


  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Louise,


    Yes you hould keep hassling the others forthere Pic, they will give in eventually hehehe...

    Yes I finished my chemo 3 ths ago now, and I still feel yuk....I know what you you mean about feeling like an old lady and knocking the stuffing out of you......... somedays when i walk as i am like you and try to get out there as much as i can, my bones ache, feel like my 85 year old MIL.... and stairs well i will walk a mile before I start that hill climb......always thinking ahead at the moment hope it leaves eventually....


    I am now on 8-10 yrs of tamoxifen and this is starting to be a pain, having some strange side effects see Onco next week, hopefully it will be sorted....

    But in saying all that I am very very happy my hair is finally growing yeah !!!!!   and I will be starting back at work for a couple of shifts a weeek in a fortnight, will be nice to get out and about and back to normality...

    Absolute beautiful day today out of the wind....       

    Hope your having a nice day, off to do the washing same old same old....

    Talk soon Sue



  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    Well hello there lovely ladies. Sorry I haven't been on for a while, but it sounds like everyone has been slack : )

    I am about 1 and 1/2 weeks into 5 weeks of radiation. side effects (sunburn type thing) is starting.

    Started taking the Tamoxifin a few weeks ago. I will be on it for 10 years I am told. My hair is coming back slowly but surely. Cant wait to get enough to colour it and stop wearing these bloody things on my head. I am soooo sick of people looking at me like I am a freak. I wish I had got myself a wig now. I had an old bloke the other day just stand and stare at me for about 2 to 3 minutes....looking straight at me, lucky to blink...man I felt uncomfortable.

    I tell you what, my radiation oncologist (Dr Peter O'Brien) is such a lovely person. Even asked how the kids were doing when I seen him last week.

    Take care everyone. Looking forward to catching up on the 27th.

  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    Well hello there lovely ladies. Sorry I haven't been on for a while, but it sounds like everyone has been slack : )

    I am about 1 and 1/2 weeks into 5 weeks of radiation. side effects (sunburn type thing) is starting.

    Started taking the Tamoxifin a few weeks ago. I will be on it for 10 years I am told. My hair is coming back slowly but surely. Cant wait to get enough to colour it and stop wearing these bloody things on my head. I am soooo sick of people looking at me like I am a freak. I wish I had got myself a wig now. I had an old bloke the other day just stand and stare at me for about 2 to 3 minutes....looking straight at me, lucky to blink...man I felt uncomfortable.

    I tell you what, my radiation oncologist (Dr Peter O'Brien) is such a lovely person. Even asked how the kids were doing when I seen him last week.

    Take care everyone. Looking forward to catching up on the 27th.

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Karen,


    Good to hear your around, poor bugger with the radiation, just think each week is a week closer to finish..... Thank God...I hear you say   xx

    Im with you with the hair thing, mine started growing then has not dne anything real flash of late, still wearing wig, as my head looks as though I have had a HUGE bad hair day, hopefully in a month , well thats what Im working towards . end of September and i am having "kick off the wig day "........I put a bit of colur in mine last week , did nothing grrrrrr........Will have to be a bit more adventurous next time....

    Looking forward to seeing everyone in a fortnight.....


    Oh and BTW where's your pic ...?????   Just a thought ....

    Talk soon  Sue :-)


  • Sharon Skinner
    Sharon Skinner Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015

    I'm also 1 1/2 weeks (of five) into radiation and I thought it would be a bit longer before the sunburn started, if it's this red now what will it be like in another 3 1/2 weeks.  The hats are really getting irratating, I love to join you in september for the "kick of the wig/hat day" but I don't think thats going to happen. My hair seems to have come to a complete halt, I'm getting worried that I'm going to be bald forever. Catch you all in a fortnight.


  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    ha ha haaaaa..god I love you ladies. You always bring a smile to my face.

    Yes the old man did freak me out a bit, but I am over him now. He and others like him can bite my butt !!

    My hair is very "blonde" with a TOUCH of grey..he he he.  Can't wait until I have enough to put some colour in.

    Sue....I hope I can throw away my hats at the same time you throw away your wigs. Do you have a date or just by the end of September?

    Sharon.....do they put the gel thing on you?  this can bring on the red areas a lot quicker....so far so good for me...touch wood.

