Newly Diagnosis



  • Tennille
    Tennille Member Posts: 174
    @Barney74 I am also from Perth and my initial diagnosis was at 35 with a mets diagnosis recently and I am now 41 with young children also. Its not easy but you will get through it. I had a mastectomy first time around and only stayed overnight in the hospital. I came home with 2 drains and had daily visits from HITH. If you need any advice I am here to chat and so are the amazing women who are travelling this path right along side us.
  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    @Barney74 welcome to the one place none of us want to be. Like you I was diagnosed quite recently (June for me). I'm still waiting for surgery but hoping it will be towards the end of this month. I agree with the other ladies in that the interminable waiting is so hard. I've never touched my boobs so much in my life as I have since I found this bloody lump. Good to hear you are having your scans this week. I think I have had every part of my body scanned and xrayed now. I've seen my gynaecologist, cardiologist and GP far more times than I ever wanted to. At the same time, going in for so many tests has kept me very busy and not thinking too much about the upcoming surgery and sibsequent treatment to come. I've done a massive spring clean of my house since I most likely won't feel well enough in Spring and I'm now in the process of cooking meals to pop in the freezer. That is the best advice I can give you. In the next week prior to your surgery, just keep busy. Please keep us updated on how you go x Lesley x
  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Hi @nonkyboy  thanks for your lovely words and advice.
    I hope your surgery is sooner than later. 
    I want to give my house spring clean but im getting to tired easily i have 2 young boys aswell 1 with a special neefs that keeps me on my toes.
    All the best for your surgery and recovery x
  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    @Barney74 I totally get the being tired thing. I'm 53yo and raising 3 of my grandchildren. They are 1, 2 and 3yo so all very energetic and busy little humans
  • Shorelle
    Shorelle Member Posts: 80
    Hi, how are you coping? Its a silly question I know. Im in Perth too and have 3 little girls and feel your anxiety only too well. I was diagnosed on 29th May and in surgery on 31st May. Just finished 4 rounds of chemo and decided on bilateral mastectomy instead of radiotherapy. Thinking of you and the people on here have been really supportive.  Xxxx
  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Hi shorelle thanks for your kind words .
    Im getting there slowly .still quite sore and tender as i had my surgery 15th August but the hardest thing is waiting on my results .i had lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed (not sure how many thou).i get my results on 31st August. Its just happened all quite quickly my diagnosis and then surgery all within 3weeks.
  • TripleTea
    TripleTea Member Posts: 59
    Hi Barney74,

    I was diagnosed on 10th August and had Lumpectomy & sentinel node removal 3 days later so I understand the 'happening quite quickly' part. They removed 4 nodes and my nodes and margin were clear. I will have everything crossed for you that yours are all clear too.

    Take care

  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Hi ladies its now been a year since diagnosis. 
    I had 4 rounds of chemo 5wks rads on Exestemme and Zoladex and now going for scans for thryroids as its low getting this done 6th August. 
    Hope all of you are well take care x
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Congrats on making it to the one year mark upright and in one piece. How are the kids? K xox
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Well done, @Barney74  .... I am on exemestane (is that the same as Exestemme?)  

    All the best for your thyroid check!  xxx  I hope you get that back on track!  (Not sure if mine has ever been checked!!!)

  • Decisions
    Decisions Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2018
    Hi @Barney74,
    I was diagnosed last month and I am 42 yrs old. My diagnosis is 3cm DCIS intermediate grade. 
    Can I ask why you chose Lumpectomy and are you happy with that decision. I am torn between that and a mastectomy and looking for opinions of others of similar age.
    I hope the next lot of tests go well for you
  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Hi @Decisions
    Im sorry just seen this post 
    I was scared to lose my whole breast so i thought i just do lumpectomy and wait for results to come back 
    Im so glad i did because i didnt gave to have to have my breast removed first place.
    Hope all goes well with you 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @decisions I went with what the surgeon recommended which was a lumpectomy (and he did a beautiful job).  Unfortunately the tumour was nearly twice the size expected and he was not able to get clear margins so I had to go back for a mastectomy.  There was also node involvement, which again was unexpected, so I had to have an axillary dissection.  If you haven't already made your decision, listen to what the surgeon recommends and then decide, based on your own knowledge of your circumstances, what you can live with.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    My surgeon recommended a full mastectomy. He would have considered a partial but felt the full would be wiser. I might have been tempted by a lumpectomy if offered, but it wasn't. Turned out one lymph node was affected too. I went for the full mastectomy and have never regretted it. Six years clear in October. Trust in your medical advisers is pretty important, if you don't feel comfortable with someone, it's worth seeking other advice. Best wishes
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi @Decisions,

    I was 45 at time of surgery and had lumpectomy as well. I am completely happy with my choice.  Sometimes it's not offered depending on the size of the lump compared to the breast.  My nasty was 19mm v 14D boobs , so not too bad.  The one in my lymph node was larger 25mm plus there were  smaller ones in other nodes so aux dissection as well, chemo and rads.  Has the surgeon recommended either one?
