Oh ARSE @LoisLois! Hopefully special dickwad poncing Bolshy got covered in a bit of Brian juice and grows a baby Brian right in the middle of his forehead. Approximately where his common sense and compassion should be.
Like @kezmusc I've reprimanded and even sacked a few of these individuals. I doubt it makes any difference to them, apart from a 'sharp sting' in the pocket (their egos are unassailable) but it makes you feel good. Maybe not as good as watching them get chased through a field of rakes by a swarm of bees would feel, but you gotta take your pleasures where you can find them.
Good luck with the poisoning, it's just another indignity to be endured, but at least there is a point to it.
BTW, I think the best humour is usually black. Mxx