What helps you when you are down or stressed



  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    You are so right Tracy.  A smile is amazing.  When you smile at someone in the street or at the post office or in the doctors surgery and they manage a smile back it is only something little but it is a special something little I reckon.

    You are right also - when I smile for whatever reason and hubby or daughter are around they are very curious about what I am smiling about and that makes them wonder hee hee.  Luv it. 

    Keep that smile happenin my pink sisters out there.  It really does make a difference to everyone.

    Luv u lots, Mich xoxoxoxoxo

  • Debbie J
    Debbie J Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2015

     Hi Sara, I had the same issues as you with my first psychologist, just did not seem to be able to help. I found a psychologist that her field is in helping cancer patients, wow what a difference she has made. I found her through the hospital where you have chemo. I did not have chemo myself.

    One thing she taught me that  has helped me when I start to get worried and think about it coming back  and what may happen in the future is. Pick a time in the day say 4pm can be anytime and when you start to worry say its not 4pm yet can not think about it and most off the time it really works and by the time 4pm comes around have forgot about it. If it is still on your mind at that time allow yourself 10mins to think about it and then after that you push it aside till that time the following day.

    Find something each day that makes you happy. Mine is spending time with my Grandchildren, do not have time to think about anything. They bring me so much joy.

    Where do you live?. This cancer psychologist is in Newcastle.

    Hope this helps.


  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Hey Sue 

    It was soooo luvly to get to meet you at our Perth Womens get together.  

    I have heard about that meditation.  Unfortunately it falls at the time I go to my fantastic Yoga in Gooseberry Hill.  I need to look at going to yoga Monday mornings and come to the meditation.  I bet it is fantastic.

    Thanks for putting it out there.

    Hope to catch up with you at the Next Perth Get Together.

    Luv always, Mich xoxoxooxxo

  • Elizebeth
    Elizebeth Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2015
    Mich...reading your blogs and kind responses helped me in my BC journey and I believe that Bowen is a great therapy so I have everything crossed that it brings you healing!!

    Luv and hugs

    Elizebeth xx
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015

    I'm glad you are smiling again Mich. I hate to think of you being down. You lift so many of us up with your enthusiam for life and it's not fair that you are going through such a long and harrowing journey. Keep looking at your board full of lovely notices and know that you are thought of every day.

    Lots of hugs to you Mich,

    Love Janey xxx

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Fanx Elizebeth and Janey, I am doing fine don't u worry.  I am up and at em and know that I am getting closer to that miracle.  Hope you luvly ladies are also going well and got that beautiful smile on your dial.

    Luv u guys, Mich xoxoxoox

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    It continues to warm my heart when I read and see the amazing support you all give to each other. Hands down I think being the site administrator here is a pretty great job. Love and positive vibes out to you all. x

    When I am feeling down and stressed I go to google images for inspiration.

    This is todays one that is appropriate for me!

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Oh huny 

    let me tell u that we all luv u and don't mind if u hav a bad day or maybe just an hour here or there but that is all u r allowed.

    think happy thoughts, read happy inspirations to help u get through just like the rest of us.

    Don't forget huny we need u, u r our strength and a beautiful person and we luv u, not just what u do.

    U know I luv u, that goes without saying, Mich xoxoxoxo

  • Rosanna
    Rosanna Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sara, I feel so sorry to hear from your experience.  May I say something to you.   I am a Chinese background OZ living in here.  I had Chinese friends and OZ friends and family here.  I still hassle to talk to all my friends here about my caner, but just 4, and 2 of them were having that before.  You had such a family around you, you gone through Chemo, you did something that I didn't aware, it's great effort and courage you've been done.  I haven't had my chemo yet until 7March....I wonder what will happen on me.

    I prepared the worse, and I believed side effect will happen on me.  Sara, apart from cancer, we gone through a lot of difficulties and happiness in our life,  when we look back, again, we didn't aware we pass through and work well, and at the end we sit down and smile to ourself - things happened, and I did it.

