Forum Discussion

LoisLois's avatar
5 years ago

Is "Brian" the new Farnham??

So.......I thought I had given my lump "Brian" a beautiful farewell concert, complete with audience, drinks and a hearty "F...k Off Brian" back in March.  At that stage, I was cruising through the Stage 1, grade 3 euphoria of "You got this Girl!"  Doctor will do a Lumpectomy one morning, rip out a few nodes, dose of radiation and some pills just in case. 
Oh yeah, I was still scared,  but I was being told - "we" got this!" 
"Brian" has left the building!!!

So......the discovery of a 85mm lump of "Brian" and 4 positive nodes and 1 pissed off node, caused panic and it is now Mastectomy time.

The family and I throw a "Fast and Furious" Movie Marathon as a Farewell to "Lefty". Receive a beautiful Love Note from my oldest daughter thanking "Lefty" for being an amazing breast and the Husband gets the final touch..

Rocked up for surgery on 6th May -it goes really well.  Up and about that afternoon walking with the drip in my room, that I share with a 72 year old Lady who "Screams" in her sleep, calls out my name nonstop, refuses to eat and sneaks off for cigarette breaks.
I wanted to go home just so i could actually sleep and rest!!!

Anyway, 2 days after surgery, Dr. (I am God) Bolshy turns up with his entourage of Junior Registrars and says - "you can go home and by the way you are now Stage 3, Grade 3 and walks off." 
W.T.F. Did you just say?

I had to chase this Bastard down the hallway and make him come back to my room!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

he refuses to tell me anymore other than you have jumped from Stage 1 to Stage 3 - the surgical team will tell you. I met up with the Surgical team last week and all hell breaks loose!

"Brian" made a comeback!!!

In fact "Brian" had been a busy little Lead Singer - shacking up with as many "Cell Groupies" as he could find the energy for and also shacked up with a Node (making 5 positive now and 1 annoyed) while spreading the love around!
All he needed was 3 weeks of love action and he had created another 2mm aggressive growing "lump" near the original site where he was sliced/diced from the show and left his love juice in the form of 18mm of "Baby growing cancer cells" in my milk ducts.

I am literally so shocked, I am unable to talk, comprehend or make any sense of what i was being told.
What happened to "We got this??"   Even though I am told "Brian is gone" and all is well - I am wondering if  "Brian" is going to do a Farnsy and keep on making a comeback tour???

Anyway, IF Brian has left any love juice in my body or is thinking of making a 'Come Back" tour -  He is in for a rude shock!  I have a new band signed up to play in my body - SHE is called "Chemo and The Chemicals".....playing Centre Stage for the next 5 months in LOIS TOWN.....!! (lol)

My new Motto: Find positivity in the little things and Use your words to defeat adversaries!

Big Hugs
Lois......who is not a Doctor's doormat.

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