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6mnths to live

Me2 Member Posts: 35
To cut a sad story short, battled and i thought i won. Was due for my 6mnth check up, but three weeks ago got a sore shoulder then lymphadema then a black red swollen chest on mastectomy scar. Arm has swollen to capacity wasnt draining. Barrage of tests pet scan last friday result yesterday.  Massage lymphnode invasion tumours wrapped around nerves as pain is shocking. Told very aggressive, offered chemo more radiation and maybe i will see christmas. A wave of white knuckle terror. Sadness guilt shock and a million “what am i going to do” things tushed through my head. Im a very strong oositive person but at that moment i was a blithering mess. I never thought it wS going to get me. I really didnt. I was very vigilant in my approAch to everything. Came through chemo (heavy dose as triple neg and wAs very aggressive) did 16 rounds chemo. 25 radiations. mastectomy. Came through relatively well . Just getting my life back. We had to sell our home because of my cancer. Just moved in 4 weeks ago. Still unpacking for god sake. Finally decided to retire and live my life for me. Embraci g the new me and flourishing then wham. All done and dusted. I would love yo hear a ray of sunshine from someone.   Has anyone beat the 6 mnth prediction with anything remotely similar. Ie. aggressive tumours, nodes etc i would love to hear from you. Thank you girls x


  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Me2. I’m so, so, so sorry. Wish there was something I could do to make it better. All I can do is offer support and love xoxo
  • Me2
    Me2 Member Posts: 35
    Thank you so much kiwi, ive got a lot of love around me. Hope it works. Had such a tough run in my life was praying for a break. Fight might not be done yet. 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Me2 so glad u have lots of love and support around u. I too have heard stories of people that were given a timeline and are still going. I’m sure u will fight this xox 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,312
    BUGGER  BUGGER BUGGER  That's a really nasty call @Me2.  I hope your swelling & pain can be controlled & that you will be able to do what you want, when you want.  All going well, you'll be able to prove them wrong - I sincerely hope so.

    Thinking of you big time - and sending big virtual hugs xxxx  
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    If people being on your side helps, we may be able to wish and hope some more time for you. It's terrible news @me2. Mxxx
  • Me2
    Me2 Member Posts: 35
    Thank you so much ladies, its amazing how much these wishes encourage me. Ive always been the carer now im finding it very hard to be cared for. All positives help. Many thanks ❤️
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803

    Can't comprehend how you must be feeling.  The link above is to a private group that, if you haven't joined yet, may give you contact with others in a similar predicament. 

    Take care 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    God what can I say to you @Me2? It’s a bloody tough call after a bloody rough ride. Do what you think and feel is right for you . We are here to listen and support when you need us  and even when you don’t..XO

    PS Kipling wrote once about “ filling the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds of distance run “ Go for it !
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Thoughts are with you. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Me2
    I am very sorry to hear your news.  As you say you were just getting back on track and then to get this devastating news.  I thank you for reaching out and posting in the online network for support and connection as I imagine it would not have been easy to do so.  As iserbrown mentioned, there is also a private metastatic breast cancer group that you also may like to access and the BCNA website also has information regarding further supports available, see the link below.
    Dont hesitate to call our helpline if you would like to speak with one of the cancer nurses for support and or information on 1800 500 258.  Wishing you all the best, take care of you

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Dear @Me2 that is just f****d. I'm so so sorry, and so very pissed off for you. This bloody disease. All I can tell you about timelines is that my sister-in-law, when diagnosed with glioblastoma, was told the average time from that point was 11 months. She lived another three and a half years. The doctors do not always get this stuff right.

    I'm sending you love and the biggest of hugs. Kate xox
  • Ellamary98
    Ellamary98 Member Posts: 158
    @Me2 , that is really heartbreaking, and so bloody unfair! I am glad you have a good support crew. Timelines are largely guesswork, I reckon. My Aunt was given 6 months (brain cancer), but lived another full and active 5 years. I hope they can sort this awful pain out for you asap, so that you can get on with enjoying each day. xxx 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Me2, Very very sorry about your news. Hope those time lines stretch waaaaay out and you have good times ahead.