    Louise.......I reckon you would look hot with a pixie style cut...as we all would. Who cares if we look like lesbians he he he he he.......I am hearing ya about being ME again....I seem to have lost little old me...where is she????


    Sharon...did you get the email from Kris this morning about Belinda ??  Will you be going on Thursday?

  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    ha ha haaaaa..god I love you ladies. You always bring a smile to my face.

    Yes the old man did freak me out a bit, but I am over him now. He and others like him can bite my butt !!

    My hair is very "blonde" with a TOUCH of grey..he he he.  Can't wait until I have enough to put some colour in.

    Sue....I hope I can throw away my hats at the same time you throw away your wigs. Do you have a date or just by the end of September?

    Sharon.....do they put the gel thing on you?  this can bring on the red areas a lot quicker....so far so good for me...touch wood.

    Louise.......I reckon you would look hot with a pixie style cut...as we all would. Who cares if we look like lesbians he he he he he.......I am hearing ya about being ME again....I seem to have lost little old me...where is she????


    Sharon...did you get the email from Kris this morning about Belinda ??  Will you be going on Thursday?

  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Helen - I can sympathise with your feelings of feeling fed-up. I feel the same sometimes.

    Last night I was thinking back to how different life was a year ago - before all this happened. I felt so different then. I know I should be grateful for having caught this early, but sometimes I hate the menopause symptoms, they wear me out, and the constant chest tightness and cording problems in the arm. Last year I was so well, now I have all these physical annoyances that I'm stuck with for the rest of my life.

    ...and then everyone tells you "how well you look"!...and sometimes I say "well, thanks, but I often don't feel so great" and they just say "well, you look great".

    Don't get me wrong, I REALLY appreciate every day I walk this earth and love my family, and I only feel sorry myself sometimes .... but sometimes its all a bit over whelming and I wish I could turn back the clock...

    Most of the time though I just kick myself in the butt and get on, no point wallowing in self pity, and it is a Beautiful World.

  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear that Susan

    take care, Louise

  • Sharon Skinner
    Sharon Skinner Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015

    Hi Karen, how have you been??, it's strange not meeting up with everyone on chemo thursday . I went and spoke to Kris about Belinda when I was in having my port flushed last Friday, no I'm not going to go to the funeral,  there will be a lot of people that I know there that don't know about my cancer and I just don't want to deal with that at a funeral.  Yes I have the gel thing on, only 4 more of those to go, my skin is quite red and has just started to get itchy, I have been packing the cream on.

    Their is a computer site that you can put a photo up of yourself then put selected hairstyles on yourself to see what you would look like, does anyone know what this site is, I remember reading it at a hairdressers once, it would really come in handy now as I still want to try out the blond thing.

    See you all at lunch

    Sharon :)


  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    Hi Everyone,

    It really is amazing how life can change in an instant. We really really do have to live this life while we can. But you know what? I said all this when I lost a very close friend a few years ago.....I told myself that I was going to change and live my life better and take more time out for what I want to do. And you know what, I didn't...I continued to work and continued to put everyone elses needs and wants before my own. Kris keeps telling us that we should worry about US now and let everyone else fall into place, that I am the most important person in my life ! How do you change your way of thinking ? How do I put myself in front of everyone else after I have put them ahead of me all this time?

    I really want to do something good with my life now more than ever. What can I do to make a difference?.....not only in my life, but in others too. I want to help people....I think I would like to be involved in helping the future us !!  Is that a good idea or a bad one?.....will it just keep bringing me back to a time that I should try to forget?

    But then again, how can I forget it?  I am scarred for life so I am constantly going to be reminded anyway !   And WHY would I want to forget it all as I have made such wonderful wonderful friends during this time.

    Sue.....I am so sorry to hear that you have to take another unexpected trip up to your mothers. I really hope everything works out well for you.

    Sharon.....I don't think I will go to the funeral either...All a bit to close to home I think. Maybe just take some time out during the morning to stop and think about her. A minutes silence and have a little cry no doubt.....mmmmm........ I don't know......I guess I will just wait and see how I feel tomorrow. For some reason I feel like I should go....ahhhh...... I don't know !!

    Anyways....take care everyone.......I am off to Sydney over the weekend. Going shopping, then off to see Mary Poppins, out for dinner and a few wines, then shopping again on Sunday before heading home and back to real life.

