Cancer count
Hi there,My mum was diagnosed in 2015 with metastatic breast cancer which progressed to her bones also.Her most recent tests showed an increased cancer count from 30 to 100. Can anyone advise me on what this means, is it very bad news or does this happen occasionally?Thank you
Mastectomy and reconstruction tomorrow...trying not to freak out
Its exhausting, all of the tests, fertility preservation went well yesterday, they managed to get 11 eggs! Ive got my fingers crossed that there will be some survivors out of this batch, I know I'm strong but I can't do that again...71 injections/cannulations to date. It's suppose to get easier right? Im still waiting for…
since being diagnosed with DCIS the rlationship with my partner has taken a turn for the worst. I am 61 and we have been living together for 2 years and dating 2 years peior to that. When we met our life was wonderful, full of fun and lots of intinacy and sex. Now it is dull and lifeless with both of us looking at perhaps…
But I'm only 31...
January 2016 I found a breast lump but I just shrugged it off, most of my friends had them, no big deal right? Being in the medical industry I knew I had to do the responsible thing so I went to get an ultrasound which showed a query cyst like structure. I didn't think anything of it, the size of the lump would go up and…
well 22/12/2016 is a day I'm not going to forget in a hurry. My partner and I where both called back for checks on 19/12 same day at breast screen. Sitting quietly in waiting room together and going thru all the follow ups, more scans and biopsy was a wee bit scary. Toni had hers all finished and all good to go then it was…
Treatment plan
Hello again, here is my treatment plan and seems like it is pretty standard for stage 2b er+Her2+ And cancer in 1/16 lympth nodes and 1/1 intrammary node. AC 3 weekly x 4; Paclitaxel weekly for 12 weeks + herceptin three weekly (continue for 12 months); radiotherapy for 6 weeks then tablets for Er+ for 5-10 years. To say…
Morning - we are all reminded every now and again how many are diagnosed with Breast Cancer. This week I have come to learn that two ladies from one of my community groups have recently been diagnosed. One is newly diagnosed and has had surgery on Thursday, awaiting pathology results and the other is a recurrence!…
3 weeks ago I was a 58 year old business woman working 2 jobs and looking forward to a holiday this weekend, since then I've been diagnosed with DCIS invasive breast cancer, had a lumpectomy one Friday, then got a call from my surgeon in the middle of my 59th birthday party to say we needed another op last Friday (a week…
Recovery post treatment
Hi out there... I have just finished my last radiotherapy appointment following a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction in Feb (with sentinal node removal only - node was positive after final pathology although initial biopsy and frozen sample was clear but no auxillary dissection was done). Surgery was followed by 6…
How do you be supportive when your your mother doesn't want to disclose all of the information?
Hi - this is my first time on here. Brief history - my mother, a year ago was diagnosed with breast cancer - she had a lumpectomy and then upon further research it had metastasized to her hip. Which within the process of less than a month she had a hip replacement. I just wanted to share my story - and wanted to hear your…
Intro of Pennyrose
Hi, I am a very private person but by way of introduction to this group - I will try to fill you in on where my journey is up to. What a journey ! I had breast cancer in 2009 and had the obligatory lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and 5 years of Hormone blocker drugs - all with their own unique side affects. But I did…
Coping with implants
hi. Just wondering how long it takes to get used to implants. I hate the feeling. Feels like my skin is loose and rippled when I an lying down. I was also totally unprepared for lack of any feeling in both breasts and under one arm. I've only had the implants for 3 weeks now. I have that "want to take my bra off" feeling…
Feeling pretty crappy today
Today I just need to vent. I have had a really bad month with non cancer stuff. I have been off work since Sept 12 after collapsing at work a few times. I also had to stop going to the gym because my blood pressure which used to be very high but was controlled with 2 types of meds is now really low causing me to pass out a…