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Newly diagnosed with mets



  • Doin'it
    Doin'it Member Posts: 377
    More hugs coming your way @Glynnis xx
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    Evening everyone just an update, had my op today stent put into kidney, yes apparently I have a mass in there too which we sort of knew about, so I’ll be ringing my oncologist on Monday as to where we go next, I already have an appointment with her on 4/3 she might want me to wait till then I’m hopeing she doesn’t and starts me on the next step with this mass as to what we do about it, baby steps day at a time xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Make haste slowly, @Glynnis , deep breaths  - just recover well from this procedure and all the best for the next step & ongoing appointments xxx

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I hope it can be zapped/shrunk/cut away @Glynnis. Wishing you strength and presence. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I hope you get to see your onc sooner.  Take care.
  • Marieda
    Marieda Member Posts: 18
    @Glynnis I was diagnosed just 2 weeks ago.  I have similar problem affecting my kidneys and now have stents in both ureters which have to be changed 3 monthly.     I have started on the kisqali and femara and so far no bad effects from them.  Best wishes.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Sorry to see you here @Marieda - good that the side effects of the treatment isn't too bad.

    You may like to join the Mets Group - where all things can be discussed in a private group?  Click on Ricki's name here & then click on the 'envelope' to send her a message request to join 

    All the best xx
  • Marieda
    Marieda Member Posts: 18
    Thank you @arpie I will gladly do that.
  • Silba
    Silba Member Posts: 115

    thinking of you , sending you lots of positive vibes xo
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    @Marieda are your kidneys stents due to cancer in kidneys or through blockages? Glad to hear your doing ok on the Kisqali that’s what they talking about putting me on, I’m having a bone biopsie on 25/3 to make sure which cancer we dealing with, from diagnosis at 95% certainty of Mets it’s been 4 weeks an I’m still waiting so glad you have started the meds.
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    Just an update, had a pet scan done went to my bones but not to mass in my belly so they say that’s not cancer but the don’t know what it is, I’m relieved it’s not a cancer, thinking it might be scar tissue maybe from a couple of operati9ns in previous years. Having a bone biopsie done on 25/3 to make sure the cancer in my bones is the same one I had originallly, then hopefully onto medication after that, it’s a long process. ☹️
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    @Marieda sorry didn’t mean to sound rude in previous comment ☹️😃
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Good that things are happening @Glynnis  - after the biopsy you'll have more of an idea of the treatment plan .....  Damn it!   The waiting never gets any easier  xx  Take care

  • Marieda
    Marieda Member Posts: 18
    @Glynnis no you didn't sound rude.   My stents are due to blockage, the discovery of which led to the discovery of the cause, which are tumors and I also have a mass in the abdomen.    After biopsy my cancer was diagnosed as metastatic breast cancer.   Do you have to have your stents replaced every 3 months?     I am not happy about having an operation 3 monthly.
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    @Marieda not sure yet see the urologist on Thursday so will find more out then, I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis it’s a shitfull disease