I was recently diagnosed...

System Posts: 63
edited December 2018 in Newly diagnosed
This discussion was created from comments split from: This Christmas I will be........


  • Peacefuldove
    Peacefuldove Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2018
    I was recently diagnosed with Breast cancer in October, had a lumpectomy in November, but unfortunately the cancer was bigger than first thought and it has spread to my nodes. So I have to have a left mastectomy on the 18th of December. This Christmas is going to be very emotional and a tough one but I will fight through. Just a quiet one with family, not sure if I will actually go out for dining as already organised due to how I could be feeling after the op. 
    Love to you all. xx 

  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Thinking of you @Peacefuldove.  Stick with the original plan of going out if you can - good to be in a neutral place  as it may keep your mind off things for a wee while.  Eat, drink and be merry !  Let us know how you are progressing.  In the meantime I am sending a big hug to you.  Anne   <3
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    So sorry to see you here, @Peacefuldove  - but you are at the right place for support and info.  If you have ANY questions at all, no matter how trivial you may think it - put them up & someone will reply to them, to assist you.

    Just take one day at a time - see how you are following the surgery.  If you are up to it - being with others on Xmas Day may be a good thing - I find that being busy & 'doing stuff' stops me from pondering too much & getting a fit of the miseries if I am on my own or 'not busy'.

    Take care, yes, it will be hard, but you have your family & friends to help you thru it.  If any of your friends ask how they can help?  Maybe suggest they cook a meal or two for the family, so that pressure is taken off you?  Or even take your dogs for a walk .... anything that will help you out.

    Whereabouts 'roughly' do you live - we may have members nearby who can help you with services that are available in your area?

    All the best for your surgery - we'll be thinking of you  xxx  More hugs coming your way!

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Welcome @Peacefuldove. I had two lumpectomy operations in December last year. There's something about getting your diagnosis round this time of year that's particularly rotten.

    But hang in there. You're doing what you need to to be healthy and cancer free. You can raise a glass on Christmas Day to celebrate the departure of those nasty cells.

    I'm with @BlackWidow, see how you go but don't cancel your Christmas Day plans. Wake up on the day and decide then. I'm sure everyone will understand if you don't feel up to it, but you just may want to head out and enjoy the day. I put a ban on discussing my cancer on Christmas Day last year. It was rather nice!

    Look after yourself, be kind and gentl with you. And keep coming back here. Big hug, K xox
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    Hello @Peacefuldove We are all thinking of you and offering support and encouraging vibes. Take care of yourself as you head towards surgery. Enjoy the company of loved ones. Fran.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Peacefuldove Welcome.  I was diagnosed last year on 5 December, had wide excision on 21 December and had to go back in for mastectomy on 8 January.  Our Christmas was a quiet one (the best sort) with my kids cooking the roast under supervision.  I think the key is to be with the people you love, to have support without too many expectations (from yourself or others) and to give yourself space to relax.
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Welcome Peacefuldove, sorry to see you here.
    We are all here to support each other through this roller coaster ride that we are all on.
    Im also having surgery leading up to Christmas, December 19th I’m booked in for a partial mastectomy.
    As for Christmas Day, I’m going with how I’m feeling on the day.
    Currently the plan is to go to my sons home for Christmas breakfast, and then the afternoon to my sister in laws. Everyone is aware that those plans may change.
    Just take a day at a time, tomorrow is another day.
    Keep updating on how you’re doing
    Sending hugs your way ❤️
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Peacefuldove

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Welcome Peacefuldove, sorry to see you here.
    Im also having my surgery soon on December 19th for a partial mastectomy.
    You are at the right place for support, we are all here for you and understand exactly how you’re feeling and the emotional roller coaster you are currently on.
    Dont hesitate to post any questions or fears you may have, one of these beautiful ladies will respond.
    sSending hugs your way ❤️

  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    welcome @Peacefuldove  A day at a time - a moment at a time if necessary.  This Christmas its time for you to look after you and do what you want.  And no decisions have to be Mae that are locked in.  Family and friends will understand whatever your choice is.  Its time for giving at Christmas and you need to give to yourself this year.  I can imagine how you feel joining here as I did eighteen months ago also.  But WE are a fantastic supportive, informative group of people who have "been there done that".  We understand most of your emotions and there's a roller coaster of them.  They are ALL normal - sad, angry hurt, frustrated, grateful, alone, victim, and the occasional high and feeling good when we get some good news or something great happens.  Its all ok. You are ok.  Everything is ok and NORMAL.  I hope your Christmas is peaceful and like a dove of love.  Hang in there and keep posting on here - NOTHING is not suitable.  I've ranted, cried, bled on here and the lively ladies are always helpful and loving.  Can I ask where you live as there would be groups in your area and a good way to get in touch with local people who have dealt with or are dealing with cancer.  I joined the cancer Support Sisters on the Gold Coast over a year ago and its the best group of people Ive EVER known.  Sort of made me feel like it was a gift to have cancer and meet these people as they have brought so much happiness and love to my life.  WE are here to listen, support, care for YOU and by listening to you we also gain something.  Everyone on here is your friend.  xxxxxxxx  

  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Hi  @Peacefuldove  Thinking of you.  What a shitty time of year to deal with all of this.  I am 7 weeks post mastectomy and this site has been not only a godsend of information when I needed it from those that know and understand what we go through but you will also find threads here that will give you a good laugh just when you need it.   hugs xo

  • Riki_BCNA
    Riki_BCNA Member Posts: 322
    Hello @Peacefuldove don’t hesitate to contact BCNA on 1800 500 258 for support also. Take care of you.