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Will I see my girls grow up



  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 455
    Hi casgirl123 sorry that you had had this appear.
    Its early days yet til the treatment is finetuned

    I have scattered mets to lungs still ok ..my treatment is for hormone positive bc
    Until you have nodule/ tumour biopsed its a waiting game
    Keep in contact
    Bright in hope
  • Lmc1310
    Lmc1310 Member Posts: 120
    My thoughts are with you casgirl123
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  • Tilly45
    Tilly45 Member Posts: 87
    Thanks for sharing, feeling a lot more optomistic about things now. It is so hard not to let thoughts run wild sometimes. 
  • casgirl123
    casgirl123 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for for all your comments and private messages. I saw my oncologist yesterday. I'm having a PET scan Thursday to see what it definitely is. My oncologist and the radiologist can't see what the other doctors in Queensland were talking about. They can't see these 8 - 10 tumours, but maybe but the resolution hasn't copied across onto the disc. They see one enlarged lymph node that yes probably is cancer, but at the same time it can sometimes be indicative of damage from my heart failure which I suffered in August (chemo induced). A glimmer of hope. Will just have to wait and see. Results on Friday.
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    So nice that many ladies can share their experiences this is why we come here. Xx we all wish you the best
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh @casgirl123 we are all holding our breath with you hoping it is a big stuff up and at the very least things are looking much more positive. Please let us know how things go. Kath x. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hey there @casgirl123 please keep us posted how you go. I forgot to mention  I had a heart scan post chemo which showed some damage and my gp wasn’t happy with the report so he sent me to another radiologist and it came back normal and so did the repeat scan. I also had an initial ct scan after diagnosis and before chemo that showed a ? Lesion on my lung and again the oncol wasn’t happy with the that one either so he sent me for another and it was comfirmed as scar tissue. It was also repeated post chemo and it was the same. I have everything crossed for you lovely. Biggest hug. Margie xxx
  • Mollygirl
    Mollygirl Member Posts: 213
    Oh @casgirl123 I have everything crossed for you xxx
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Sounds more hopeful for you @casgirl123.  Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.. hugs
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    Fingers crossed. No point in saying don't be anxious but getting the information straight is a pretty critical first step. Best wishes. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Does anyone have any updates for this lovely lady ?.xx
  • casgirl123
    casgirl123 Member Posts: 5
    Sadly our story has another hiccup. There is cancer in two of the lymph nodes in my chest wall. So as my oncologist says "I have incurable cancer". But it is once again found early and before I have any symptoms. I will start on a trial drug that is having good results called Ribocicib. We just have to hope all these modern treatments will prolong my life and that in the meantime they develop a cure. And as a funny addendum to all this drama, the PET scan revealed I do have two broken ribs. Thanks for all your lovely words.