Hair - what did you do?

Beginner Member Posts: 23
Hi all - I am almost a year post chemo and am wondering what to do with my hair. It has come back dark and curly (and a bit mullet like). I am thinking of trying to grow it into a bob and then shoulder length. I think dark hair looks a bit harsh on me and would like to dye it with bits of blonde (hopefully less toxic dye if there is such a thing). My hair is not as soft as it used to be. I did use a cold cap but unfortunately still lost most of my hair.

Interested to know what everyone has done with their post chemo hair 😊


  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Chemo curls - it's quite a thing! My curls straightened out after about four months. I have kept my hair very short - no hairbrush needed! 

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 243
    Hi @Beginner, I finished chemo at the end of May last year. My hair is now about 6cm, having had a trim to tidy it up a bit and give it some shape. It came back pretty much the same colour, dark brown, thick with a bit of a wave and bounce which makes it a bit unpredictable sometimes 😆 I had long hair before treatment, and I was in a bit of a hairstyle funk, I was too scared to cut it short, but wasn't happy with the long mop I had. I'm taking this as an opportunity to try something new and aiming for a short shaggy bob, or bixie cut. I don't want it long again. I'm trying different products to tame the bounce a bit, I'm finding L'Oréal coconut oil serum best at the moment.
  • Coastiejas
    Coastiejas Member Posts: 110
    Hi @Beginner
    I finished my chemo in May 2024 too. My hair has come back curly too... it was wavy before but I  had a bob and used to blow dry it straight.  No chance of that now! Slightest bit of humidity and I curl back up again!  The best I can do at the moment is a bit of a princess Diana circa 1986! I am a dusty blonde colour now, I was some sort of blonde before it fell out but not really sure exactly what colour as I used to colour it a lot (mainly light blonde foils or streaks). I  have had a couple of tidy up haircuts to stop me looking like a koala because it was sticking out the sides! I'm keeping it short for now as I forgot how convenient that is!  Look good feel better have an online course about hair loss and regrowth and colouring which I did and may be useful for you. I have also found my scalp along with the rest of my skin is super sensitive since chemo and now use qv shampoo (I had sensitive skin before chemo).
    Good luck with whatever you decide to do with your hair! 😃 
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 243
    Haha @Coastiejas, I told someone the other day my new hair was going through a 1980s phase 😄
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 303
    Hi @Beginner great question- it takes a bit of time to decide what to do, so far I have kept mine very short in a pixie cut, since finishing chemo at the end of April 2024 but I can’t yet decide about colouring it, or not. After years of colouring my hair I am quite enjoying not having to worry about keeping on top of the regrowth. Good luck!! 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    edited February 10
    Hi @Beginner. My slightly wavy hair came back very curly and remained that way until I lost it all again four years later with another chemo treatment. Nearly three years later and even the curly girl hairdresser says it is VERY curly. I just do the curly girl routine and live with it. Not overly happy with it but it is only hair, even though it has changed my whole look. My hair is a bit darker now and I am hesitant to do anything about that. Dark curly hair is better than risking no hair at all. Look online for curly girl hair techniques to make the most of it. Using the curly hair techniques will also moisturise your hair.

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    My dead straight hair came back as chalk white frizz! Slowly, it got grayer and actually curly (very!) instead of frizz. Then it went mad and turned light brown!! It settled after about two years, with a hint of a wave but can still go a little kinky in humid weather. Be prepared to run with the changes! It’s slightly finer and therefore doesn’t feel quite as thick (but it was extremely thick before). My shed pattern (never knew I had one!) changed about two years into new hair from an abnormally small number of hairs shed daily ( possibly why my hair was so thick) to a normal average. Frequent trims helped control the supercurl and I chose to use organic hair colour. I don’t think hair dyes cause cancer but I felt a bit protective of my poor head! All good since then. Best wishes, go with the flow! 
  • Beginner
    Beginner Member Posts: 23
    Hi @Beginner. My slightly wavy hair came back very curly and remained that way until I lost it all again four years later with another chemo treatment. Nearly three years later and even the curly girl hairdresser says it is VERY curly. I just do the curly girl routine and live with it. Not overly happy with it but it is only hair, even though it has changed my whole look. My hair is a bit darker now and I am hesitant to do anything about that. Dark curly hair is better than risking no hair at all. Look online for curly girl hair techniques to make the most of it. Using the curly hair techniques will also moisturise your hair.

    Thank you for that information, I will look into that technique :)
  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 151
    edited February 10
    once you get past the'its so short all it does is stick up' phase, and using product in in, time to get a trim and see your hairdresser to shape it into a style and discuss longer term goal so they can work with you to grow it out and change styles as it grows, help with  leanirng how to blow dry and style it.
    A reputable salon won't use colours with nasties. A few foils can really help add dimension.
    Mine grew back silver white and made me looked so washed out, so i didn't last more then a couple months before i got some light brown colour added.

     I see so many ladies at support gorup just leave it grow out for months and months,just grateful to have hair back,  and it not styled and looks so messy.It doesn't grow back evenly or in a style, so a hairdresser is your best friend.
  • Beginner
    Beginner Member Posts: 23
    Thanks Kristen - yes I confess mine doesn’t look good right now. A talk with a hairdresser sounds like a good idea 😊
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 982
    @Beginner I’m nearly 8 yrs post. I must admit I only have very slightly wavy hair before BC it went frizzy very wavy now I have very  white hair with 1 dark streak at the front. I have had fun with colours since my hair came back & under the guidance of my hairdresser. Nothing harsh. I’ve watched people pay a fortune to get my colour . My daughters included. They’re getting lots of grey streaks. Once brown hair and the other a blonde. Makes me laugh. 
    After having been pepper and salt and golden brown and always trying to blend the changing colours after chemo it came back mostly salt with pepper its mire fun now.  Ive been blue, grean,pink mauve, red just to name a few. Some time a mixture. I like to shock people. With whats she come up with now!!!  Lats one every thought i was a Christmas 🎄. Which is exactly what we were aiming for 
    Still trying to decide what next. Haha
    hang in there most of the time hair settles into its new normal a trusted hairdresser will guide you through.