This tuff cookie is crumbling



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It will be SO good to get this week done and behind you, I feel you! I'll be keeping my bits crossed for you on Thursday. K xox
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Melc503 What the other girls have said. Over and over. Allow your feelings. Put yourself first - every time Visits from young kids - no way. From another control freak - be aware of the difference between the need to relinquish control much of the time, and maintaining your alertness to when "processes" might be letting you fall through the cracks, or when you're not being given the answers you need; stay ready to step in and insist, or self-advocate. Trust your gut instinct. 

    This network is a lifeline and a gold mine of information, tips and support. Lean on the people here.

    Fran x

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