Angry or not??
I reckon we should all just use Mrs Brown's "That's Nice!!!!" - says it all
- use it with a couple of my colleagues at work who have watched the show - we all have a giggle. (She uses it in place of F#%* O*#!!)
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Cate nothing fair about that at's like some joke that we never get. Yet it seems to be the irony of life how it works, makes zero sense and would it hurt you? You bet!!! But this is what I see in you, an incredibly intelligent, driven, loving, supportive, independent and courageous woman who doesn't apologise for who you are. Determined beyond belief and then there's your sister...ummm just sad. So people see this strong capable person in you and think they don't need anyone...STUPID, isn't it? And her like poor helpless animal. I'm sorry Cate because you have earned that love respect and support and yet you don't get it. I love your spirit! Xo Melinda1
There just seems to be siblings who are high maintenance and then there's us who put on a brave face but need a cuddle now and then. I pray karma occurs when one needs to step up and support the parent when they need it later on. Don't come running to me mate. I thank God for my husband and try to be in a good temper around him as I know acting up affects him too. I do have a secret, if things get really beyond me I put on the dvd movie Punisher and imagine he is playing out my revenge too. Seems to work lol.1
OMgosh I am reading this almost in tears, I was trying to expalin this to the psychologist the other day, she didn't really get it. was thinking it was just me losing it..0
There's something to be said for giving attention where it is most needed (not necessarily most wanted). My lovely kind parents were at pains to treat their two children equally. But my sibling needed a great deal more attention than I did, and I think his later problems in life were largely to do with an insecurity which was incomprehensible to me but very real to him. I think it can be hard to fathom either way. But really hard for parents too. We all just do the best we can.1
Thanks ladies. I can really relate to these posts! I'm frustrated and annoyed by so, so many things...0
Oh ladies, I remember a saying my Mum & Nan used to say "The squeakiest wheel makes the most sound".
There are some people who are what I refer to as "black catters". If you have a black cat, they too have a black cat, only their cat is blacker !
@Cate64, the fact that you are Xena warrior princess and so determined and strong & your veneer shown to the outside world is one of invincibility, some members of your family and friends think you are doing "OK".
I won't even start with my husband's family. Except for 1 brother who lives 10 minutes away, the rest live 3 1/2 hours drive away. HIs parents (early 70's) have some health issues rarely come to Sydney except for specialists appointments. We get a visit when this occurs. Since my secondary bc diagnosis 18 months ago they have been to visit once (again for a specialist appt). Their youngest son lives near them. He has always been needy and even more so since his marriage broke down 7 years ago (3 young children).
He is getting married to a woman who was given a visa with conditions to apply for their marriage licence, is 20 years younger than him & they have known each other for less than 8 months. We have not met her. The wedding is in 3 weeks - my husband has made it perfectly clear I will not be going (too much at the moment with my tm's increasing and lympodema) and that our sons who are in their mid-late teens will be remaining at home with me to keep an eye on me.
They won't take no for an answer. My brother-in-law said "Wedding's are happy occasions, I just want my family there. Can't people just forgot their problems !!!
It is sometimes a daily struggle to dismiss the negativity and focus our very important energy on keeping as well as possible and think good positive re-affirming thoughts.
This is a little saying that my sister shared with me after my recent diagnosis -
"Watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character, watch your character, for it becomes your destiny".
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Words are so powerful and so easily misinterpreted. I am sending hugs Share xo.0
Ah families they are always so different to the happy family portraits of movies etc..... HUGS I get you....
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Yes, ladies, a bit like social media - words that are not communicated face to face where you can read other's body language and take stock of their demeanor, small nuances and important social cues are missed.
Which is why it would be nice for my husband to have that support offered and available - someone just to say "How can I help" or "What do you need".
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Emotions! I cry so easily. I swear almost uncontrollably and the worse the language the more satisfying. I am furious when the toast burns or I hurt myself. I'm an abusive driver, (secretly in my car). I'm so so tired. And when I laugh it's the laughter of true joy! I hope over time laughter will be first on my list.
Cate64 be angry and disappointed, it's real. Then remind yourself how bloody amazing you are3 -
Crying helps Janine (I often do it in the shower), stomping your feet (just don't hurt yourself), lots of deep breathing and yep, laughter. I try to find joy and a reason to laugh every single day (some days it is not try it is trying !).
yes, we are all bloody amazing