


  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Its great to hear from you, and even better that you haven't had chemo. I think we all share similar feelings, and its just good to hear what everyone's doing sometimes.

    How's the weather at Mudgee? Bit chilly in the evenings? You'll be able to tell us all about the healing powers of the water there - I didn't know about it..

    Next meeting is Saturday 27 August  at Cardiff RSL, midday. Only a week away. Looking forward to it.

    Enjoy the rest of your time in Mudgee



  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Hi everyone , Hope you are looking after yourself Sue, your mind must be working overtime with worry about your mum.Have you started back at work yet Karen This weather is not looking great for a loverly weekend in Sydney, so if you change your mind , do'nt want to get your hair wet , I'm sure one of us would take your place .Have a good weekend everyone

  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    gee thanks for thinking of me Helen, but I am sure I will be able to handle it : )  I will just put a lot of hair spray in to keep the locks under control.....he he he.

    Sue.....I am so sorry to hear about your mum. if she is anything like you she will be strong and come through this nicely.

    Sharon...I am like you and really miss not catching up with everyone each week.

    Diann....I love Mudgee...was out there in March and will be going back out for the Octrober long weekend. Where are the springs???  didn't know about them.

    H?ave a great weekend everyone and see you all next Saturday I hope x x

  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    gee thanks for thinking of me Helen, but I am sure I will be able to handle it : )  I will just put a lot of hair spray in to keep the locks under control.....he he he.

    Sue.....I am so sorry to hear about your mum. if she is anything like you she will be strong and come through this nicely.

    Sharon...I am like you and really miss not catching up with everyone each week.

    Diann....I love Mudgee...was out there in March and will be going back out for the Octrober long weekend. Where are the springs???  didn't know about them.

    H?ave a great weekend everyone and see you all next Saturday I hope x x

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Helen you make me laugh, that is something I would say....  xx,

    I don't think I have ever been to Mudgee must look into it sounds rather interesting.........Springs are they like the ones in NZ Dianne ??

    You know the saying if it doesn't rain it pours..........next bloody saga........the company my husband works for went into liquidation today........ahhhhh   what else..... 

    Funny if this was thrown at me 2 years ago I would have had a panic now , my attitude is it will work out....and it will......

    Oh btw threw everyone today. have a spare wig decided to wear this, it was quite funny seeing the people down at the shops that know me but prob dont know what is going on look at me quite curious....

    Have a warm weekend


    Sue xx

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Hi , Sue just think of all the things that should start to go right soon.It is interesting how our attitude to things change. We soon work out what is important and what is just a pain and needs to be dealt with. I guess your husband is going through a difficult time wondering what to do,especially if it is a job he is really interested in and enjoys. Keep smilingand have positive thoughts, sometimes easier said than done.

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Hi , Sue just think of all the things that should start to go right soon.It is interesting how our attitude to things change. We soon work out what is important and what is just a pain and needs to be dealt with. I guess your husband is going through a difficult time wondering what to do,especially if it is a job he is really interested in and enjoys. Keep smilingand have positive thoughts, sometimes easier said than done.

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies, Saturday's venue for lunch was great there were lots of choices and the food tasted great. The place was easy to get to also. A good selection Karen. Sue I have forgotten the name of the book you mentioned .By the time I got home I remembered it had a tree on it.My memory is shot to pieces. Hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying the Spring weather.

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Helen,

    How are You ??

    The Book which is my bible, you know late at night when you think of a question , has all the answers:

    Breast Cancer Taking Control by Professor John Boyages  Cost about $40.00

    Don't worry my mind is exactly the same, last night I was on night shift, that was rather interesting I am sure i walked 10 k's instead of 5, as I had to keep re checking the names of patients, drove me mad !!!

    They say this goes eventually, better i all I say, I was a blonde prior now I just live up to it hahahaha

    How did your G/daughters party go, hope they didn't freeze...

    Hey you know how we were talking about razorfish, I was telling my husband and I didn't even get to tell him about your neighbour BBQing them , and Grant said lots of people barby them, apparently the actual muscle thing can be as large as your palm, ewwwww  must check the next barby I go to that i dont get one...

    I should be doing soo much today but decided no, slack day today, will pick my little girl up from school and go up to C'Town for a coffee I think....

    Did u get out in your kayak yet ??

    Better go, have a good afternoon and hope your travelling well.....not long now xx

    Sue :-)







  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi Girls,

    I just bought the book on e-bay for about $25. I'll have to wait for it to come from the UK, but thats okay. Cut and paste this link if you want to have a look, or just do a search :


    I really enjoyed Saturday too, Nearly didn't come because I was feeling flat on the morning, but it really picked me up to see everyone that turned up.

    I'm starting to think I might brave a new short hair do by xmas. I'm trying to convince myself that it will be a Judi Dench look! If I look as good as her with a short hair cut, then it'll be okay!

    Louise xx

  • diannm
    diannm Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    What a beautiful day it is today especially after the winds of yesterday. Walking early in the morning is truly special. All the new growth on  the trees and shrubs and the ducks showing off their ducklings to the world. Unfortunately I will not be able to get to the next couple of luncheons as we are heading off first to Port Macquarie and then down  to South Australia and Kangaroo Island hopefully. c Looking forward to catching up with everyone after that.

    By the way talk about having a senior's brain I forgot to mention that it was Moree not Mudgee I went to to enjoy the hot baths then we went on to the Pilliga where I met another person who lives at Mannering Park.

    See everyone soon, I hope that everyone is keeping well.


  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi Diann,

    Sorry I didn't get back to answering your e-mail - but you found your way here to the blog anyway!

    It sure was a crazy day weather-wise yesterday. I'm enjoying my walks at the moment too - seems to be something new happening in everyones gardens each day I go by.

    I can't believe I'm still walking regularly - 6 months now. Its the first time in my life I've been able to keep going longer than a couple of weeks. I guess I've never been so highly motivated either.

    Last time I saw Mary Shearer she put me on to a good website for helping me lose weight. It allows you track your eating and exercise easily. It keeps me honest with myself, which is really the main reason I use it - www.calorieking.com.au if you want to have a look.

    Hope you have a great trip Diann. No doubt you'll have lots of adventures to tell us about when you return.

    See the rest of you on Saturday.

    Louise xx

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    hi, we have just returned from babysitting in Sydney I was very inspired by the girls who have given their scarves and wigs away on saturday.I was a little brave and asked my two daughters what they thought about my hair style. The comment was ,Brian, husband has more length but mine is thicker.It is not happenning for me.I still feel bare. But  at least I have taken the first step. Thanks for giving me the courage to take that step.

  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Helen, I couldn't agree more. I'm getting quite jealous of our friends who have ditched the wig/scarf. Won't be long before I throw caution and wig to the wind as well. Also inspiring was an article I came acrosson the actress Julie Walters this morning (Educating Rita, Mrs Weasly from the Harry Potter movies). She shaved her head for a role in a movie last year and now she sports an 'elfin' haircut. she looked brilliant in the photos that showed her hair at about the length some of us have now - and 10 years younger!

    Have a great weekend everyone!


  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Louise I am feeling very precious ,another friend rang yesterday to say she gave up the wig and how cool and free she feels without it. Great but I still feel naked . I have progressed to just wearing a sun hat when walking or on the kayak. Some children take small steps when learning new things I'm one of those.Have a good longweek end. Good luck to all those who have children doing the HSC. you will need it

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