    See you all soon.................Luv Karen x x x

  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    Hi Everyone,

    It really is amazing how life can change in an instant. We really really do have to live this life while we can. But you know what? I said all this when I lost a very close friend a few years ago.....I told myself that I was going to change and live my life better and take more time out for what I want to do. And you know what, I didn't...I continued to work and continued to put everyone elses needs and wants before my own. Kris keeps telling us that we should worry about US now and let everyone else fall into place, that I am the most important person in my life ! How do you change your way of thinking ? How do I put myself in front of everyone else after I have put them ahead of me all this time?

    I really want to do something good with my life now more than ever. What can I do to make a difference?.....not only in my life, but in others too. I want to help people....I think I would like to be involved in helping the future us !!  Is that a good idea or a bad one?.....will it just keep bringing me back to a time that I should try to forget?

    But then again, how can I forget it?  I am scarred for life so I am constantly going to be reminded anyway !   And WHY would I want to forget it all as I have made such wonderful wonderful friends during this time.

    Sue.....I am so sorry to hear that you have to take another unexpected trip up to your mothers. I really hope everything works out well for you.

    Sharon.....I don't think I will go to the funeral either...All a bit to close to home I think. Maybe just take some time out during the morning to stop and think about her. A minutes silence and have a little cry no doubt.....mmmmm........ I don't know......I guess I will just wait and see how I feel tomorrow. For some reason I feel like I should go....ahhhh...... I don't know !!

    Anyways....take care everyone.......I am off to Sydney over the weekend. Going shopping, then off to see Mary Poppins, out for dinner and a few wines, then shopping again on Sunday before heading home and back to real life.

    See you all soon.................Luv Karen x x x

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015


    Hi girls,I hope everything goes well for you Sue with your mum. Karen that sounds like a very exciting weekend coming up for you.Mary Poppins sounds just like the person we could all do with to spread a little bit of magic.Make sure you do lots of talking , laughing and shopping that goes with out saying.I   am one fifth through radiation now. It is starting to feel normal going there each day . The staff are very nice and caring.As you said in your last blog Louise what a difference a year makes.Looking forward to next Saturday enjoy your day and do something for yourself.

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015


    Hi girls,I hope everything goes well for you Sue with your mum. Karen that sounds like a very exciting weekend coming up for you.Mary Poppins sounds just like the person we could all do with to spread a little bit of magic.Make sure you do lots of talking , laughing and shopping that goes with out saying.I   am one fifth through radiation now. It is starting to feel normal going there each day . The staff are very nice and caring.As you said in your last blog Louise what a difference a year makes.Looking forward to next Saturday enjoy your day and do something for yourself.

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi everyone,

    I know exactly what you mean Karen , I have the same headset, I lost a person very close to me and i know where your coming from, but now I think what a privilege it was to know and  spend that time with them and I will never erase our happy memories...It is a good idea Karen, never forget, its a special friend to be added to your tapestry of life...

    I say like you I am going to change and i will put myself first , (Kris is in my conscious)   and yes I tend to revert back, I think Its in your make up, always putting others first, but as long as we keep remembering this I think we will be happy within ourselves, I know I work with aged people and I absolutely love to give them my time they don't ask for much just your undivided attention for a little while...

    Hope you have a "warm" time in Sydney a bit chilly today...MAD weather atm, shop to hearts delight, Mary Poppins, fantastic !!!!...lucky thing .... kick those heels up....love weekends in Sydney...

    Helen glad your coping with the Radiation ok, a daily experience would be totally life controlling for a while...I think I would feel like bringing my pillow....but it will be over soon,

    As I said I am not sure what is happening next week with the lunch, I cannot believe this my Mum has been diagnosed with BC  a year on from mine... I am totally lost with this, we are extremely close but I can't be there with her,when this all starts, all the time, as she lives on the Gold Coast by herself.... I havent slept for nights am so worried and daily am madly trying to work out solutions for her which is so hard with the distance between us...I actually don't know what to do, the downfalls of having family spread up the East Coast......She is such a poistive person in all aspects of life and apart from this a healthy person......Life can be very cruel..

    So I may turn up or not , just depends on a few things...

    Take care everyone


    Love Sue x




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