There and Back Again



  • Leia
    Leia Member Posts: 39
    Hope you have a good weekend with your family Raich. They’re coming to support you so enjoy!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,969
    Make haste slowly @Raich - you've done the hard yards - sleep if you must (it is nature's way of passing time and helping healing ... )

    Enjoy the family being down - they will give you a real lift & it will just be lovely to have them around.

    take care, all the best xx
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    We get you. That drain ( or drains) are so uncomfortable and the IV digs in wherever you move and generally you are tired, miserable and over it all. Sending a big hug xxx
  • Raich
    Raich Member Posts: 114
    You’ll never believe it. 
    Well you will cos you’ve all been or are there. 
    Last night I developed a haemotoma the size of one Dolly Parton’s funbags.
    Only, of course, it wasn’t fun.
    presented at ED at 3am, admitted at 4:30am, surgery at 3pm ( same  surgeon as previous 2 matches)

    feeling much better and far less like the most bizarre case of mastitis. 

    Let’s try again....😳
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,969
    OMG!  You are giving them a run for your money, @Raich .... I hope the pain and discomfort is all under control now and that you can continue recuperating xx

    take care xx

  • Raich
    Raich Member Posts: 114
    Thanks @arpie, I’m much more comfortable now. Happy they kept me in a second night. See what happens today. Will I stay or will I go?  (There’s your daily earworm!) Quite happy to be looked after as I’m nervous about a repeat performance. 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,839
    Take care of you @Raich you have had a rough few days
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,969
    Take care, @Raich .... make haste slowly.  I hope you aren’t in pain or too much discomfort til the drain is removed xx
  • Raich
    Raich Member Posts: 114
    Thank you. 
    Resting up. 
    Turns out I lost a lot of blood whilst I had the haemotoma; 500ml cleared out from wound plus 400ml in drain ...
     I see my surgeon tomorrow. Drain output has dramatically decreased so I’m hoping it’s dropped enough for removal tomorrow. (Oh please oh please oh please oh please)
    I was scheduled to fly home tomorrow afternoon but after all the extra surgery have postponed it til Tuesday afternoon.  I might find out on Monday if I require chemo.
    Whatever will be will be. After last weekend I’m not expecting anything to go as I expect... 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,839
    Take care @Raich rest up and hoping that drain is able to come out tomorrow!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,969
    Good that they are keeping you down for a bit longer to keep an eye on things.

    All the best on Monday/Tues for you treatment plan xx    Take care 
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 963
    Thinking of you.    Rest up.  Hope you are being looked after in the cancer council accommodation.  You will feel better once the drains are out.  xxx