What helps you when you are down or stressed



  • Christine Marie
    Christine Marie Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2015
    My first one is going to be yoga,I'm going to start next Monday nite... I think that's a good start:) ((hugs)) Christine xox
  • yetbeung
    yetbeung Member Posts: 167
    edited March 2015
    I left out a very important thing that l should have put first on the list!!

    I have a little tradition l call a "Medicare Rub"...as l am receiving a mountain of bills (even though l have health cover), making trips to the Medicare office is now part of my life, usually a weekly thing. (If not more often).

    My Medicare is located in an small shopping centre, & l'm not sure if this was careful planning on Medicare's part, or just lucky placement by the shopping centre, but there are 2 "Relaxation Station" massage recliners right out the front of Medicare, the coin operated ones like they have in airports.

    They are AMAZING, & for only $2 you get a brilliant massage of your legs, back & neck that seems to go forever, even though its only 5 minutes...l normally love proper massages but was worried that because of my port & lumpectomy scarring l might not be able to lay on my stomach for long enough to get one...problem solved here!

    I now thoroughly look forward to my trips to medicare, must look hilarious sprawled out in the chair, but l love it! Sorts my bone pain out, even if its just for 5 minutes! Occasionally an extra coin might fall into the slot...oops!

    If you haven't already tried one of these Relaxation Station chairs, give it a go!
    From Bobbie
  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    My grand daughter and I always make for those chairs, we love them. We can't convince my daughter to give them a go, she just laughs at our oows and arhs.

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Hahahahaha Bobbie, i walk past them at our shopping centre.  Next time I am going to stop and enjoy the moment or the 5mins at least.

    Thanks hun.  I hope you have got that beautiful smile of yours still happening.

    Luv always, Mich xoxoxxooxoxox

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Yayyyyyyy way to go.  You will luv it.  Do you know what type of yoga it is.  My one is called Kundalini (koondarleeni pronounced) and I just crave for my Friday nights to come around.  I think I can really get in to it now where before BC I just couldn't GET IT where as I get it now.

    Have fun luvly, enjoy it and relax.

    Lots of luv always, Mich xoxoxoxoxo

  • SaraK
    SaraK Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2015

    I am having a terrible few weeks of feeling so down, desperate and depressed about everything BC.  I was so worried over Christmas that this might be my last Christmas.  I made everyone cry, including myself and my husband.  He is keen for me to go on antidepressants, which has been suggested to me by a couple of other people as well.  Does anyone feel like this has helped them?  I've finished chemo almost four weeks ago and about to start radiation next Thursday.  I just feel such terror at the treatments not working and getting some secondary cancer, and I'm so frightened.


  • Susan Linda
    Susan Linda Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2015
    So sorry you are feeling so down. If you can possibly talk to a psychologist it may help you. In most public and private hospitals there would be someone who could support you and discuss your options or ask your GP for a referral. It is normal to feel down after everything you have gone through but don't be frightened to ask for professional help. My best wishes go out to you.
    Cheers. Sue
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    Our poor bodies have had so many drugs during chemo that I am sure this messes with our emotions and thinking processes BIG time. It can be a struggle to get ourselves feeling good again. It might be worth trying some of the suggestions that people have found helpful on this blog. I personally find it helps me to challenge the fearful, negative thoughts with the reality that most people who are diagnosed and have treatment go onto lead healthy cancer free lives. Having endured all the treatment I just want to enjoy feeling better and knowing that I have done everything I could to get rid of the cancer. I know that worrying won't help, looking after myself (diet, exercise, etc) will.

    Have you spoken to a counsellor at all? A lot of people find it helpful to talk things over with a professional. They would also be able to advise you whether antidepressants would help in your situation. For your sake don't spend too much time feeling like this. Life is too precious to feel down for too long. Hope you can find something to help you feel good again soon. Take care. Deanne xxx
  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sue I am sorry that you are feeling so anxious about your future.  I think we all have days like that but if you have been feeling like this for some time I agree with both Sue and Deanne that it may be time to seek professional help.  If you went throught a public hospital I would give them a ring and line up an appointment to see their psychologists.  Alternatively, make an appointment to see your GP who will be able to assess whether or not you need antidepressants and can set up a GP Management Plan which will give you 6 initial  free visits to a psycholgist.  Of course if the psycholgist feels you need more sessions they will request another referral from your GP.  

