


  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    Well hello there everybody : )

    havent been on for a long long time, been really busy and trying to get a go at the computer at home is a nightmare at the moment. Bloody kids !

    Anyway, I think my days of wearing a hyead scarf are OVER !!  spent the last 5 days without it and loving the feeling of a free head. I can nearly say that my hair is blowing in the wind. A few more weeks and that will happen. Then I will probably sook about the hair getting mucked up all the time....never happy : )

    Well I hope everyone is going well. For those that couldn't make it to the last lunch, we had a great day apart from finding out that Natalie has had some bad news again. So we need to help her celebrate her 40th birthday at the next lunch we have. Your invites should have come through to you last Thursday.

    Hopefully we can get a few people there to help her celebrate before she goes back on chemo that will make her sick again and lose her beautiful curls. Man, I feel so sorry for her. She doesn't deserve this....none of us do. She is going OK though. Trying to stay positive.

    I have had a wonderful weekend away in Mudgee with some awesome friends. Wet and cold, but we still had an absolute ball.

    Take care everyone...talk soon.

    Love Karen

  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    Well hello there everybody : )

    havent been on for a long long time, been really busy and trying to get a go at the computer at home is a nightmare at the moment. Bloody kids !

    Anyway, I think my days of wearing a hyead scarf are OVER !!  spent the last 5 days without it and loving the feeling of a free head. I can nearly say that my hair is blowing in the wind. A few more weeks and that will happen. Then I will probably sook about the hair getting mucked up all the time....never happy : )

    Well I hope everyone is going well. For those that couldn't make it to the last lunch, we had a great day apart from finding out that Natalie has had some bad news again. So we need to help her celebrate her 40th birthday at the next lunch we have. Your invites should have come through to you last Thursday.

    Hopefully we can get a few people there to help her celebrate before she goes back on chemo that will make her sick again and lose her beautiful curls. Man, I feel so sorry for her. She doesn't deserve this....none of us do. She is going OK though. Trying to stay positive.

    I have had a wonderful weekend away in Mudgee with some awesome friends. Wet and cold, but we still had an absolute ball.

    Take care everyone...talk soon.

    Love Karen

  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015
    Hi Helen,
    Funny you should mention the joint pain...
    My hands in particular have been bad especially at night. They get more swollen and I have trouble bending my fingers. They're better during the day. I've also got terrible shoulder problems from doing extra yoga since finishing chemotherapy, but I wonder now if it is connected to perception. Been to Mary and she is working her magic.
    I looked on the Internet and saw a few blog postings from women complaining about this, but didn't find anything conclusive. I wondered if it was a delayed reaction to chemotherapy. I suspect when I tell my oncologist, he'll make a note of it, say it's unlikely to be herceptin, and offer anti-inflamatories. The continuing puffiness is strange because I've actually lost 6kgs since finishing chemotherapy, and I thought that would have helped get rid of the problem.

    I've had a nice weekend catching up with my brother and his partner in Newcastle. We had dinner together last night, looked at their recent holiday snaps from the USA, and stayed the night. This morning we walked for about an hour and a half around the beaches, took in the sights around civic park -moreton bay figs- and went back to their place for brekie before coming home. Very pleasant.

    Oh, and by the way - I ditched the wig yesterday! Went to the hairdresser at 11, and came out a new woman at 1:00. I'm not rel happy with the co our, but it'll have to do for a few weeks. I thought I'd wear jeans and leather jacket out last night, but looked SO butch, I had to change!!!! Everyone's been very supportive, so that's nice. I was well and truly ready to take the plunge, and I don't think you can do it until you're really ready for it.

    Nice to see the sun today hope you've all had a nice weekend.

  • Karen Hartcher
    Karen Hartcher Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    Louise....I am so glad to hear that you have been able to get rid of the wig. I bet you look stunning. Sounds like you have had a wonderful weekend.

    I certainly have. My hubby went away to Bathurst on Friday, so a friend came to stay with me Friday night and then we went shopping on Saturday morning before I went off to my nephews wedding. We had such a great time and I got to meet some of the Australian netball team as they were staying at the Sebel in town which is where the reception was. Lovely girls.

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Well done Louise I bet you look great it must be great losing that last little bit of chemo relic  the wig. My wig is still my best friend. I think I must have very slow growing hair .Thanks for telling me about  your puffiness of a night makes me feel normal, nights or sitting in the car are definately my worst time.Hope you enjoyed the sunshine today


  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Everyone, well  reading these last few posts havent things moved forward for a alot of you, Louise You did it !!!  Congratulations, Its a strange feeling isn't it, but such freedom !!

    Helen my hair was slow too for ages , then all of a sudden there was a growth spurt and then it slowed again, don't wory its closer than you think...

    Does anyone else have extreme pain in there arm, ?? I am in agony cannot get into Mary till 25th , so am seeing another physio hopefully this week, I think its alot to do with travelling up and down on the plane so close together...

