Doing what you LOVE to do - before, during & after BC! What's YOUR favourite?



  • Kattykit
    Kattykit Member Posts: 252
    I am off to Broome at the end of September, I can't wait. 
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @ kattykit  enjoy hope to get there next year maybe  :)
    @Karenhappyquilter you are very talented ! That is so lovely 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Gorgeous shots.  @tigerbeth Your big cat reminds me of going into the cheetah enclosure at Monarto with the triplets they had there - magnificent creatures and the purred so loudly.
    Broome is lovely as is Darwin.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Karenhappyquilter Stunning!
  • Stork
    Stork Member Posts: 121
    Hello Ladies some of  my favourite things to do is cooking,listening to music and traveling to overseas countries next month my sister and I are going to Nepal 5 days, Tibet 2 weeks, India 2 and a half weeks and Thailand  5 days I am looking for to see the  Himalayas
    one trip of my bucket list I am living life to the full.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Beautiful quilt @Karenhappyquilter
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    I love my work, I've been a hairdresser for 53 years and had my own salon for the last 33 years. I was fortunate to be able to work when I could throughout chemo and radiotherapy. I was ok 2 weeks after my op so really felt good getting back to work. Love my ladies. Leisure wise I love gigging with my husbands band ATOMIC ROCK . I sang whenever I was up to it during treatment but it's been full steam ahead for a while. Anyone living around St Marys, were en route to the St Marys Band Club starting at 9pm free entry 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Stork Have you been to India before?
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    @Karenhappyquilter a lovely quilt. I find quilting calming and soothing. Did you do the all over stippling yourself? I have now mastered the art of stippling. It has become a large part of my quilts.

    My quilts have changed over the years from traditional patchworking to picture quilts that are a mixture of applique and machine embroidery. The day that I cannot go out to my sewing room ( a 40 foot 'donga' ) will be a sad day indeed. At the moment I am working on a queen size quilt in a 9 patch block in pinks and blues with floral machined embroidery in the sashing. I am using the "quilt as you go" method. 

    Like you I tire easily and lose concentration. I aim to have the quilt completed by early October this year. It will be a gift for a young friend's daughter's 18 th birthday. So I guess I had better get cracking. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited July 2018
    Some lovely photos there, ladies!   Those African shots are AMAZING @tigerbeth!

    I LOVE the quilt, @Karenhappyquilter  - that is awesome!  I just wouldn't have the patience!!

    Enjoy your big trip, @Stork ... it sounds AMAZING!

    GO @Blondy !!  You ROCK!!

    Keep Quiltin', @Annie C  ... looking forward to the pics!  ;)  


  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    Dear Annie C, I quilt all my quilts myself.  I used to do them on my sewing machine but one day my life changed for the better when I got a sweet 16.  I mainly do a biggish stipple which is quick and easy and enjoyable most of the time.  Once I have pieced a quilt I am wanting to get the quilting over and done with.  

    However my daughter doesnt like stipple so I quilted in the ditch my quilt for her using the sweet 16 and a ruler. Time consuming and a bit fiddly but ok.  

     I also  like quilt as you go.  It may take slightly more time but is so much easier esp if using a domestic sewing machine. I have done a few quilts that way.   I have sewn a few quilts by hand but now more often I sew by machine.  Yes quilting is very  meditative and calming for me.  My sewing room is my happy place.  Long may we quilters be well enough to quilt.  It’s quite tiring sometimes.  

    Sorry everyone else for the technical talk. 
  • Stork
    Stork Member Posts: 121
    Hi Kmakm been to Nepal and Thailand first time to Tibet and India 
    flying to Vanarassi mouth of the Ghanges then we leave on a 2 week trip around Rajasthan should be interesting, my sister and I are not keen on Indian food.
    On Foxtel there is a BBC program about 8 famous British citizens living in Jaipur too See it they can retire there, it is very interesting and factual, the weather will be hot and the mass of people and animals will be slightly overwhelming.
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    You have what I can only dream about - a Sweet 16. It was going to be my retirement present however 6 months into retirement I was given a present that I never once thought would be in my dreams - BC. The funds for the machine and a NZ trip was used to fund our living costs in Perth (2,300 kms from home) during treatment. Oh well, my domestic machine and quilt as you go keep me happy and sane.

    @arpie there will be pics. Our local CWA branch will hold its annual craft show in 2 weeks so I will send photos. Now there will be hell to play if my husand knocks me off my craft winning perch again!  

    @kmakm back in the 70's in my hippy / ashram enlightened days I lived in India for 12 months. Best time of my life. In Kolkata (Calcutta in those days) of all places. Ate at all the street stalls -ah street food- never got sick once. The family servants just could not get used to a strong Australian woman. Created some highlights and mayhem, much to the chagrin of my then (Anglo Indian) husband!