Time to process



  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    @JenD, you’ve mentioned there is a positive node (shown on PET scan and biopsied in chest). Any idea how will that be treated?

    p.s. my PET scan showed there was ‘something’ in my chest as well. But the doc says they can’t biopsied as it was in a challenging position, she told me rads should treat that area). Hence, keen to hear what your doc has recommended.

    p.s, I am hormone positive and Her2- . Have completed 15 rounds of chemo (4 dense dose AC and 11 Taxols) , just completed 15 sessions of rads last week. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    edited March 2024
    All the best for your rehearsing and the national comp @JenD!!   That's good to get help setting up your Tuba and that it is comfy enough to play, sitting down xx

    My uke group has been suggested for the local Eisteddfod next month .... but we are happy just playing for local aged care centres ....

    take care
  • CeeCee
    CeeCee Member Posts: 39
    @JenD I can really relate to your comment ‘how was I not aware that all this is happening inside’.
    I’ve seen the comment many times about how our fellow troupers have said how amazing they feel. I am in the best shape of my life, eating very well, super fit, looking after myself, then BAM!
    I’m looking at it telling myself that I am in the best position to beat this mother f&*$%. We got this. 
  • JenD
    JenD Member Posts: 27
    @GinGin As I understand it, the process of both chemotherapy for all over body elimination of cancer cells and then targeted radiotherapy after is the treatment for this node. Surgery immediately removed tumour and local nodes to this, so next is cellular level mop up.   Radio Dr explained they will complete further scans for comparisons, along with info from initial scans for targetting areas. 
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    Thanks heaps for sharing @JenD! Much appreciated! Best wishes for the rest of your treatments.
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 241
    Hi @JenD, I found my AC treatment settled into a pattern, a bit weird feeling, for the first 4 days (steroids kicking in), severe fatigue for the next 4 days, and then felt almost normal the 2nd week. I was lucky to not get any nausea. My hair started to fall out on day 13, your scalp can get a bit tender, and my husband buzz cut my hair a few days later (which I had already cut short) and i had almost immediate releif. Mine took a few weeks to fall out and I was left with a bit of fuzz which never fell out, and never grew any longer. It felt like a long road at round 1, but now I've done 8 rounds of paclitaxel and I can see the end in sight! Take each day as it comes, be kind to yourself.
  • JenD
    JenD Member Posts: 27
    @LJS I was a forward planner so stopping to take in one bit and not getting too far ahead was a big challenge.  The first two months was very stressful, getting info needed and taking it day by day, test result by result and getting all the medical info on what might be the best way to tackle your diagnosis is first step, and it will all just start to flow from there.   

    I figure thats the idea of this chat forum, if one persons post helps another person, its a great thing.  Good days, bad days, its all ok as long as you can get a positive mindset in there. Keeping things achievable in the short term, as its all a bit out of control, which is hard.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    All the best for your scans for tomorrow @LJS - your surgeon sounds like a keeper!   Make sure you stay away from Dr Google - ONLY ask your Surgeon and breast care nurse (when given one) any of your queries (or put them up here) and we'll do our best to help you xx

    take care & all the best

  • JenD
    JenD Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2024
    October Update.

    Chemo done, 5 months...  got through to 11/12 of the pactlitaxal, but neuropathy creep in feet long term risk, was time to call it.  Med Oncologist was happy that I made it to this and I am going to be hopeful the foot nerves settle in time, or better still go away (tingly/numb, particularly left foot).

    Radotherapy finished...15 sessions all done (this changed from an original 25 sessions, to a new protocol of higher dose but less sessions).   Only very mild skin irritation underside of breast fold, so far no redness or burning yet showing otherwise,  but I am feeling quite fatigued.  I also have a very sore/hard to swallow throat due to area of targetted radiation.  Happy thats all completed though👍.  

    Bone density scan done, and see oncologist later this week to start hormone therapy drug.
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 161
    Well done, @JenD! It’s such a relief to leave chemo and radiation behind and move on to the next stage of treatment (hormone blockers). I went through the same treatment as you and have been on Letrozole for two months now. I still experience tingling and numbness in my feet, but my oncologist didn’t seem too concerned and mentioned that there isn’t much medication for it, except for antidepressants.???? I spoke with my GP last week, and she recommended taking Magnesium and Vitamin B, which I have already started. I’ll see how it goes. I’m still feeling fatigued, which could be a side effect of Letrozole. Either way, it's manageable. I was tired even before the breast cancer diagnosis, and being 65, it’s not surprising. The bone density scan also showed osteoporosis. There’s a lot to manage, but it’s all manageable ;)
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    edited October 2024
    Terrific that you are thru your 'active treatment' @JenDand can now look forward to getting your life back xx  Maybe mention issue the throat to your Onc/Breast Care Nurse ... 
    I found that Difflam anaesthetic throat spray (with a long nozzle, so the spray gets to the back of the throat)  REALLY helped me when I had a killer sore throat when I got Covid early this year.

    Rest up - Recover & Recuperate xx

    Jen & @GorgyS - Consider contacting https://www.otisfoundation.org.au/directory to see if you are able to have a bit of a break in your state (there is often a few months wait - so it could be next year) ..... Wonderful philanthropic people make their holiday homes available to those recovering from their BC treatment, for a special break - you only need to take your food & clothes!   You can take as many family &/or friends, depending on the number of beds available ;) 

    take care all the best for your scans & AIs xx
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 161
    thank you, @arpie. I am definitely going to look at Otis foundation.