


  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @arpie Good luck for Tuesday!! I know you will feel all kinds of emotions that we all have had & it is only natural. Funny how so much can happen in one year & what we have all endured. Great that you are feeling so positive & so you should be. Let us know how you get on & I know you will be fine. I must admit, it bought back all sorts of feelings when I went through my first anniversary mammo/surgery etc BUT it did make me proud when I saw that "First Anniversary birthday cake" on my badges page! Made me realise what i had gone through in the past year & it did bring a tear to my eye! May we all get many more "Anniversary Cakes" on out badges page!! Love & hugs xxxx 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    Thanks so much @Anne65 ..... I think I'll start getting the wobbles tomorrow, on the way down to Sydney!   This time last year, I was heading down for my results!!

    I'm madly scrambling for intelligent questions to ask - if you can think of any, whack them up, please!!   I hope my sister in law may be able to come with me to this one, but I may be on my own.  I must remember to record it.

    We are all warriors!  We have been thru a HEAP of shit & still able to laugh & live ......  Just checked - I have my first anniversary cake badge!   :)  

    take care xxxx

  • Riki_BCNA
    Riki_BCNA Member Posts: 322
    Hello@arpie wishing you all the best for Tuesday. Take care.
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    edited January 2019
    Thinking of you @arpie If you are anything like me you will remember the questions to ask once you get out.    <3
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @arpie I know what you mean about the questions! Like @kitkatb said above, you think of them all once you have left!! Assuming you get a clean bill of health, I guess there wont be as many questions but what I did ask my surgeon was what should I do now to continue on giving myself the best chance of recovery & no re-occurrence. I am a mad keen exerciser so I asked what kind of exercise I should be doing. I run 10kms 3/week, walk 2/week, do the BCNA pilates DVD every day & also do strength exercises at home using hand weights to increase my bone density. You could ask about the benefits of seeing an exercise physiologist. When I attended a BCNA luncheon last year, there was an EP there who spoke to us about the benefits of exercise & she was brilliant. They can put a program in place for you which would lessen the chance of cancer returning. You could also ask about diet & if there are any foods you should be avoiding or including in your diet. I am currently doing a "Healthy Living after cancer" program run by Cancer Council SA. I have been doing it  over the phone since March last year & it goes for 12 months. The program includes, weight management, diet & exercise & the ladies are wonderful to speak to over the phone & even though I consider myself to run an active, healthy lifestyle, i have learnt a lot from them & they have from me!! Hope this helps but if you have a chance to take someone or record the appointment, this will make sure you dont forget anything!! Good luck & try not to worry. Think of the strength you have shown through the past year & what you have endured...this appointment should be a breeze!! Love & hugs xxxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    Thanks so much @Anne65... some great stuff there to go on.   My SIL will come with me tomorrow, so feeling better about that.  

    Well done on all your your exercise programs!!  I couldn’t run round the block to save myself, but could be out on the kayak for 6-8hrs! 

    Take care. Xxx
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    Good luck @arpie , I'm sure it will be fine even if emotional , you know you've come out the other side with lots of hard work . I had an rads oncologist appt on Friday & felt stupid as I didn't have any questions to ask 😳
    Hugs xx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Best wishes, anniversaries make me shudder at the thought - pleased to read you've got company for your visit today - here's to a good outcome!
    Take care
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    BUGGER BUGGER BUGGER ..... Am I allowed to use the “F” word??  FOG BRAIN??

    SORRY!!    Somehow, (don’t ask me how, cos I don’t know!!)   I wrote down the wrong date AND the wrong month!!   We drove down to Sydney yesterday in atrocious holiday weekend traffic ....  

    Luckily I rang the office at 9am this morning, to confirm, as I hadn’t  received a text confirming it.  NO they said ... it is Feb 25th ... the surgeon wasn’t even in the building on ANY Tuesday!  At least we didn’t turn up to the office on the other side of Sydney! I couldn’t believe it.  

    I had a lovely meal with both my brothers and they partners last night, so all was not lost!

    Drove home  .... and checked my calendars (2018 and 2019 where all my appts were transferred from - one to the other) and today’s date was the only one I had ever written down ... so can’t work it out!  DUH!

    All that Scaniety for nothing! 

    Thank you you for your kind support messages ..... I’ll keep them for next month!
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Oh Arpie,  that's awful.  At least you got a nice dinner and that's a pretty tame F word LOL.

    Maybe you used up all your scanxiety and wont' even think about it next month.  :#
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Ahhh   @arpie  I know you were worried about it.  I agree with @kezmusc and hope you have used you anxiety up.  Hope it's not the same time as your Uke Festival.  xox

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    OH F*&^%NG hell that sucks Arpie.... 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    Thanks guys - no the uke festival is Feb 8-9 ...... but it means I will miss 2 of our Retirement Home Gigs .... and the guys really rely on me being there - specially with the instrumentals!   When I did the gig list for the year - Feb 25 was 'free'!!  DUH! 

    I still can't work out how I got the wrong dates!  I feel such a DILL.

    haha ... yep - I had a bit of stress in the lead up to it - so hopefully got that all out of my system!!  And plenty time now, to type my questions on the computer & print it, instead of expecting him to read my spider scrawl handwriting!  
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Dill is a herb isn't it?
    No you are just overly anxious, keen to get it over and done with! 
    Perhaps all this anxiety will put you in a more settled frame of mind for the 25 Feb appointment
    Take care