Here Goes



  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    48 hours after lumpectomy and feeling alot better than I expected. Was concerned about a punching pain at the back of my armpit but when getting ready for my first shower in days I dared to look in a mirror. Bloody hell I have a wound right across my armpit. Funny how it's easier to cope with pain when you know there is a reason. So I let "Thelma and Louise" free from my bra for a shower and "Louise" let out a cry in protest. Never thought I would ever be excited to get a bra on!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    The bloody biopsy was one of the most painful things in my BC experience. I'm glad I didn't know before going in. Ouch!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Yes, one of them!  The anaesthetic hadn't quite taken in the whole area that they were taking the tissue from and the last one I felt (and then they peeled me off the ceiling).
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @kmakm @Sister ouch! How do they do a blood biopsy? I think my node area is so sore because one of the surgeons said they had to dig real deep for it. You all are amazing women. No matter how unwell you are you're still around for advice. True Angels on Earth. Xxx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal hope u r feeling a little less sore today. I didn’t have that procedure done - straight to the surgeries for me but sounds very painful xoxo
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Kiwi Angel it does sound sore. I just took some panadol to take the edge off. Trying not to rely on endone too much. I don't know why. As my daughter keeps saying. "Mum, you don't have to be in pain". Having 26jj boobs I don't think I will be doing an Irish jig anytime soon but these new bras have Thelma and Louise snug as a bug.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal you definately do not want Thelma and Louise bouncing around at all. Can u take nurofen. Just remember with the endone it can block u up abit but definitely don’t suffer if I don’t have to. Big hugs xoxo
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Kiwi Angel I'll give nurofen a go too. I never know when to use what. Might head out later and grab a couple of boxes. My daughter heads back to Melb today. But I have a work friend dropping in to visit this arvo. Might get her to grab a couple of boxes on the way over. Hope you have a good day. Going to take advantage of the dog next door not barking to get some more zzzz's 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    So glad you are feeling a bit better now - tho that ache/pain under the arm can take a while to go away - and my underarm is still numb now, over 4 months later!  

    That is wonderful that your kids have been such a great support for you.

    Keep the pain meds up for a couple more days at least, even more - take them religiously every 4-6hrs ..... don't wait to let the pain 'kick in' or it takes much longer to control again!  It is better to keep the meds 'level' rather than having 'highs & lows'.  Maybe take the endone just at night for a while - as it will give you a deeper pain control & also help you sleep.  It shouldn't clog you up if just taking the one a day.

    The anaesthetic will take a few days to get out of your system - so snooze as much as you want - it is good for you  too.  

    I had the odd really sharp pain in behind my armpit - a real stabbing pain - short & sharp - which is also quite normal.  It didn't happen often, but took my breath away when it happened!

    Don't forget the small pillow to support your arm - particularly once you are able to sleep on your side again .... it keeps your arm level with your body - and is much more comfy & less painful.

    All the best - thinking of you xxx

    WOW!  I can see a lot of people contacting you now re beating the form filling system!!  LOL  I still haven't lodged my IPTASS forms from Jan-Few yet!  I must do it soon!
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal - definately get as much rest as you need too. I have learnt to listen to my body through all this and give it what it wants. xoxo
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @arpie talking about the pillow, my Breast Care Nurse popped in whilst I was waiting for surgery on Tuesday with a goodies bag put together by local BC support group with funding from Rotary. Lo and behold this pillow was with it. It has been my saving grace when sleeping. I hook it over my shoulder so it moves with me ( which isn't much with the endone) its soft and satin and had to have been designed by a pink warrior as it's perfect. 3 days since surgery. Boob is black above dressing and wound under armpit hurts more than boob. Hope you are doing well. Xxx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal that’s the same as mine except mine was pink - it was a godsend for me too after surgery. Slept with it over my shoulder/under my armpit and when I started driving again wore it the same way but out it in between the seatbelt and my mastectomy area. The armpit pain is definately the worst. Xoxox
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Kiwi Angel I'll definately take it with me for the car. I haven't driven yet but with my daughter going home I will have to brave it. *big hugs*
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    My breastcare nurse said to me u are ready to drive when u think I can handle it if u had to stop suddenly and the seatbelt dug into u @TabooGal
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Driving tomorrow for the first time in over four weeks. My Zonta cushion (small floral pattern) will be with me. Probably over my abdomen.