The answer wasn’t clear



  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    As I understand it, remission means that an identified cancer is not progressing - still can be identified but halted or even reducing (size, impact). No evidence of disease (NED) means just that - any known indication of cancer is no longer there. Used warily, because there is no 100% means of saying that you have no cancer cells at all. All of this of course applies only to cancer itself, not to the many impacts that treatment may have, directly or indirectly. Most people still understand that if you are better, all of you is better which with cancer may not be the case at all. Offload wherever you can! Best wishes.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited December 2019
    @Nefertari Just today I was asked that raised-eyebrow-and-you're-OK question. These days I just smile and nod and say yes, all looking good, or something like that. If people have a follow up health question I get into the NED conversation. And/or Letrozole. But it's a whole can of worms to open and really, who wants to listen to that?

    It's a reality that with a few exceptions, the only people who know about the ongoing effects of a breast cancer diagnosis are the people who have it and those very close to them.

    I've found that genuine empathy has come from the older people I've met along the way. People who've lived long enough to have had serious health issues themselves. It's a life wisdom I suppose.

    I'm striving for acceptance for the chronic pain and mobility issues I now live with. Part of me still rages in an 'it's not fair' kind of way, mentally lying on my back and drumming my heels into the floor like a toddler! But nothing ever is fair and there's a whole heap of people who aren't here anymore who'd love to be, screaming ankles and all. So I strive for grace, and as you say, when I need to unload I come here! K xox
  • Temple
    Temple Member Posts: 42
    Before cancer I assumed people who did have cancer were better supported.
    Taking my foot off the pedal at work while I do radiation, I’ve been a bit forgotten and left out of things that is not fair and franklyI’m really pissed off with staff. I am the boss, but this is very undermining and people will use my temporary absence to their advantage. 
    I’ll deal with them when I return in January though 😆😂😂
    But it does let you see people through a different lens, often not in a good way either! 
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @Temple, that is very sad to hear about your work situation, no it is not fair. 
    On the flip side of looking through a different lens, it has also allowed me to see some truly wonderful people. 
    Some people in my life have really surprised me with their kindness and support, just small things that mean a lot. 

    @kmakm.  Yes the "you're okay right?", pity look.  I just usually say yep or I hope so, you are right few really want to hear about your aches and fears lol

    @Afraser - thankyou for the explanation of the word remission, I think I will just go with the "I've got the all clear for now"  response.  I just wish people would stop asking so I can distract myself with other things.
  • Temple
    Temple Member Posts: 42
    I’m grateful for the insights shared here, thank you again. Remembering  that overwhelmingly I am angry at cancer more than anyone or anything else and most times people are doing the best they can even if at times, it falls somewhat short of expectations that I am still learning. 🙏
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 982
    Blood test 13 feb 
    New bone scan 13 feb
    psychologist 14th feb
    Oncology on 21st for results
    told best to stop anti inflammatory As they are not good long term with reflux and hernia and other stomach issues 
    Now just to survive till then
    i will keep reading the past and present Friday Funnies Posts 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    Looks like you’ll be kept busy, @cranky_granny ... all the best for those tests and your results xx

    I will look for plenty more funnies for you xx
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @cranky_granny good luck with all your appointments, thinking of you x