Scared of double mastectomy



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    Thanks @primek. I can see  @Kelly88 is all joined up now. Take your time Kelly and have a look at the posts and photo stories in the group. Shout out if you get stuck. 
    Paula xxxx
  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    Hi @Kelly88 sorry to hear you've been diagnosed. 

    I'm 31 and almost 3 weeks post double mastectomy with recon. I was also freaking out about the surgery and more so the recovery. But honestly it's not as bad as it seems. The first week you are at your worst but you're in hospital for a few days or even a week like I was. When I went home I really did bounce back quickly. I think the age also helps you to recover faster. You're going to be in good hands with your surgeon and the anaesthetic is safe and that part is the least worrying part. WIshing you all the best for the rest of your chemo xx
  • MaryAnnie
    MaryAnnie Member Posts: 17
    Hi, does anyone know how I can join the reconstruction group? 
  • Shorelle
    Shorelle Member Posts: 80
    Im 2.5 weeks post bilateral mastectomy and recon. The pain has been and is quite bad but seriously what can I expect so I just have to tough it out. I have 3 little girls and we are desperate for cuddles. I was really scared too and still am so I hear where you are coming from. Thinking of you, this is tough. Its unfair and shitful but you can do this. The ladies on here are amazing and so supportive and full of positive attitudes.
  • MaryAnnie
    MaryAnnie Member Posts: 17
    @Kelly88 It is natural to be scared. I am planning a double mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction in January and will see a ps next week. I am also very scared. I had a lumpectomy already 2 weeks ago but due to family history and seeing my mom lose her 10 yr battle, a double mastectomy makes sense. My sister also had bc and a single mastectomy plus reconstruction. She said that the pain was not too bad. Tubes were out before she left the hospital. And she actually started driving one week later (my goodness).

    I have been reading about all the possible complications associated with mastectomy plus implant recon. It scared me so much I had trouble sleeping. But at the end of the day, we are not our boobs. We are not defined by how our boobs look like.

    @KatyJoy Did you do your Mastectomy and recon under the public system? How did you select your bs and ps? Do you mind sharing their details with me? I am in Melbourne and will meet the ps surgeon who is recommended by my bs. But i have read up that it is important to use a ps who is experienced in these types of recon.
  • KatyJoy
    KatyJoy Member Posts: 181
    @MaryAnnie I will message you
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey @MaryAnnie I'm also in Melbourne, in February this year I had a single mastectomy/diep flap reconstruction all at once. My PS was also recommended highly by my Surgeon and they work closely together. I've always been a private patient, however, my Surgeon and PS work out of the Royal Melbourne Hospital too, so they scheduled me through public and I had zero out of pocket. Had i gone privately, I would have been approx $10,000 out of pocket. I'm super happy with the result and have since had a revision which involved more lipo filling, tummy scar revision, nipple recon and right breast lift. Just tattooing left to do and finito :) 

    You absolutely want a good Plastic Surgeon and there are quite a few wo specialize in Breast Reconstruction. xx Melinda 
  • MaryAnnie
    MaryAnnie Member Posts: 17
    @melclarity Hi. I thought that we cant chose our surgeons if we go to a public hospital? Or did you opt to be treated as a private patient in a public hospital? If that's the case, I thoughy that there still would be out-of-pockets? It's all very confusing. I just  made enquiries with a ps and it seems his out of pocket alone is $3000-5000.  But he also operates in a public hospital but seems I can be guaranteed I'll get to use him in the public hospital. It's all getting depressing.
  • MaryAnnie
    MaryAnnie Member Posts: 17
    I mean I cannot be guaranteed who my surgeons would be in a public hospital. ..
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @MaryAnnie Hey! you are right if you go directly through a public hospital you don't choose your Surgeon. I've been seeing my Surgeon for 6yrs privately at Freemasons, he also works in the public system as do most Surgeons/Plastic Surgeons, they do a certain amount of time. So as he already does public as well, he suggested putting me through there, thing is you are put on a wait list just like public but I was put Category 1 as I had a recurrence so I waited not long and he organised it all not the hospital, his Secretary co-ordinated with the Plastic Surgeon. The other way he got around it was, he sent me for Genetic Testing, eventhough it was negative the fact I had it done he was able to push me up the list. 

    So your Surgeon who did the lumpectomy, will they be doing the double mastectomy? as they are who I would ask if they do public work as well and if thats an option for you. xx M
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @MaryAnnie
    Some surgeons do treat you as a private patient in a public hospital.  The hospital uses your private health insurance details to fund the hospital but they don't charge you the health insurance excess.  The only issue is that if it is a teaching hospital the hospital can override the surgeon and, whilst he/she is in the room supervising, the surgery could be done by a student.  Check with your surgeon how he/she handles this aspect.  The hospital may pick up the excess costs such as the anesthetist and bloods - again, check so you have no surprises.
    Hope this helps.  Summer   :)
  • jadziatoo
    jadziatoo Member Posts: 38
    Hi @Kelly88. I had a double mastectomy in April and bilateral sentinel node biopsies in the public system. My doctor said I would be off work for a week but couldn't drive for 3 weeks. I didn't find the pain too bad. I then had radiation so I haven't had a reconstruction yet. Good luck with it all. 

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