Friday Update - 2nd December 2022

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,201
edited December 2022 in Community news and events

Friday update 2nd December 2022

Hello members,

Welcome to December! I look forward to sharing some of the activity
at BCNA and also important news about some upcoming changes to the online

Given we are heading into the holiday season very soon, it is a good
idea to remind everyone that this time of year can be difficult for many people. Our
Helpline will be closed for a short period (23 December to 3 January 2022),
however the unique part of the online network is that it keeps ticking over no
matter the time of the year. I encourage you to seek support for yourself and connect with others over the closure period. Moderators will be on a reduced roster over the
closure period, though they will still monitor the discussions/activity. 

Community highlights

November Online Network activity

November the online network had 14,096 visits to the community; 72 new
discussions and 362 new comments.

forum discussions

Members new and old may have missed some of the forum discussions that
have been most active in November:

1. Newly diagnosed

2. Airport X-ray machines and
a prosthesis

3. Hair loss

4. When can I start eating salads, soft cheese and
the like?

5. Update on

Posts by
‘Category’ Name’ November 2022

Community News

Online network – exciting changes

in 2010, BCNA's online network is an online peer to peer support community, providing people affected
by breast cancer with a safe space to connect with others, share stories or ask
for advice. Twelve
years later BCNA’s Online
Network is getting a much-needed new
look, making it modern, inviting and user-friendly.  

On the 15th
of December 2022
when you login you will notice an updated template to the online
network. The platform provider remains the same, therefore the key functions you
are familiar with remain.
We will have new category icons for quick access to
breast cancer topics and discussions; BCNA
announcements and peer-to-peer discussions will be separated; and the
search function will have a much-improved upgrade (These are just some of the new

I have shared some screenshots below of the staging (draft) site to give you
an idea of what to expect. Keep in mind we are still refining some aspects, including the category icons.




There will be a transition period where the ‘Navigating the online
community’ information has to be updated; however, this has to wait until the
new upgrade goes live. If you need any assistance, you can always message the
moderators or contact the Helpline 1800 500 258.

for all the feedback you have provided since I took on the online network
management role in August 2021. Several of the key updates are a direct result of
the feedback by our valued members. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new look when it goes live!

Issue 93, December 2022 – The Beacon

The final edition for 2022 has been emailed to your
inbox and can be found via the link

There are so many great articles
this month:

·       Genetics and the risk of breast cancer

·       Breast cancer inspired lifestyle changes

·       Regional breast care nurse in regional Australia

·       Issues paper: Making metastatic breast cancer count

·       Transitioning back to work after breast cancer

·       A young mum’s breast cancer experience

In the September edition we had over
8,000 views which is a wonderful result and we hope December is just as strong. 

Information Forum – watch on demand

BCNA hosted an Information Forum in Rockhampton for people
living with breast cancer and their supporters.  The
Information Forum covered a range of topics including the latest in breast
cancer treatment, managing your emotional wellbeing after a breast cancer
diagnosis, and how you can live well during treatment and beyond.

You can now watch the on-demand videos of each presentation please click here.

My personal favourite part of the forum recordings is the  ‘Lived
experience panel’ you can view below:

12 Gifts
of Christmas

If you are looking for gifts this Christmas and also would
like to support people affected by breast cancer, head to BCNA’s  12 Gifts of
website page where you will find wonderful organisations involved
in the campaign.

My Journey - COVID-19 Information

If you or someone you know has breast cancer it's important you
continue to reduce your risk of getting COVID-19.

Some states and territories are entering a new wave of COVID-19.

Choose to stay safe by wearing a mask in indoor settings,
getting together with others in well ventilated spaces and staying up to date
with vaccinations.

Check your state or territory’s Department of Health website for
more information on how to stay safe.

BCNA has continued to update a suite of content about COVID-19
and breast cancer on MyJourney - see link:

cancer protein helps identify ways to target cells resistant to chemotherapy

Interesting article highlighted by the Policy & Advocacy
team in relation to new ways to target cells that resist chemotherapy. CLICK HERE to read full article at the Newcastle


you miss the webcast: Food and Movement When Living with Metastatic Breast

Although those who are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer don’t
require a specific diet, a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet and regular
exercise can help maintain a sense of physical and mental wellbeing and can
improve your quality of life. You will hear from exercise physiologist Dr Eva
Zopf, dietitian Erynn Sotirelis, BCNA member Laura Yammouni and BCNA Consumer
Representative Lisa Tobin.

Watch on-demand via the link:

Books / TV Shows / Movies/ Documentaries 

little gem of a documentary series on Netflix right now is Season 2 of Down to Earth with Zac Efron.
he takes his exploration of healthy, sustainable ways to live to Australia

admit I can sometimes be sceptical of actor types embarking on these projects, however I was pleasantly surprised.


Take care and if you have feedback or any
concerns while online, please contact one of the moderators -  

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA

If you need to speak with someone regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258 alternatively, you can email

Take care,

The mod team – Mez, Carissa, Jenny, & Pat

“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are
just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to
love… and then return home”. – Australian Aboriginal Proverb


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Looking forward to seeing the new layout @Mez_BCNA and appreciate your hard work in getting the changes up & running.

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @Mez_BCNA I’m actually excited to see the new look for the online network. Well done getting it going