Looking Good, Feeling Better
Hi Ladies, how are you all? I am doing pretty good, round 3 of chemo next Friday and will then be half way through...yay!! I just wondered if any of you have taken advantage of the "looking good, feeling better" programme run by the cancer council? If not, I would definately recommend you see if there is one in your area…
TCH and constipation
Hi everyone. This is my first blog, though I have refered to this great service before today. I have just finished my 2nd round of THC and, though better than the first round when I ended up in hospital with super low white blood cell count (injected myself this time with neurolasta) I became very constipated for the first…
Day 2
Yesterday, I was told I had invasive ductal carcinoma. Today, to the surgeon where the options were to have a lumpectomy or my breast removed. Decisions,decisions.... still really in shock, it doesn't feel like it is happening to me, for goodness sake, I haven't ever had even an incision or stitches and now these life…
Hi, as you can see new to this site and probably got it all wrong. Anyway just had my third lot of chemo a couple of hours ago and came home armed with a ton of lotions and potions. Only one more to go on the 22nd November. I was diagnosed in July with stage 3 agressive cancer and as a result had my left breast removed,…
About me
I was dx with stage 3 breast cancer at 28yrs of age (july 2002) Underwent lumpectomy, mastectomy and lymph nodes removed. Cancer spread to lymph nodes. AC chemo x 4 cycles, Taxotere& x 4 cycles, 6 weeks rads, 5 yrs Tamoxifen, Zoladex, Oorphorectomy, Arimidex, now on Femara Celebrate 8 yrs NED on the 10th July 2010!!! Fast…
February already!!
Well girls, here we are in the second month of the year, can you believe it? Here in Launceston the weather has been kind and EVERYONE feels so much for all in Queensland. Last night I chaired the local support group meeting and wow did it buzz! We covered reconstruction in all its glory, nipple tattooing ( saw some…
Challenging 2011 for some
Hey girls, some in our group are having a "wee bit of a struggle". How can we best support them? I am sure you can come up with some great ideas. We think of each other a lot and even though we are scattered across OZ, we are close. Post some ideas and let's get it happening! If we were nearer we'd deliver meals and help…
Hello My friends
Hello My dear friends, Just a quick note to let you all know (coz I'm sure you are all waiting to know) I have Chemo Ed tomorrow and portacath procedure early next week. Thus almost beginning chemo prior to christmas. I have Look Good Feel Good Workshop on Monday 6th Dec. Cant wait. I popped into to visit my work collegues…
One Year Anniversary
One more thing - I would appreciate happy thoughts and prayers on Friday 29 October. My one year anniversary is coming up (17 Nov) and I'm due to have all my follow up tests and scans Friday afternoon. I'm nervous (to be expected) and quite frankly, losing some sleep at night because of it. BUT, I remain positive and…
My Journey Kit
I just got to say I'm so excited about receiving My Journy Kit today. What a wonderful useful gift!! Even though It's early days for me and I feel like I have information overload. Any question I might have, there seems to be an answer in all the information I have been given over the last week. I have a core biopsy…
Year of the Lump
The year I was diagnosed with and received treatment for breast cancer I kept a diary/blog which was rather long winded, but a great help to me psychologically. It can be found at this link: yearofthelump I thoroughly recommend the process of writing at times like this, especially for those like myself who are alone, or…
Mini Field in Warrnambool
Hi Girls Hello from down south at windy Warrny. We are still pretty soggy down here with lakes where paddocks used to be. The Hopkins River steaming out into the Ocean has turned the waves brown for weeks. Only one new whale mum in the nursery this year, I think they all got swept away. As you know I have recntly moved…
Life goes on....
I helped out in my two son's canteen this morning. I love doing stuff like this. It makes me feel closer to my kids and I can see and meet their friends and teachers on their 'territory.' I was tired today though. Since being diagnosed with breast cancer in Nov 09 and completing surgery in December and chemo treatment in…
Hello from a Newbie!
Hello, I'm new at all this, so just wanted to say hi to the BCNA community! I'm slowly rebuilding my life after a breast cancer diagnosis in 2008, and treatment that finished last year, and I'd love to hear from others who have had a similar experience! :-)
Breast Cancer Conference
I had been feeling a little down, everything had backlogged whilst I was having treatment.... and now hormone therapy! ....I so wanted to talk to other ladies who had been through the hormone therapy and had a young family....but I had only met 2 other ladies in a simular position.... I had been attending my local support…