Doing what you LOVE to do - before, during & after BC! What's YOUR favourite?
Caught a bluebone groper on a handline. Best fish I’ve ever eaten
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I sang with a Sweet Adelines Barbershop Chorus for 18 years and when I returned 7 months later after my treatment ended I found I had lost all my love for it. It was very hard to leave but I felt better when I did. My husband has a rock band and I get to sing a few numbers, do backing vocals and a few duets. I went during my chemo when I felt up to it. About a month after treatment ended my voice went all strange when I sang and I had to take a couple of months off the middle of this year, but I'm back and loving every minute of our gigs. I've been rocking the Annie Lennox hairdo ,but now its growing into a Guy Sebastian fro. Interesting. My love machine is to my left behind me.6
Great pic, @Blondy - what a cool looking Love Machine, too!
Gosh, if you ever make it up to NSW (Mid North Coast in particular) let me know - if you were up to it, I'd LOVE to have you give a singing workshop to my Uke Group!! (Whenever I organise a Uke one, everyone usually pays $20 to go to the 'Speaker' i.e. you!)
Enjoying your own performance & Engaging with the audience is SO important for any performers, yet a lot of my guys are so stuck on their song sheets (we don't have good enough memories to remember all the lyrics & chords) ..... and working on Harmonies as well, would be just terrific if you could give us some pointers there!! We have 2 ladies that are good at it & I do 'some' but I would LOVE to get them to be more confident in adding to our songs in that way! I tell (and show them) that the note is 'in the chords' and to just hold one of the notes & change it to the next one when the chord changes .... but they have difficulty understanding that theory! LOL (most of us are over 65!)
This was doing a Probus Gig this week ..... I am in the blue/black shirt (bottom right corner) next to the lady with the white hair!There were about 150 people there & they told us we were the best entertainment they'd had EVER!!
(Uke is my OTHER passion, in case you only thought it was fishing!)
I must try the 'cornflour' thing @Annie C - I often just use light breadcrumbs (no flour or eggs - as the damp fillet, if done straight after filleting and skinning, will cling nicely to the flesh.) Keith always reckons if something is crumbed, they are trying to hide something! LOL But he knows with MY fish, it is protecting the delicate flesh from the heat of the oil!My sister likes just plain ordinary flour.
Believe it or not - Cat Fish are actually the 'preferred Xmas Dinner meat' in Europe (whereas we like Chicken, Turkey & Ham!) They order them months in advance, to get the 'best one'!! Yet we rubbish them!! (There are professional Fishos who net them, for the Australian 'European and Chinese Market!) Personally, I kill them & put them in a bin - cos if you leave them on the riverside, even after they degrade, the eggs inside still hatch & infest the waterways! At some of our dams here, they have special bins to put them in - and the Charlie Carp people (plant fertiliser) pick them up & use them in their product!! WIN WIN2 -
Well @arkie I am 68 and age is no barrier .my you boy is 51 and we are coming up to 11 years together. I'm impressed with 150 people to play to Unfortunately you can't get that many in a pub. Different venues, different audiences,, some dance, done don't, different vibes and always complimentary .I know what you mean about shifting players out of their comfort zone. In the chorus there was lots of choreo. We did national competitions etc. But try and get some of them to move with pizzazz was impossible .but we still try.1
SO much fun when you see the fish attack the bait or lure! I've watched 2 flatties hoon up from the bottom, both trying to grab my Squidgies Soft Plastic that I was jigging up & down! The quicker one 'won'!
Some people reckon that flatties don't move fast ..... WRONG!!
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@Arkie, You gave me an idea and I've been working on it all day I spoke to my BFF who is an ex teacher and musically more knowledgeable than me and between the 2 of us we are up for coming to your uke group and helping you with harmonising, performance and anything else you'd like addressed. Please message men to organise something..2
Oh dear I don't know why my email addy gets doctored I don't know hie else we can communicate and organise something1
The only @ the forum will allow is related to our user names. You will probably find the same issue if you try to exchange email addresses via PM, you will have to break the address down into little pieces. Bit like some dating apps, from what I can remember1