So scared about surgery tomorrow



  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there @Nadi I was lucky enough to have my portacath out a couple weeks after I had finished my chemo.  I had triple neg bc and I was so glad to get it out. I lost a heap of weight during chemo which was nice but the bloody thing stuck out like a second head so was glad to see it out. Get yourself some silicone tape to put on the site it will reduce your scarring and help it heal. You can get it from an online store called independence Australia and it comes in a roll. I think it was around $10 ?? We use it at work all the time and I used it on my portacath site and still do as I got a keloid scar but I didn’t find out about it until this job I’m at now. it has made a significant difference. It’s funny as my mastectomy scars are awesome. Margie. Xx
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Thanks  for the suggestion @onemargie. The original incision/scar was so thin, but it gaped open under this plastic skin like protective patch they put on when I turned over in my sleep. My breasts are rather large (even after my lumpectomy) and the weight of them pulled the scar apart so the scar isn't as thin now. How long did you use the Silicone tape for? I also lost a lot of weight, 32 kgs from me heaviest while on chemo and my port was much more noticeable when the weight was gone.

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