10 years agoHappy Easter
Wishing you all a very happy Easter!
I hope you find some restful times and manage to do at least one thing that makes you happy.
I'm planning a little trip out of town to visit the family, this...
Hey Daina
I hope you have a luvly Easter break and get to eat lots of choccies lol.
I got to spend a wonderful afternoon with my kids and their partners, all three grandees!!!!! which was wonderful and very rare and we even had my beautiful mother inlaw to share it with us. We had a get together with Steve's sisters and mum on Thursday night as the girls were heading off down South to a concert of good old and wonderful John Farnham.
It has also been extra special as I have had my hubby home for Easter.
Luv n hugs 2 you and yours always, Mich xoxoxoxo