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Today’s Mood: cranky with a touch of psycho



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444

  • StarGirl
    StarGirl Member Posts: 135
    Thanks everyone ❤️
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I love that line, 'You are enough'. I'm not a big one for the positivity mantras, but whenever this one crops up it resonates with me. I suppose because I feel like such a failure much of the time, it's like a pat on the back saying, actually you're not. You're doing OK. You are not inadequate. Sometimes 'You are enough' makes me quite teary!
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    @stargirl some of what your describing is just normal to parenting - give yourself a break we are all our own worst critics when it comes to the kids. I often  feel I’ve raised savages but apparently away from home they are polite, intelligent, caring, responsible members of society hard to believe when I’m separating a nearly 18 yo and the 15 yo who want to smash one another and are calling one another every foul name with the f word attached. Just way too much testosterone in my house. For the giggle the boys are 6’3” and 5’10” and i’m between them at a whole 5’6”

    i find rushing only only makes me more anxious so am working on slowing down and being more considered, accepting that I can only do so much is taking time - some lessons are hard to learn 

    finally hugs
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It really is about letting go of the need to have a spotless house and asking the small terrorists to step up.  As some will know from previous posts, my kids have been doing chores for some time and while the real housework (vacuuming, etc) wasn't expected when they were little, things like unloading the dishwasher and taking out the rubbish started around about 5 or 6.  And they're almost always called back to clean up their messes.  I won't say it's always easy - Miss 12 likes to delay housework as long as possible in the hope that it will disappear (I know that feeling) - vacuuming 2 rooms happened at 8pm yesterday after having most of the weekend to do it!  Just don't expect it to be to your standard.  And love them as I do, it's a pleasant surprise when other people tell me what lovely kids they are - apparently polite, sociable and smiling.
  • StarGirl
    StarGirl Member Posts: 135
    I think you’re right @Sarnicad, it is normal parenting to a large extent. I think the thing is, because I am not certain of being around to see them grow up, or even finish primary school, I feel extra pressure to help them become independent and capable of good judgment and sound decision making. I need to know they’ll be totally fine without me otherwise I will have failed them. They need to be strong enough to cope with losing a parent at a young age. I want them to remember their childhood as happy, but I suspect they’ll just think Mummy was psychopath who yelled a lot. 
  • StarGirl
    StarGirl Member Posts: 135
    Thank you @kmakm. I desperately hope that’s true. And I am definitely going to try that. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Check out the Otis Foundation too @StarGirl. It sounds like you could all do with a holiday.

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I did this @stargirl after hearing it was working in pubs and public toilets. I only had one child, so there was no doubt about who was pissing on the floor. A little bit of motivation seemed to help. This is a UK site, but you will find something OZ if you try.
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    I think  it is the hardest thing to cope when you are feeling exhausted most of the time. I'm lucky that I dont have any young children now. I dont know how young mothers do cope when you are feeling exhausted. The day after chemo , I  was feeling pretty good and got stuck into the ironing,  scrubbed the shower recess , did some gardening then the exhaustion really hit suddenly.  I was like a bear with a sore head, especially when my husband asked me what we were having for supper . So I guess the answer is to not over do it. Try to prioritize jobs with family members which can be very frustrating at times. Try to enjoy some time each day doing things we like to do. I am now 7 years since diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer and life goes on.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    I can tell you my kids and I learnt the art of in really stressful times pre BC that I would let out this howling squeal and they knew it was a rumble /tumble time on the bed have a cuddle and giggle and maybe weather permitting off to the park to have a swing you know they are happy Young adults now who often bring up the fun times we had ... I learnt back then to survive I needed to chill out about having the perfect house.... I would put on a load of washing in the evening when they went to bed  throw it in the dryer and pull out fold and put away ready for the next day very little ironing and I got to spend the time with them....