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  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Sister, I have to admit when I saw your username I actually thought sister as in Nun - oops - former Catholic upbringing :s. So happy for you that you have had good news that it is localised. Here is a link for what to take to hospital - helps take a bit of pressure off the brain at this stage.   - put together from the experience of others . Let us know how your'e going. Xx Cath
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hi @ sister and welcome. This is a great blog full of wise wonderful women who support each other after a breast cancer diagnosis. I too have lobular bc - lumpectomy March followed by reexcision to widen surgical margin which was clear.My tumour was 1.4 cm deep over the breast bone and LHS. I also had a sentinel node biopsy - 2 nodes removed one with microstasis. The biopsy more/less firms up treatment options and mine was no chemo but 16 rounds radiotherapy in May to be qfollowed by 5 years hormone therapy ( Letrozole) as I am er+ which I have been taking since August. From diagnosis to the end of radiotherapy everything moved quickly and I felt quite safe as all staff medical/otherwise were caring and professional .I too have 3 kids at home - with twins entering year 12 next year. I am glad you found this site so quickly as the tough part for me was after treatment finished then you need support as it can be frightening with every new change in your body regardless of how small making you fear a recurrence plus yes there are side effects too.When the treatment phase is over you might also like to look into the free YWCA Encore hydrotherapy course plus there are also local support groups which meet for a coffee or a meal - some of which are. Listed in the  BCNA “ My Journey “ kit which was my “ bible” during the treatment phase. If there are any questions you have am more than happy to share whatever knowledge I have just ask.XO
  • Caseypinto
    Caseypinto Member Posts: 258
    @Sister great news! Wishing you a lovely Christmas relaxing and recouping as everyone waits on you - I totally agree with @iserbrown it's a hideous cruel roller coaster - sometimes you're at the top and sometimes at the bottom, but the amazing ladies here are so supportive and knowledgeable- knowing just the right things to say-  take care of yourself xxx

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