Side effects of taxol



  • Jensen
    Jensen Member Posts: 8
    Hi @Brenleigh. I'm also on week 11 of 12 weeks of taxol and working as a nurse! The tiredness is getting to me too, so am only working 3 short days a week. So happy for it nearly to be over.
    Good luck and hugs x 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    It's all an ordeal not just the chemo so it can get the better of you at any time and fatigue will set in. I take Vitamin D3, Magnesium and all important Vitamin C every day. This winter I did not get any infections at all.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Brenleigh I'm 21 months post chemo now and whilst I consider myself quite good I still suffer with fatigue, it can take up to 2 years to recover. Radiation also causes extreme fatigue as it accumulates so not unusual 2-4 weeks after it to really hit. I have had to basically rebuild from the ground up. I couldn't walk to the letterbox I was so ill on treatment, so I can pretty much walk 45 mins now, and do most household chores, I do tire so its about learning the balance. I also have an Exercise Physiologist which has really helped alot get me on my feet again. I also take Vitamin D, Magnesium, Caltrate everyday. All of it helps, though I'd wait til Chemo was done and dusted before starting supplements. I'm still working 3 days and havent been able to return to full capacity even now and unfortunately will have to change jobs next year out of the high demand Autism Specific School I work in. 

    Be kind to yourself, listen to your body, rest when you need to and go when you feel will slowly come back together but dont push yourself as you will go backwards, too much too soon is counter productive. Slow and steady...:) Hugs Melinda xo
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @Brenleigh I started AC chemo in June and loved it. It was like being at a 24 hour party, I must have been insufferable, lol. I loved the steroids, even with the ghastly side effects, they made me look 20 years younger.
    Then started the Taxol. I woke up the very next morning and started to cry before I had a chance to get the sleep out of my eyes. I cried at every opportunity (whenever I was alone) for the next week. I've got number 8 coming up this Friday with only 4 more to go. I am now so slow that I don't leave the house, even though I can still drive short distances. I can't walk further than a few steps at a time before my thighs and hips start to burn. The beach is 2 blocks away. An impossibility to walk to. But I can wobble around my house. Mostly I lie on my swinging couch. Some days I have been too tired to talk. Crying has become too much exertion as well.

    And they said Taxol would be easier - how different everything is for everyone.

    I've still got surgery and radiation to follow.

    Keep me posted.

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2017
    @PatsyN Ohhhh I have to agree, I was told Taxol will be much easier than FEC Ummm NO, it was different but I suffered bone, muscle and nerve pain right through and it was relentless with no reprieve in between the infusions, and not to mention our little friend neuropathy LOL. Everyone is different absolutely, thank goodness for that! Ive had to learn to walk again like you, whilst I can walk, I cannot fast paced walk anymore and definitely cannot run. Chemo certainly helped that LOL, caused a massive decline in bone density and osteoporosis in my lower lumbar and neck...but hey! Im not over 70 so can't qualify for my Prolia injections on the PBS pfffft! 

    I have been on income protection since last year for 2 of my 5 days of work, thing is though, as its deemed a 2nd income Im taxed double!!!! and only get 75% of predisability wage. Whilst I used to think its better than equates to next to nothing!!!! so much so I can no longer survive and have to work full time moving forward to support myself..but concerned how...I just try focus on each day keep moving forward as best I can with what is now the new me. Thank God I have a sense of humor!!! :D xx
  • Jenv
    Jenv Member Posts: 64
    I have had no 2 of cycle 2 of taxol and yes was told it would be easier on my body than AC....NO it just different,  so that ever present neuropathy effecting  feet, hands, mouth. Weekness in legs, can't do much exercising, breathlessness requiring oxygen therapy, then the meds take one to alleviate this and the another to combat that and so on...its a chore thats for sure.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I said to my oncologist...Taxol is not easier...just different. 
  • Brenleigh
    Brenleigh Member Posts: 17
    Hi everyone, thanks for sharing your experiences. I have now finished my chemo only had 11 out 12 taxol as my neuropathy was getting too bad. No arguments from me on that decision
  • Brenleigh
    Brenleigh Member Posts: 17
    For some reason I lost half my post, not the first time!! Anyway it’s been 4 weeks since last chemo, feeling much better. Started back at work, and start radiotherapy next Wednesday. I’m am excited to see the end of this year and start fresh. In 2018. Take care Brenda
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Great to hear you are feeling better.