Doing what you LOVE to do - before, during & after BC! What's YOUR favourite?
I well remember the time when my older sister came to stay. She is very "citified", (I have lost my city nanners).
We were living in an old house in town that had an "outback" toilet. My sister asked me to do something about the frogs in the toilet. I told her it was not the frogs she had to worry about, then quietly mentioned "Sam" the big python who lived in the rafters of the toilet and helped himself to the frogs.
She made me move him! Never told her he was back the next day! I am not a nice sister.5 -
@Annie C I used to have a pretend frog sitting near the base of my toilet. He broke after people kept kicking him thinking he was alive! Very cruel. So now I have a number of large (too large to be real in Victoria) pretend spiders that people try to squash but they are rubber so when they pick up their foot it jumps. I bought another frog but it sits on a lounge room shelf.4
@Annie C Did you take your Python with you when you moved?0
No left him for the next tenants to enjoy!
Now I have the luxury of an inside toilet!
Still have plenty of snakes on the block. I don't mind the pythons. It's the "cheeky" snakes I get the heebie jeebies about. Read poisonous for "cheeky". (Kimberley lingo).
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hahaha You are an AUTOMATIC member of Team Breasties, @Annita63
I'll make a note of all those spots (crocs or not) for when I finally get up your way! It may not be soon - but it WILL happen!
I love the green tree frogs - you rarely see them down our way - but once you are up South West Rocks way, there are some beauties!! One managed to hide inside the Caravan Park Power box for the van - and gave me a bit of a fright when I went to plug in to power! Damn! Can't find the pic ......!
Shame your pretend spiders don't have a 'noise' built in to them - that would scare the crap out of anyone hitting it! LOL
hahaha .... love that one with your sister @Annie C
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Hi @arpie, Thanks for the post. Loved the pics hey are awesome. I am based north of Townsville near Hinchinbrook Island.
You know when people say that if you are married to a mechanic your car needs a service, just as if you are married to a carpenter your house needs work done to it. Well I am married to a fishing guide of 30 years, yep and you have guessed it I don't get out as often as I should. Lol. xx Much of hubbies work takes him up to the NT most of the year and when he is not doing that he is designing lures for a well known company as well as his own brand. You are so right about putting boats in and out of the water. I don't do that when he is away as I'm not confident enough in case of an engine breakdown and I made a promise to him when he is away I will not fish on my own from the bank of the rivers around here. ( we've been round crocs long enough to see them in action especially when we had our own fishing lodge in the NT could tell you a few stories that would make your toes curl up) However I am lucky I still get out and and am at the point now I am healthy enough to get out. 7 weeks post mx. I could really see myself fishing from a Kayak but definitely not up here. As much as people talk about Barra fishing I still love bread and butter fishing. ( bream and whiting ). That pic of us we weren't in a fishing comp just wearing the same shirts as they are promoting the brand hubby designs for. Any day is a good day on the water hey. xox GO team breasties2 -
How on EARTH did Annita63 end up on that post - it was supposed to be @Annie C 'Annie C' doesn't look anything LIKE Annita63!!! Weird!!
I've made a note of those spots, now, Annie - so no need to delete the post any more!
OMG @Blossom1961 - even I would have screamed at a spider in the bog!
ooooh - I recall you mentioning him as being a guide before @kitkatb!! I am SO JEALOUS! I'd be putting a GPS tracker on him, to get all his best spots!!OMG - and you use an overhead reel! I swear at them, spending more time untangling bloody wind knots more than casting & catching fish!
I am better casting BIG lures with them, than the smaller finesse ones!
Make haste slowly - you will know when you are ready to give it a go! xx
What would be your closest Bass & Barra dam to you? I am sure there are some safe ones up there ..... Eungella perhaps? Monduran? Peter Faust? Perfect for Kayak Fishing!! I want to go up & do all the Bass & Barra Dams in Qld - it is on my wish list!! One day, I will do it! I will surely make contact & hopefully you & hubby & I can hit the water together!
I fished the Barra 'Farm' at Townsville some years ago & had fun, using my Bream Gear .... they still went ballistic out of the water etc ..
I must admit - I DO love Bream, flattie & blackie fishing - and catch whiting as 'by catch'! I don't keep them - put them back, along with 95% of all my fish
Absolutely - any day on the water beats a day off it!!GO TEAM BREASTIES!!! So we have me, Annie C, Kitkat, Zoffiel, Brenda - who else can we rope in??3 -
Hey @Doodoo - Welcome to Team Breasties! I hope you can get back to it, soon!! Where (roughly where do you live?) Inland somewhere, I am guessing?? I'll put you on my 'must visit list' along with everyone else! Likewise, if you are ever between Newcastle & Port Macquarie (all the Breasties) make sure you make contact!
I've never even SEEN a Red Fin - there are some biggies out there in some dams!! I wanna get a 1m cod in my yak!!I'm getting reversing pedals for my kayak for Xmas - Keith just doesn't know it yet, that they are from him! LOL
I really look forward to getting stuck into the big freshwater fish (as well as Barra) ..... I've only landed cod at Mulwala so far (in the big Cod Comp that was just on last weekend - we were in the Yak division.)
I've done some bass fishing recently at Lake St Clair & have a secret spot not too far from home where I landed a wild Bass that went 50cm!! YEEHAA!!
It was SO deep in the belly - and FAT!! Some people call it a Unicorn!
So now Team Breastie is: arpie, Annie C, Kitkat, Zoffiel, Brenda & Doodoo, our latest member!!
Hey! Show us your fish pics too!2 -
@arpie I used to go to Newcastle a lot, my son lived there. Used to drive along the beach from Stockton & fish from the beach. Love it up there. Amazing place! I am hour from Mulwala. Caught many a cod there. When I was young, I used to catch redfin for Dad’s breaky 😊
Great present Keith 😂2 -
WOW! SO close to Mulwala, @Doodoo!!! NO EXCUSE for not getting out there & giving it a go if you are up to it physically?? I want to see some pics!!There are so many fishing opportunities up here on the Mid North Coast - fresh & salt. But I am really spoiled here - and have worked out a few honey-hole spots!
I do more salt than fresh, tho a buddy was a member of a lodge at Jindabyne & I used to go down there to fly fish (badly! She was VERY GOOD!) Hehehe But I out fish her in the salt! (sometimes!
take care!! xx1 -
Lol @arpie Gee that's nice of Keith. Great pressie. Reminds me of the time Lance bought me a big salt water fly fishing reel even with my name engraved on it. ( I didn't fly fish back then ) Then after giving it to me he suggested maybe it wasn't the best buy as it was a bit big for me to learn on.??? I ended up with his old knocked up scientific angler.2
Here you go @arpie
A fish photo for you as requested. Thankyou for signing me up to the Breastie's Club. Proud to be a member.
This barra was caught at the base of the Diversion Dam in Kununurra December 2017 on a handline. He literally walked on his tail trying to throw the hook. Weighed just over 7kg.
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WOOOHOO!! Nice one, @Annie C ..... and don't they LOVE Tail Walking? He would have been BIG fun on a hand-line!!! Well done!! Yummy size too!! I caught one when fishing Corroboree Creek, out of Darwin .... and took it back to the Backpackers accommodation we were staying in .... but didn't really do it justice with the cooking facilities available to us!