Mastectomy 42 triple negative diagnosis



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Well then @Shellbelle_75, you'll be looking at hormone therapy after your active treatment has finished. Broadly speaking, that means Tamoxifen if you're pre-menopausal, or if you're post-menopausal, an AI (aromatase inhibitor) which you'll see referred to as Letrozole/Femara, Anastrozole/Arimidex, and Exemestane/Aromasin. Your cancer uses oestrogen to grow, so these medications virtually stop oestrogen thereby starving any new tumour that's looking to grow. Well that's the theory anyway! They don't always work but generally speaking, the docs like the oestrogen receptor positive cancers because these drugs reinforce the active methods used to get rid of your cancer. K xox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    The learning 'curve' is vertical I reckon...
  • Shellbelle_75
    Shellbelle_75 Member Posts: 65
    @kmakm yes you are right as I am pre menopausal that’s what I had been told 5-10yrs after treatment 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Shellbelle_75
    Its a huge learning curve so dont be too hard on yourself.  There is great information on BCNA website and dont hesitate to call 1800 500 258 if you would like to speak with a cancer nurse.  Wishing you all the best with your treatment.
  • Shellbelle_75
    Shellbelle_75 Member Posts: 65
    @Giovanna_BCNA Thankyou x
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Hi!  We all have breast cancer and we are all here to support 

    Try this link to find something nearby

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Maybe you could change Shellbelle_75 's heading to say Triple Positive in it so others might comment, AS I know I dont comment on posts about that type as I didnt have it. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Shellebelle has put up a separate post for that purpose already
  • Shellbelle_75
    Shellbelle_75 Member Posts: 65
    Thanks ladies mistake on my behalf I appreciate everyone’s support and advice with Breast Cancer as it a shit diagnosis for anyone 
    it was just a part of me looking also as a part of reaching out for others who where triple positive as I feel confused about the specific treatment for this diagnosis 
    thankyou so much for your support @SoldierCrab and @iserbrown x
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    It's very easy to be befuddled as you start out - we are all here to support regardless and without judgment.  Until you are here you don't realise that Breast Cancer is the diagnosis that we all have but then the type and treatments are all so different and we all react differently to treatment and or emotions so don't worry we get it!

    Take care and I hope you find others nearby to you in WA
  • Shellbelle_75
    Shellbelle_75 Member Posts: 65
    Thankyou @iserbrown your kind words are appreciated 
    i live in a small rural town in the South West of WA our services can be limited so this sight and forum is also very helpful for me ☺️
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    I have noticed that you have started a new thread which is great.  Are you aware of Breast Cancer Care WA?
    I have attached the website for you     Also, Cancer Council WA will be able to help with some local support  services
    Wishing you all the best with your treatment
  • Shellbelle_75
    Shellbelle_75 Member Posts: 65
    Thankyou @Giovanna_BCNA
    @JJ70 messaged me about them and I have sent an email this afternoon to them so hopefully we can touch base next week Thankyou x