Forum Discussion

LoisLois's avatar
5 years ago

Is "Brian" the new Farnham??

So.......I thought I had given my lump "Brian" a beautiful farewell concert, complete with audience, drinks and a hearty "F...k Off Brian" back in March.  At that stage, I was cruising through the Stage 1, grade 3 euphoria of "You got this Girl!"  Doctor will do a Lumpectomy one morning, rip out a few nodes, dose of radiation and some pills just in case. 
Oh yeah, I was still scared,  but I was being told - "we" got this!" 
"Brian" has left the building!!!

So......the discovery of a 85mm lump of "Brian" and 4 positive nodes and 1 pissed off node, caused panic and it is now Mastectomy time.

The family and I throw a "Fast and Furious" Movie Marathon as a Farewell to "Lefty". Receive a beautiful Love Note from my oldest daughter thanking "Lefty" for being an amazing breast and the Husband gets the final touch..

Rocked up for surgery on 6th May -it goes really well.  Up and about that afternoon walking with the drip in my room, that I share with a 72 year old Lady who "Screams" in her sleep, calls out my name nonstop, refuses to eat and sneaks off for cigarette breaks.
I wanted to go home just so i could actually sleep and rest!!!

Anyway, 2 days after surgery, Dr. (I am God) Bolshy turns up with his entourage of Junior Registrars and says - "you can go home and by the way you are now Stage 3, Grade 3 and walks off." 
W.T.F. Did you just say?

I had to chase this Bastard down the hallway and make him come back to my room!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

he refuses to tell me anymore other than you have jumped from Stage 1 to Stage 3 - the surgical team will tell you. I met up with the Surgical team last week and all hell breaks loose!

"Brian" made a comeback!!!

In fact "Brian" had been a busy little Lead Singer - shacking up with as many "Cell Groupies" as he could find the energy for and also shacked up with a Node (making 5 positive now and 1 annoyed) while spreading the love around!
All he needed was 3 weeks of love action and he had created another 2mm aggressive growing "lump" near the original site where he was sliced/diced from the show and left his love juice in the form of 18mm of "Baby growing cancer cells" in my milk ducts.

I am literally so shocked, I am unable to talk, comprehend or make any sense of what i was being told.
What happened to "We got this??"   Even though I am told "Brian is gone" and all is well - I am wondering if  "Brian" is going to do a Farnsy and keep on making a comeback tour???

Anyway, IF Brian has left any love juice in my body or is thinking of making a 'Come Back" tour -  He is in for a rude shock!  I have a new band signed up to play in my body - SHE is called "Chemo and The Chemicals".....playing Centre Stage for the next 5 months in LOIS TOWN.....!! (lol)

My new Motto: Find positivity in the little things and Use your words to defeat adversaries!

Big Hugs
Lois......who is not a Doctor's doormat.

  • I had a 90+ year old lady just like your 'bedroom partner' in hospital once!  Kept singing 'Oh Danny Boy' (BADLY!) It was a shocker!  Ear Plugs didn't help!  :( 

    Fuckity Fuck indeed!  That's a bugger @LoisLois  .... and good on you for getting up Dr Bolshy!!   That is disgraceful behaviour, specially in front of his underlings!! 

    Brian is in for one helluva scare now that the big guns will be brought out!!  

    Keep that sense of humour going - we have a wealth of info on the site here re chemo & the whole shebang - so whack up any queries that you may have now & during treatment.

    All the best for your ongoing treatment xxx
  • Nothing wrong with a sense of humour and some good visualisation.  Brian - your day is done; you're a hasbeen.  Seriously, though, that doctor needs the 2x4.  It doesn't matter how good he is at surgery, he is dealing with real people.  What about the women who don't have resilience?  If it's any consolation, I imagine his junior doctors hate him.