A new member and really wishing I wasn't



  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Glad you're recovering well @sandramj - keep us posted on next steps. Thinking of you
    Nikki x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    So glad things are going well. Fingers and toes crossed for you awaiting final results. I'm wearing a target post op bra. They are great but I did find I needed a size up. Kath x
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Thanks so much for letting us know how you are doing @sandramj.  It sounds like Saturday ended up being a better day for your surgery,   funny how things send to happen for a reason.
    I hope you continue to recover well and sending lots of positive thoughts for good results on Thursday. Take care, Jane xx. 

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @sandramj Im so glad you are home and recovering. I think you are so right and we forget sometimes to trust the process. Hoping for some more good news for you and I love your attitude that no matter what you will be ok and be able to deal with it. Don't stress about Radiation, its cumulative and painless..I did burn towards the end and solugel cleared it up within a week, honestly very doable. xo
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    I get results of node biopsies on Thursday but I have been reading everywhere I can see mentioning radiation and wonder how long each session takes please?  
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Until you get full pathology you can't be sure of what your treatment would be yet, nothing not even biopsies are definitive. Lumpectomy is the only way of knowing for certain. If Radiation is required honestly, its literally minutes once you are on the table and its like just having a scan thats it. Takes more time traveling everday 5 days a week there getting undressed and dressed. The actual process isnt long at all. :) Melinda xo
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    Thanks Melinda.  Dr said previously I would have 5-6 weeks of radiation and may need medication.  Unless biopsies change those plans.   Hope less is best.  :). <3
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Yes thats quite standard, and medication will depend on your diagnosis, its tough the waiting, but sounds like youre in good hands :) so hang in there. xx
  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    So glad surgery went well rest up now..one major hurdle over on your road to recovery praying results are good for you..
    take care Pam xx
  • Di
    Di Member Posts: 50
    @sandramj Welcome. I only joined this network last week and wished I had when I was first diagnosed 28th November 2012. I was in a state of shock too as I had previously lost my sister to breast cancer and thought this can't be happening. I had a 7 cm tumour in my left breast with satellites under my nipple and sentinel node involvement. I all of a sudden became very reclusive and surrounded myself with my family. I had to have 3 months chemo which I commenced on the 22nd December to try and shrink the tumour as I did not have clear margins. The chemo was definitely not what people had led me to believe. I was given anti nausea drugs etc to take prior to my treatment. I would dress in bright colours on  the day of chemo and kept positive. I had my mastectomy in March 20th 2013 and then another 3 months chemo and 6 weeks radiation. 
    It is all very scary because of the unknown. 
    I was also lucky enough to be under Dr Gushan as my  surgeon and specialist who has been magnificent. The breast care nurses are there for you. I am 4 years on from my mastectomy and now looking at reconstruction. I have been back at work for 3 years now. I am fortunate enough to also have a work colleague Jane who has been amazing support for me and of whom has been through  a diagnosis of Breast Cancer  who encouraged me to join this network and continues to support me. 
    I am also on the Gold Coast . Please feel free to share your concerns. The ladies on this forum are so amazing and supportive. Stay positive . Di xx
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    Hi Di & Lisa.   Thanks for your input here - Its is SUCH a great forum for us - to rant, whinge, ask questions and share information......  I got talking to a lovely lady today who also had Dr Gushan do her mastectomy and she's about to undergo the second soon.  It is amazing how may people have had breast cancer and whose lives have been touched by it.   Hopefully as better diagnosis and treatments become available the people whose lives have been touched by it and people surviving it will increase.    
    It is so nice to know there is someone here to "talk to": who really gets it!  Hubbie is part ostrich - with his head in the sand nothing affects him.....  I am anxious/excited/keen/nervous for the results of my surgery and node biopsies tomorrow but guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.    
    Again thank you to all the wonderful people here listening, writing, supporting and generally "being here".  :)<3
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    Gold Coast people - re radiation - Apparently you can go through the public system and presume that would be the new G C Hospital at Southport.  Apparently parking is a really nightmare there and expensive....  Anyone there recently?
    also by all that I have read on here and in other info by BCNA most people choose Dr and hospital private and then do the radiation public.   My Dr estimated the 5-6 weeks to cost $3500-5000 Out of pocket expenses if done through private medical benefits.  Just the hospitalisation, Dr, radiology MRI and surgery have cost $5000 out of pocket so far - How do people on a pension afford this when we already pay $400 a month for Medibank Private.   My husband and I are on seniors pension and it feels like the government aren't caring about us over 60's with breast cancer.  No more free mammograms, $500 for an MRI etc etc.  :(
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    edited April 2017
    Sandra, Ive always been a Private Patient BUT in 2011 first diagnosis needing Radiation treatment I went public, and it was absolutely fine, I definitely wouldnt have gone private for that. 2015 2nd diagnosis no radiation as cant have it twice, but chemo I chose private as my Surgeon and Oncologist are private. THEN my recent Mastectomy/Diep Flap recon 5 weeks ago I used my private surgeon and Plastic Surgeon and went public, so I had no out of pocket. I couldnt afford it any other way. Chemo was covered by medicare and my health fund I had no out of pocket for that either. x

    I have a health care card too as am a Single Parent and though I work am a low income earner, if youre on the pension, your mammos etc., shouldnt be costing you at all? mine don't.
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    Questions:  Yesterday got results that cancer had spread into lymph node so off for tests Pet scan and appt with Dr Keith Horwood oncologist on Wednesday for discussions re chemo etc.
    Devastated and feeling really lost!
    My Dr referred me to this oncologist who is charging heaps and only getting back half from Medicare and I am wondering about going public.....
    Chemo -  two types - the old one that kills 80-90% but you lose your hair and its high dosage. OR the newer one that still kills 80-90% but it doesn't cause as many side effects, no loss of hair etc. But is a trial one?
    How do we get this information?
    How do I know a good oncologist with a high success rate vs a newby or someone who isn't updated?
    How do I ask the costs without seeming "TIGHT"?  we are seniors on a pension - this has cost $5000 already - do we need to sell my car or caravan  to afford the ONLY or BEST treatment?  
    So many thoughts racing through my head and I feel very sad that it seems that women over 60 with breast cancer aren't really wanted to survive by the govt taking all this funding away.  No more free breast screens   Can someone explain why? I would have thought we'd need them every 12 months from now on not have to go through private to have them done.  
    Im crying a lot with these results and am ticked off with the results as Ive NEVER wanted to see an oncologist EVER and certainly never wanted chemo.  Im afraid I may just give up and save the government heaps.... :(  Just to get it over with??? 
    Sorry Im sounding like a spoiled brat!  I feel like Im in a vortex that's sucking my life from me......  I don't think I can control this.....  Theres not enough time to research doctors, treatments etc and its all happening too fast, but does it have to?