     I can't recommend this highly enough because after all you have been through you deserve now to be enjoying each day to the full.

    All the best with this and please keep us updated on how you get on.  

    Big hugs and enouragement to you.


    Joy xx 

  • SaraK
    SaraK Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2015

    thank you so much for your warm responses.  I am seeing a psychologist but she hasn't had cancer and I think there is only so much empathising that is useful from anyone who isn't in the 'club'.  I have an appointment scheduled with my GP on Monday so I will discuss the possibility of anti depressants with her.  I must say it helps a great deal to hear from others that it is normal - strange version of normal - to be feeling worried and I'm definately working on staying in the moment - I'm not dead yet.

    thanks again




  • LisaC
    LisaC Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sara. I felt so sad reading your blog and I really hope that now you have made the decision to speak to someone about it that you get right assistance. I understand you being hesitant regarding if the person hasn't had cancer themselves but just remember if you are not happy with them, you can change it. Also I don't know if you have been told this but my oncologist told me that around this time in our treatment the chemo is at it's peak (being cumulative) in our body. I felt very frustrated and felt the effects of chemo catch up with me at around the 2 month mark. I expected much more from my body and for the first time during the whole experience I felt teary and down. Since I was told that I adjusted my thinking and it has helped me a great deal. So go gentle on you, don't doubt yourself and risk your well being. It's good to seek answers and get help. Take care and look forward to an update from you. Lisa xx
  • Elizebeth
    Elizebeth Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2015
    What a great thread!

    I must admitt that one of the big positives for me is this site and the amazing women that share such personal experiences- I gather a great deal of inspiration from these stories and the honesty that everyone shows...I am a daily addict and when I feel alone I read the stories to help me feel more connected to other ladies going through BC!

    I am lucky to have one of those massage chairs (bought years ago in a frenzied momment!) and I must admit one of the best investments I ever made!!

    I have a furry magnet called Sasha - my gorgeous maltese that is with me 24/7 and 2 other furry friends called Molly and Phoebe so 2 walks a day is absolutely mandatory and over the past 3 months has kept me stronger both emotionally and physically ...the weekends are always long walks usually near the water for visual relaxation as well...I write 3 postive thoughts a day, I pray all the time and have found a real connection to healing prayers and a reconnection with my faith that I think I lost before BC...I think Mich you are just 'inspirational' with all that you have been through yet you come through so strong and positive - this road is tough especially with complications so your posts always cheer me up!

    I have a wonderful partner that I thank god for everyday and as I have been in and of hospital and a bit weak I have become a bit of a foxtel addict (need to change that one!)...I saw a psychologist that looked about 15 so that one did not work for me but I know there are some great ones out there....Anyway, these are a few of my coping strategies and I loved reading everyones - thank you

    E xx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    It's just an idea,but have you thought of joining a support group in your area?I started one in the Hills area of Sydney at the beginning of 2013. The women who attend are lovely and we all support each other.From my experience(breast cancer twice)it took me about 2 years to feel confident in my health again.We have to somehow find a way to live with that cancer worry but not let it dominate our everyday life.You are still in the middle of treatments so ofcourse you are going to feel worried and vulnerable.It's good you are seeking help from a psychologist and your GP.I hope it works out for you.Blog back here any time for support or to vent your feelings as I think it helps.   Tonya xx

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Hey Elizabeth

    Thanks heaps for your coping skills and your kind words.  How lucky are you to have a massage chair!!! and some beautiful furry children to keep you active as well.

    I luv the idea of writing down 3 positive positive thoughts a day.  Do you keep those thoughts stored somewhere and look back later?

    I have started the one where you write down what special luvly things happened in your day and you date it and keep it in a jar and then you look back through them down the track and reminisce :-)

    Keep up your positives and keep smiling

    Lots of luv, Mich xoxoxoxoxoxo


  • Elizebeth
    Elizebeth Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2015
    Yes Mich reading the positives is a real reminder of where we have come and is really important ...I do like the time capsule approach!

    Hugs back to you
