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Newly diagnosed with mets
@Marieda, that sounds good, your last change went ok then, mine not due till August/September, it was done in February but have been keeping a close eye on things to make all good, the specialist wants to leave me 6/7 months with all this COVID stuff going on. My tumor markers went up last blood test, so having another on Friday get those results next week so will go from there. Glad all is going well with you 😃😃😃😃😃0
Hi Marieda. I've been reading through these comments, and was wondering how you went on Palbo? I've been on Kisqali but apparently my liver doesn't really like it, so I'm either going to try a lower dose, or try Palbo. Did you find it okay? It's got a very good reputation for success. Hope you're doing really well.Marieda said:Hi @Glynnis that all sounds good news for you. Good to hear. I was taken off Kisqali because it was having an affect on my heart, according to the ECG so have been put on palbociclip, which I am hoping is as good as Kisqali. I was told I could also go for 6 months before the next stent change, but left stent not doing the job as well as the right, so may have to change earlier. Bone mets don't seem to have changed so far. As if we don't have enough problems - wouldn't it be great to be able to do away with the stents! Best wishes for continuing improvements..0