Thoughts on flu vaccine.

Member Posts: 238 ✭
Many many years ago I had a flu vaccine and days later had tonsillitis. I have never had one again. Over the years I have seen clients of mine have bad colds and flu following their shots. As I'm self employed I was even more reluctant to possibly invite sickness by not having it. I have been flu free year in year out. Presently there have been a lot of cancellations in my business due to illness following the flu shot. My doctor and oncologist now class me as high risk following chemo. My doctor says he has one in the fridge waiting for me. Another reason I would never have the shot is because I am scared stiff of having injections in my arm. I've had an array of blood tests this week to check on my overall well-being since chemo and they are all pretty normal.All through the last 9 months I have had everything I've been told would be in my interest. I'v
been poked prodded, cut open, poisoned and radiated. Umpteen needles and here I am a quivering weakling at the thought of a flu shot. Yes, I am asking if I really need it, can I live without it, and I want all answers to say I don't have to have one, said no one ever. If I had it and then got sick from it I would be as mad as hell. I had my first check up today and told I'm doing 'brilliantly'. As I've done everything in my power to ensure I recovered well why am I questioning the merits of a flu shot. My auto correct keeps changing my o in shot to an i. Mmmmm
Bloody autocorrect!1
Oh that's just made me smile! Flu shit lol!3
@Blondy My family and I have been having the flu shots for years and I have had one this year on my onc's strong advice. None of us have ever been sick following it. The vaccine is not a live one so, unless you are one of those people who have an allergic reaction, it is not going to give you the flu. However, people may already have come into contact with colds, etc before they have the shot and link it to the vaccine. I had the flu many years ago and came close to being hospitalised - it's nothing like a cold and I would never wish it on anyone. I would suggest that you speak to your onc about it.1
@Blondy. I would agree that u should talk to your oncologist but ultimately it’s your decision. I have never had the flu shot and my oncologist want done to get it as I was having chemo. I have recently finished chemo and never ended up getting it but that’s just me.1
I had a flu shot two weeks ago, had a bit of a sore arm for a day ( which was probably due to me being unable to relax when I know someone is going to stab me)
Having had a proper dose of the flu in 2016, shortly after my second tumour was discovered, I am shit scared of having it again. My white cells are still low 12 months post chemo and I will not take any unnecessary risks, it can kill you if you are already debilitated. I have not gone through all this to be bumped off by something I could possibly have prevented.
The vaccine is not live, it can not give you the disease. It can kick your immune system up the arse and you can get some symptoms similar to what your body would do if you had the virus. That only lasts a day or so if it happens, which is not as common as you may be lead to believe. People can be easily manipulated into having side effects, tell the world the flu shot makes you pee glitter and that's what everyone will report.3 -
As a kid I had the flu a few times and the difference between flu and a cold is with the flu it seems to affect the optic nerves of the eye making it hurt to look sideways.
I asked my doctor recently about getting the flu needle as I had just spent 12 days getting over the sniffles and over a month later I still have bronchitis and he said the best way to get immunity from the flu is to get the flu. Needless to say I am not going back to that doctor again.
Perhaps he read this paper on the 1918 flu where it wasn't just the young and elderly who copped it, it was the healthy ones who were in their prime and their own bodies went in to overdrive to fight it. -
I had flu shot on a tues afternoon, after it being insisted i do by care nurse, oncologist, radiotheraphy nurse and my gp....and it worked....i got the flu symptoms full on on thursday afternoon. Spent 4 days in bed, couldnt even get out to go have radiation on friday.
ive never been a fan of not needed vaccinations and after that eposide i had, wont do it again. The pain etc was shocking, prob as my body has just about had enough, with chemo, surgery and rads.
GP says, now i shouldnt get any flu during the season lol0 -
@Blondy I am afraid your specialists are right, you have to remember your immune system has been compromised, you are highly susceptible to the likes of the flu. I totally agree with @zoffiel I'm sure @primek has mentioned many times being a nurse, you CANNOT get sick from the vaccine, as it is not a live one. I've had it for 3 years and apart from a sore arm, that is it. If you get sick it is unrelated and usually due to having had a virus already there or brewing. Tonsilitis is different to the flu. I so get the needle thing, Im phobic!!! but really, its not a big deal I absolutely promise.
Of course regardless you can get sick still it doesnt cover every strain but you wont get the worst one. Hugs xo M1 -
Flu Vaccine and Pneumococcal vaccination as well. I had the flu when I was 21 and wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy. I have had the flu vaccine for years with no issues and there is no way I would risk my health now. There are side effects such as sore arm and fever but they are mild. It also takes 2 weeks to take full effect so anything in the meantime is not from the vaccine. Also the virus does mutate so it is possible to get a strain not covered in the vaccine.3
Mmmm....I was told by my oncologist not to have the flu needle because it wouldn't be effective as I am on Capecitabine (Xeloda). My oncologist is also a microbiologist.
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I had so many colds/coughs in the 6 months leading up to my diagnosis in Jan ... most of them going to my chest and needing antibiotics.
I was in bed for days for some of them.
I had the flu shot last week cos I dont want to get the flu. My arm really hurt for a few days ... my GP suggested I check with my Onc before giving it - and the Onc said, it was fine as it was not a live one. My husband has always opted NOT to have the shot following his chemo in 2010 and has never caught it .... But we don’t have kids or Grand kids either .... which is often where you get the infections from (or from the handles of shopping trolleys, I reckon, at super markets, airports etc!)
Good luck to all of us, whether you’ve had the shot or not .... I hope no-one gets it!!
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Up to you if you have it or not! Since being diagnosed my GP insists. It has been three weeks since I've had the flu shot and no discomfort at all. I am a little rattly at night but that is more to do with if I go and check the chooks late or head out for firewood and struggle with the night air...……..pretty chilly here as I am more than 600m above sea level.
Last year I had the injection but still managed to pick up colds, 3 in total with 6-8 weeks for one of them. That suggests to me the immune system is still not right and hopefully the flu shot is an insurance not to get the flu!
Take care
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Thanks for all your thoughts on this matter. I saw my onc last Friday and I completely forgot to ask her (again) hoping say no, as I do remember her sometime ago saying the dreaded yes I need it, word. Yesterday as I left work my nose got snuffly and a lot of mucous in my throat and I immediately thought, Aaarrrgghh I should have had the flu shot. Talk about the horse that bolted. Came home took some vit c then right as rain. But I am giving it a lot of thought.1
Just had a 'flu shot. Qualified for the free one because of the BC. Nurse said they'd run out of the paid ones.0
Still haven't had it and don't think I will.0