In an Unrelenting Journey....lets see whats the smallest thing that brightens your day?
I just wanted to shout out to everyone as we are all at different stages in this journey and I guess as Im recovering from surgery I'm thinking of all of you. Thought it would be great for us all..to share something good that we're grateful for in this moment...it's hard!!! Cant be positive all the time and the journey can…
Forgetting things
Hi all, I am very upset today. I forgot to register my family to go to my husband's work Christmas family day. We look forward to this day every year especially the kids. But I forgot to RSVP. I used to be very diligent. I never forgot anything but since diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer my brain doesn't function the…
Sydney Support Lunch - Reclaim Your Curves - A Breast Reconstruction Resource
Sunday 29th October Eden Gardens Dragonfly Cafe, Macquarie Park. Come and join us for lunch in a relaxed and friendly environment where you feel free to chat about anything! Most ladies havent been before so come along, share your story and ask any questions. RSVP and more info…
Waiting for tests and results
Hi I'm new to this whole thing, up until 21/2 weeks ago I had never considered breast cancer as a possibility. I found a lump in my breast just after coming back from holiday and went to my GP, she sent me off for a mammogram and ultrasound whilst waiting for the appointment i found another lump under my arm. The results…
EBC-46 Cure for Cancer via Blushwood Tree in QLD
Hi, Following the Channel 7 News story - 2016 - link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2YJSfsCD3LY I was wondering if anyone on BCNA network forum actually submitted themselves for the EBC-46 clinical trials? Only 15 candidates are being chosen up to 31/1/2017 - for tumours which are reachable via an injection based in a…
i was diagnosed recently , tumor is 10cm, cancer all through breast , so many tests to do, so scared especially for the core biopsy , terrified it's spread , terrified they won't be able to save me, it will ruin me financially as I'm a sun contractor
Accepting your New Self
I could have put this discussion in the breast reconstruction group but thought it was better in general discussion. I'm struggling at the monent. Yes My cancer was found at stage 1 and I had no nodes and clear scans. Yes I had a bilateral mastectomy due to dense breasts and family history, a decision which wasn't hard but…
Two days ago my life changed forever
Hi everyone, just hoping to reach out and seek some advice at a time that my life feels completely out of control on two levels. Two days ago, my (very recent) fiance and I arrived home from our long awaited overseas holiday. We'd been scrimping and saving for this trip, and had the most fantastic time. Although exhausted…
Muscle soreness after exercise
Hi everyone Getting back into exercise or starting any sort of exercise for the first time after a breast cancer diagnosis can be challenging. Although the benefits to exercise are plentiful and very worthwhile, there can be some down sides, one of which can be muscle soreness. Exercise induced muscle pain is very common,…
Central Coast Support Lunch
The Central Coast Support Lunch was enjoyed today at the lovely Japanese Gardens.Tia Covi from the Coast CanCare Wellness Program shared information regarding the excellent range of free programs available including exercise and diet, art therapy, tai chi and self care/relaxation.Ann showed us her nipples that had just…
Hi, I am 41 years old and on the 1st June I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. To say I was shocked is a complete understatement. I found my lump by chance and after a whirl wind of tests, mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy, I ended up in surgery having a Lumpectomy and a sentinel node biopsy. The tumour was 16mm and grade 3.…
Central Coast Support Lunch
You are most welcome to join us at the next Central Coast Support Lunch on Sunday, 4th June - 12.30pm at The Point Cafe, Edogawa Commemorative Gardens (Japanese Gardens) - 36 Webb St, East Gosford. Come along and meet others who have walked a similar path to you. Please RSVP and we look forward to meeting you.
Hi ladies I hope you are all doing OK. I said I would let you all know how things were going. Well I went and seen a GP I use to go to and she said she wants me to go to a breast clinic at the gold coast. She thinks it could be a blocked milk duct but said discharge from one breast is strange. So she wants it checked and…