Doing what you LOVE to do - before, during & after BC! What's YOUR favourite?



  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Yep @sister it’s a wonderful spot as is the bakery. Whales are usually at Crockery bay in August having their young not sure atm.We head for chips to Goolwa day one as the crowds in Victor are too much but sure miss the old days of hand cut chips at Pt Elliot.

    Can understand your reluctance for a bigger drive to Yorke Peninsula as well as dealing with a tribe in a small space esp if wet.But there will be other times.Do what you enjoy with whom you want to be atm that’s more than enough.You are entitled to some time for you.xo
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Gorgeous options to have @Sister. I hope you enjoy your beach time this weekend. Very good for your soul. K xox
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hey @ sisiter the walking/bike trail at Pt E is great - my favourite is towards Victor as sea views up close all the way.
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  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    @arpie might be a good idea to leave the kayak at home when you visit the Kimberley.

    This advert appeared in the local paper this week. It is not only aimed at tourists but locals as well. The guy in the boat is a local.

    Kayaks, Crocs and Kimberley Tides don't mix well!  Dingies and crocs don't mix well!

    The photos were taken by the Mary Island Fishing Club while out in the King Sound catching mud crabs for the Mud Crab Races.

    Thought of you when I saw the advert. 

    Take care


  • CarmelS
    CarmelS Member Posts: 269
    Before BC it was all about work & mortgage & kids. Since BC diagnosis I pushed hubby to get his 4wd with a bit of inheritance from his Grandad instead of reducing mortgage. We would never go get a loan for a truck !!!!  I was not particularly interested in 4wding. Slowly I came around to it. He is a very careful & meticulous person & doesn't go out to break his car doing boy stuff ! We like to see the country & some out of the way places.
    When I went back to work after treatment, it became all about saving for the next big trip. Kids are bigger, the eldest is in his own place, the next is nearly finished apprenticeship & youngest is in Yr 10 now. If we could afford to retire we'd pack the truck & be off (we're only early 50's !!)  I feel we may become grey nomads as soon as we can......I can't wait !!
    We are heading back over to WA via Qld & NT next year. Honestly I am already getting excited I loved being there in 2015. We saw a lot, from the southern coast zig zagging to the Kimberly via the Canning Stock Route.
    WA was the most suprising place for me, I didn't go with any preconceived ideas but I didn't know how beautiful it is.  Next year Derby (& Broome) are on the list as well. We won't have the child with us so are very much pleasing ourselves (& the other couple we travel with)
    Love it !
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    @Joannie   ... thank you - he never took a backwards step & even now .... still going forward!!

    @Annie C  - what a F**CKING IDIOT!!   EVERYONE knows about the croc problem!!  It almost looks like he's reaching out to it .... baiting it, encouraging it to attack!! 

    He won't be a local for much longer, if he keeps behaving like that!!  :(

    Hey @CarmelS   - I hope you are able to retire as soon as you can - I thoroughly recommend it!  I was lucky enough to 'sort of retire' at age 50 - and have had surgery  after surgery for 2 shoulders, and BC cancer as well as other medical incidents - so wondering if I'd ever have been at work!!! Get out there & have fun whilst you still can!! 

    You can even catch up with @Annie C up in the Kimberley - and I am sure we have more members elsewhere where you are travelling ..... always good to meet up with locals!  ;)   Maybe we should start a 'travel group' where we can network our members??
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    You are right about the guy likely to be an ex local! There are idiots every where. 3 months ago we were picnicking at our favourite "secret spot" on the Lennard River some  100 kms up the Gibb River Road
     ( best picnic spot around) when we came across a tourist camped at a bend in the river in his caravan (how he got it into that spot beats me). We were gobsmacked that he was throwing a stick into the river for his little dog to fetch. He didn't get the reference to "croc bait"!

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    .....We were gobsmacked that he was throwing a stick into the river for his little dog to fetch. ....

    Thick as two planks, some people!   :(   Hope they aren't still parked there after the 'wet' starts ...... GORN!!    :(    

    We'll never actually know how many people get taken by crocs etc over there, as I recon there may be more than we think!   :(    People that haven't advised families & friends of their travel plans .... people are only 'reported' missing or taken by a croc if someone else is already there to see it happen!!!

    I'll get up there one day .... and catch up with you!  ;)  

  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    Will be good to meet you. We will still be here. Not going anywhere - we love our little piece of paradise. Besides we have 25 years of "good stuff" (read junk) that will "come in handy one day."
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Oh dear @Annie C - we may be twins .... the other half is on at me EVERY DAY about clearing out 'my stuff' .... he is currently giving away HIS!   I've suggested we wait til I am more sure of my medication  & effects!! He keeps forgetting!  He tells everyone I have a sore shoulder!  :(  

    Hmmm ... Maybe we should just move downstairs and live there - leave 'our stuff' upstairs!   LOL  ALL of it will come in handy,   'one day'!  LOL  xx
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I would dearly love to go travelling again.  I can't see it happening, though.  My husband has an aversion to camping now and 3 kids in school for a few years yet.  Back in our early days together, he pulled the back seats out of his Pulsar and we went up the middle to Darwin and then a loop of the Kimberleys and back down through the Hammersley Ranges, south and across the Nullarbor.  Almost all of it in a 2-man tent (fly cover off so we could see the stars at night.  We did hire a tiny Daihatsu 4wd (all the big ones were taken by the mines) at Kunnunurra to do the Gibb River Road and the Bungles.  Oh well, one day, maybe...