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Well, it's like this



  • Lmc1310
    Lmc1310 Member Posts: 120
    Thinking if you Tracey, xo
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey lovely @Tracey B, am just catching up on posts and was gobsmacked to read your post.  You and your hubby must feel like you've been living a nightmare.  Now that your MIL has had her hip operation it's time to concentrate on you! Crossing fingers that your treatment plan and pain management is sorted asap and you stabilize really quickly and can get back to your amazing art and all that makes you happy. Huge hug lovely and know we are all cheering you on and sending healing vibes your way.  Xx Cath 
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    I've been thinking about you @Tracey B. I'm sorry to hear this news. If there's anything we might be able to help with, please don't hesitate to contact us. And let me know the next time you're in Melbourne  :)
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Hi Tracey - thinking of you and hope your week away from home is a week well spent!  Take care and willing you along xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0

    iserbrown said:

    Hi Tracey - thinking of you and hope your week away from home is a week well spent!  Take care and willing you along xx

    Hi Iser, what a week it's been, thanks so much for asking. Admitted to hospital on Sunday, and started rads to my mets on Monday. They are radiating 4 places, lumbar spine, neck, thoracic spine and right arm. Following MRI and CT scans, my rads oncologist has advised me that my mets will be treated and sterilised, and it has been a lucky escape.
    My bones will repair on their own and won't need surgery, and I don't require chemo due to no spread to the organs.
    What a scary ride, but glad that I've been well cared for and saved from a much worse scenario.
    Thanks so much for being there for me.......wow wonderful
    .Sending you a huge cuddle xxxxx
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    Glad to hear that you are doing so well, Tracey. Hope that you can get straight back to all the things that give you joy! xxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Woo hoo!  Considering what it is all about wow it is being treated before any chance of spread, zap zap zap and hopefully some healing time with a painting or two on the go!  A good team taking good care of you that got onto to it straight away!  Sending you a virtual hug, take care from Christine xx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    That is absolutely beautiful tracey, how you feeling lovey?? and definitely think you should frame it, do you sell them too?? You are so talented. I struggle to draw a stick figure!  Margie :)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Hey Margie,
    Im a bit physically fragile, but so grateful that we can push forward again. I do sell my paintings, my hubby does the framing, and this cuts costs so I don't charge too much. The money that I make helps to pay for replacement materials. It's a nice hobby.
    Cuddles, Trace xxx
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Good to hear things are going well @Tracey B - your painting is gorgeous! What a talent! We have all been thinking of you this week. Nikki xxxx
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    Oh Tracey I am so sorry that you have had so much to deal with.  I am really upset at reading your news.  We are here for you if it is any consolation.  sending a big big cuddle xxx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Thanks Honey, one day at a time, cuddles right back to you Ne xxxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Tracey, that is incredible news! Thank Goodness!!! I can imagine you are completely exhausted, that is so great you dont require further treatment after radiation!! So happy for you!!! xo Melinda
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @Tracy B what a beautiful painting. So pleased the outcome is better than expected There is no rhyme or reason to cancer. I wish I could go back to a time when I was far more innocent and was not personally involved with cancer.  It happens but so do beautiful things happen. You paint beautifully and your family love you. With your postings you make people happy so keep shining.