have a concern with and I am pretty sure  someone will be able to add some wise words to help.  If you need a laugh, we have a couple of ‘Funnies’ threads .... feel free to add your own favourites too! Xx
    As with many of our treatments, the perceived outcome is often what drives our anxiety, when in reality, once you start it often isn’t as bad as we thought it was going to be.  They will have meds to reduce the side effects, so make sure you let them know if you feel crook or get weird side effects.    As @kmakm says .. chat with your bc nurse as well .. as it does get better.

    Take care, and all the best with your ongoing treatment xx