    I must tell you , I have been dealing with surgeons and oncologists in QLD due to my mum's diagnosis, WOW am i impressed, don't get me wrong I am not complaining about down here, but they are so more advanced in my eyes up there,. It is a new Cancer building on the Gold Coast 10 - 12 story's and the knowledge I gained myself sitting in with my mum,Oncologist and surgeons has been unbelievable.

    I hope everyone is well and look forward to catching up Sat week,

    BTW are we going to buy Nat a pressie for the big 40 ??? I am more than happy to put in ..

    We should get everyones birthdays and celebrate in some little way , eevn over a coffee , what do you think ??

    Now I feel very lazy, drove back from GC Sunday straight thru in at 9pm , and went straight to work yesterday , cant sleep so I have literally run out of puff, in my conscience I am walking the dog, ironing and doing the housework, ah well that can wait. ( Mya be i could dream the fairies arrive !!)


    Beautiful day today, take care all and will catch up soon...


    Love Sue xxx



  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sue,

    I had pain and aching in my arm when my fluid levels went up to 16. 

    Swelling had been building up throughout chemo, but my head wasn't making the connection with lymphodema. By the time I got to Mary we had quite a bit of work to do. I'd also started being more active with exercise and gardening, and that all mad e it worse. So maybe your plane trips are having a bad effect. Are you wearing skins during the flights? I got my swelling down by wearing skins for half a day, and massaging 2-3 times every day - and treatment from Mary of course.

    I was wondering about a pressie for Natalie too- maybe some nice personal skincare products? I thought I'd try to bring a bunch of roses from my dad's garden. Their perfume is to die for.

    I think it'd be a good idea to have everyone's birthdays down too.

    Good luck with your arm.


    Louise xx

  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies, Sue are you trying to get a frequent flyers award with all your trips. You must wake up each day and think where am I today. I think it is nice to acknowledge birthdays, but there is a fine line with them becoming a pest.Natalie's 40th is a special mile stone and should be celebrated especially in view of her latest news.The roses sound a wonderful idea and personal coming from your fathers garden. What about a voucher to have to have some beauty time.Or/and we pay for dinner and drinks. Good luck with your arm Sue. I think all our systems are so finely tune at the moment we forget and it is so easy for them to get out of wack.

  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015


    My thinking about birthdays has been a long the same lines as your's. Some products or a treatment to pamper Natalie I thought would be a good idea for her. With a young single income family, I bet Nat doesn't spend any spare pennies on pampering herself!

    I agree also about this being a special birthday. I think it would be nice to acknowledge and drink a toast (of lemonade :) ) to everyones birthdays as they come along, but presents for every birthday could be a trial to organise. There are a lot of us, and we tend to turn up to lunches in an adhoc way. Having said that though, I'm happy to go with the flow on this one if others feel strongly about it.

    Louise xx

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Everyone, This is just a suggestion, when we write on here instead of adding to this continual blog, we should separate it with new headings ie: Chemo, Lymphatic, Lunches blah blah blah ......


    Why u ask, well if it is collated into subject areas then we can view that subject without having to drill every note that is on here now....It may be useful to all of us if we had a query...

    I hope I don't sound bossy....

    Have fingers crossed had to have scan yesterday for pain in my collarbone results in two days, apparently.

    Went to a physio today at warners bay,,,, re my arm, i am now in a permament sleeve grrrr but she spent 1.5 hrs with me, her name is Carolyn Urquhart at warners bay 49471299 she is a Lymphoedema specialist   should anyone need an appt in the future as I couldnt get into Mary till 25th and this was too late, i rang this lady she had me in the next day.

    Funny you should say that Helen the other night I woke up and walked out of our room and into a wall, !!!!   as i thought I was at my Mums,  there was total confusion in the brain for the minute, ( which doesn't take much these days)

    Anyway better get off my posterior and do something, its freezing today, hope everyone is well, Talk soon....


    Cheers Sue


  • Helen M
    Helen M Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies ,I will not be at the next meeting  we are having our annual family christmas get together in Mollymook on the south coast. As my brothers are retired now we make a big event and stay for the week . It also means I will miss the breast clinic party. I have been thinking of you Sue this week  I hope everything went well with your mum. I'm sure you are reliving every day with her. How did you get on with your shoulder, could it  be related to the tablets you are on.In this weather that wigs days have to be numbered I almost cooked on Monday. Love Helen

  • Louise139
    Louise139 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sue,

    Appreciate your suggestion of separating our entries into new subject areas. This long blog will kill participation in the end. I've tried a new subject heading now, but I think its just going to end up at the end of the blog again. I've spent some time trying fix this problem but can't find a way around it. It would at least work better if that last posted comment showed up at the top of the first page i.e., the order of comments reversed, but there isn't a way of doing that. I emailed their administrator a while back but haven't had a reponse.

    Do you know how to fix the problem? I'm afraid this is my first use of a blog and expected it to run more smoothly.

    Helen have a great trip and look forward to seeing you in the new year - minus the wig!!

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