


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    We did @kitkatb, we did. I staggered out of chemo, barely able to walk 50m without needing to sit down, unable to type on my phone my hands were that sore, and trying to pass out at regular intervals. But that all got better in about a couple of months. We're tougher than we give ourselves credit for. K xox
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    I have looked up I see that only in January 2019 has NDIS been rolled out in our local area.... I know they can have a backlog 
    What services does your daughter access now ? 
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    we have had daughters planning meeting and now wait to see what happens I was knocked back initially for it they said artghritis was nto pemeanent tor likely to be then I kicked up a stink asking the miniterss " if your government says its not permanent then obviously u have a cure for it and would you like to tell the rest of the world what it is .   next thing ya know I was accepted. but Im still to have my planning meeting.  yeah I wouldn't mind someont to talk to about it all etc
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    daughter is autistic /blind in one eye /deaf in one ear and deformed feet , all she has gotten off disability services etc to date is 1 pair of shoes a year , nothing else not even orthotics 

  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    bad night last night , nightmares my biggest worry is daughter. so much needs doing round here but I just think what's the point I vaguely remember my psychiatrist telling me to up my dose of Zoloft but dont remember fully haven't seen him in a few months I cant get there and after the trip to Nambour last week I cant , I cant go through that again all the pain and stiffness 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Perhaps you can call the psychiatrist office and ask if he could check the recommendations for how much to increase by. Explain due to health unable to currently come to another  appointment at the moment. I'm sure they would help out. 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi Tisme 
    sorry for a late reply my internet is playing up... 

    Can you Skype with the Psychiatrist? might be an option due to what is happening right now for you. 

  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    no he doesn't do that , he doesn't like emails I will have to wait till tomorrow and hope he answers the phone or answers the message.  when I changed GP's  I gave the new referral to him and months later he was still working on the previous one , the new one he found in the paperwork in my file I only go to him cos he bulk bills mebee getting ndis for mental health I can get some funding ( ha ha )   today is a really bad day so much needs doing and all I do is sit  daughter is being played for a fool by a boy she knew in high school that has turned up to visit his mom 

  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    sheesh what a day , ive done nothing but sit in the chair , I hurt, took me all my strength to get out of the chair to do anything.  later tomorrow my doc should get the results Wednesday I will.  my psych has upped my Zoloft to 150mg but I dont wanna start it till I get the results I dont know how its gonna hit me and I dont wanna be doped out on Wednesday. Ive cancelled all other appointments  this week daughter is constantly checking on me.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hang in there.
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    i rang breastscreen to see when my gp would have the results.  just got a call back , the doctor there is discussing my results with the pathologist after the delay and the doc is supposed to ring me the nurse rang me back , my results are very complex evidently  they wont give the results by the phone doc should have the results by the end of the day .  God I feel sick what if it is what then , how do I get to treatment I cant drive there or take public transport the arthritis wont let me what about daughter   why me ( yeah I know ) this was sposed to be my time to sorta relax now I just have daughter to care for 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    oh Tisme, it is so hard waiting for results .... Just because they are complex doesn't mean it is bad.... 

    Remember one breathe at a time girl .... 
    you can access extra supports for your daughter through NDIS if there is need to... 

    Do you have appointment to see your GP ? 
    Do you have community transport they can often take you to appointments and back in a car or bus ... 

    it might help to chat to the lovely staff on the BCNA helpline 

    BCNA Helpline 1800 500 258

    If you have any questions, concerns or require any further
    information or support please call 1800 500 258. BCNA’s helpline will now be open from
    9am-6pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 5pm Fridays.  

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    Fingers crossed @tisme ..... the waiting for results is always the pits.  take care xx