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Today’s Mood: cranky with a touch of psycho



  • StarGirl
    StarGirl Member Posts: 135
    Thanks for all the info @SoldierCrab. I have not heard of Mummy’sWish. I don’t think most places deal with mets de novo very well. Because at initial diagnosis I was considered inoperable it was straight to chemo. No surgery and no radiation. That meant no breast care nurse, no information, no check ups with surgeon etc. other than ongoing Herceptin and Perjeta, after chemo I was pretty much on my own. I didn’t know what to do and hadn’t really told people, so I just went back to work and tried to carry on as normal. In fact, I increased my hours and tried to be supermum. Worst. Idea. Ever. Just about killed me. Having recently got a new cancer (because I am such an overachiever lol) I am trying to take a more measured approach, but it’s bloody hard. I can’t work anymore so I feel pretty useless. I just want to be perfect dammit! 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    YOU are still entitled to a breast Care nurse .... !!!

    ah being perfect ....... let me see I tried that once ..... nearly killed me and my kids were unhappy with the grouch from hell..... 

    Stargirl did you get an inbox from me with the links to different things ? 

    IF not I can redo it here. 

  • StarGirl
    StarGirl Member Posts: 135

  • StarGirl
    StarGirl Member Posts: 135
    I just saw this on Facey. And I think it’s what all of you lovely people have been trying to tell me. Cx