Doing what you LOVE to do - before, during & after BC! What's YOUR favourite?



  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    @Zoffiel , Arkie explained and we're all sorted,  thanks  
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    @arpie My very confident nine year old granddaughter volunteered to play the uke for her end of year school production. She only had one week to learn it. She usually plays the keyboard. She was very happy with her attempt but I don't think she will get any prizes for the performance!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited December 2018
    That is AWESOME, @Blossom1961 ..... it is NOT a toy - it is an instrument that (if she had the desire and practical 'hard work') can make a career out of it, travelling all round the world!!  The Langley Ukulele Ensemble - all made up of school kids, aged 12 & up 

    Their 'old' musical director is hilarious!!  He built all sorts of stuff into his kids' performances, to make them funny as well as 'musical'!! His son has since taken over

    Did anyone get a video of her performance?  It couldn't be any worse than our early efforts!  LOL

    Get her to check out these guys ...... Canada has Uke as their 'major instrument' for students to use.  James Hill is arguably the best uke player in the world - cos he plays AND sings - AND writes his own songs.  Many (like Jake Shimabukuro) only play instrumentals/melodies.   Which is all good - but being able to SING & PLAY in a way that others want to follow you ..... THAT is awesome! 
    I hope she continues to play Uke - I started off with Piano - got to 7th Grade & was supposed to do it as a subject in Year 12 ...... (another story!!)  I dabbled in uke back in 1970 - then found a nice banjo uke in a junk shop in 2010 .... I tuned it up (never forgot how!) played a few chords  & bought it!  Haven't looked back since!!!

    There is a massive uke festival up the Blue Mountains in Feb (all free, apart from your accommodation!)  Over 150 uke groups (including us) will be performing there!!  It is a real buzz!!  There are great Uke Festivals in Melbourne, too & other parts of the state, I am sure!   Take her along to one - she'll be hooked for life!!  ;)   It is the one instrument you CAN take with you when you travel!!!   :)    
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    @arpie My daughter, who is a teacher at the school, video taped it but as there are other kids in it she is not allowed to show it unless she smudges out everyones faces.