How supportive is your partner?



  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,525
    Hi @Nix, I am sorry your partner isn't there for you as expected. Maybe shock or fear. Time will tell. I was fortunate to have a good husband but he had bad days as I do too. I have only just finished all my surgical, chemo and radium treatment. It is all such alot to process. Some family were ok and others I heard nothing from and it was they same with friends too. Some great and some not. Some female friends said dreadful things to me. I guess they just didn't think. I thought close Female friends would be the best but not everyone can come on this ride with you. Wait and see what your diagnosis is and give your partner a chance. At the end of the day though this is all about you and you will need all the support you can to help get through it. Choose the people you want on this ride with you carefully and make sure they are there for your support. Best wishes 
  • Nix
    Nix Member Posts: 28
    Well, I just got my diagnosis and now my partner is probably the furtherest thing from my mind. If she sticks with me then that's great but I have my doubts. I don't blame her, she didn't sign up for this.  It will be a messy hard slog and as a few people have mentioned. I have no time for bystanders, your either in for the ride or adios. 

    Thanks everyone. You guys rock. 💕🌈
  • Nix
    Nix Member Posts: 28
    I know 😒
  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    Dear Nix,
    Do you want to share the news of your diagnosis?
    Is there a plan for treatment?
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    Sorry @Nix, it sounds like you didn’t get the news you wanted. Please share with us any doubts or fears you have, or ask for advice if you need to. 
    And I’m just going to repeat the above: you didn’t sign up for this either. After almost a year together, you’d think your partner would be there for the bad times too, not just the good times. Does she have 100% guarantee that nothing will ever happen to her when she’ll need support? 🤔. The world goes around. 
    Don’t settle for less. You’re more than a cancer diagnosis. 
    Good luck 🍀♥️
  • Nix
    Nix Member Posts: 28
    @Abbydog triple negative stage 3. I refuse to be negative though and I reckon I'll beat this. If I don't think positive ill crumble. Breast surgeon Fri to discuss what we need to do. 
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,525
    Good you get to see the surgeon Fri @Nix and start a plan. Plans really help us feel like we are doing something. You have a great attitude and determination. Be kind to yourself too.  This is a great bunch of people to talk to. Sending hugs 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @nix As many of us have found, once you have a direction to move in, it starts to get easier to cope with.  It'll never be "okay" but starting whatever treatment regime you have been given, seems to mean that you can stop floundering in that morass of despair.  You need to focus on you, now.  
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Just keep plodding. Trudging, dragging your sorry arse, whatever it takes.
    When you find you are the main course in a totally movable feast there is little point in wondering when, or where, the meal ends. Mxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    I am So sorry that your partner isn't being supportive of you at this point in time, @nix - that sucks.  Maybe she'll 'come good' ..... all the best with your surgeon appt on Friday xx  As the others have said, once you have a 'plan' it sort of becomes easier .....   take care, be kind to yourself xx