    We had a lot of challenge, please don't fall into the trap, save yourself, if we only stand and star at the corner of the street, we never found the way out and was stuck.  Look back, there are ways to come out, and lots of different channel, friends, family are at your back, they are all WITH you.  On top, we are lucky here with all the pink sisters, we might not seeing each other faces, but we experienced the same, share the same, feel the same.

    I am glad that I was the chosen one being diagonised (out of my 5 sisters and my mother), I am glad it happend here in Australia (finance free from living, and medications)  I am glad I know English, that I could read from you and share with you.

    Remember you had a lot of challenge before I beg you, and you overcome and fix it very well, and this time you will go through it,  cancer is not scary but don't let it knock you down.

    Thinking of you; hug you and love UUUU


  • Rosanna
    Rosanna Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2015

    Mich, this is a good topic.

    My thinking is - talk it out.

    Find whatever way, even go out to find a stranger to say out what's thought.  I sometimes will over thinking and fell into anxiety trap., I want to save myself, I hate people worry me, so I usually enlarge small lucky thing, like I sit down infront of TV with a cup tea.  I told myself, so relax, so lucky, feeling so good,

    I'll find something simply to treat myself very very good, so as to encourage myself to fight for life challenge.  (Life is full of challenge)

    I took a walk this morning, feeling so nice, I need to well ready for 7MAR chemo schedule, I told myself everything is ready, people around me sending me lover and care, the Medical team are all ready, Rosanna, what a u doing,  SO I think, I have to well weapon myself, well ready meself to go for it (????) 

    sorry for the chinese wordings...............

    Thanks for sharing

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Daina,that's going straight into my little book of inspirations that I keep. Tonya xx

  • Poll
    Poll Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    Hi.i was diagnosed just before my birthday in March with invasive lobula carcinoma. it was caught on mammogram and is very small.
    my operation is Monday 28th April.as you would know I will have the Sentinel node removed for testing.
    I am being positive that all will go well but have moments of cours.
    I have many well wishers but no one person that wants to be there for me except for my family which I am grateful for.
    my husband is really good but its hard for men.
    I hope everyone is fairing well and good wishes to you all.
  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Hey Poll

    Hello huny and I am so glad you have found us.  I apologise I not been on here earlier but my computer was misbehaving badly as it does for last couple of days.

    I can so relate to where you are at.  It is such a frustrating time.  Where do you live huny?  You will be able to find groups in your area by looking on the right side of the main BCNA page and typing in your area. If no success with that contact BCNA direct and they will either put you in contact with someone or have someone call you.  There is always someone out there wantiing to help and support you as I want to do right now.

    You are right in saying family and husbands "just don't get it"!!!!  It is such a common phrase you will hear from any of your pink sisters going through BC.

    I am glad you have found this post to hopefully cheer you up but also give you some ideas of what you can do when you are feeling low.  I know how hard it is to lift yourself up when you are feeling so down but hopefully some of these things will help.

    I hope you have a good GP you can turn to if you have any concerns.  Plus a breast care nurse allocated to you following your surgery.  Use them, call on them whenever you need and most importantly look after number one because at this time unfortunately it is all about you.

    I am not sure if you have or know how to but make sure you put up any new post if there are things that are bothering you on here and the girls will come to your rescue with replys.  To post a new post.  Go into your own profile, click on blog which is up the top and then it will come up and you can create a post which will then show up on the main online page and you will receive alerts of replies from the girls.

    Also if you have a question there is a search tab on the top Right hand side of the main page as well.

    I hope you have received your"My Journey Kit" already through BCNA but if not you can order it down the bottom of this page under resources and you should receive it within the week if Australia Post on schedule.

    I hope I have helped you a little.  Just remember I am hear for you, I know exactly where you are coming from, I know how it feels to be on that roller coaster ride and so do all of us on this site.

    It is scary but just remember so many of us have been through what you are going through and have come out the other side to be able to sit here and type a reply to you.

    Luv always, Mich xoxoxoxo