Welcome to the BCNA Online Network



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited January 2016

    HI Tony,a, I was having that issue in the beginning but now whenever I comment on a post and someone else does I get a notification in my messages. I'm assuming you check yours?  I hope you can find out why this is happening. 

    Paula xx

  • lisboy
    lisboy Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2016

    Hi Cosette

    I am afraid that I too have major difficulties with this site. I don't think it is at all user friendly. You have to be quite determined and trawl through lots of pages to find posts that you were following. On all other cancer sites there is clear vision of threads and topics so that people can continue conversations and discussions without having to search for them. I have come back to using this site occasionally because I would rather connect with Australian women, but for most information I now look at UK breast cancer sites, or breast cancer.org because they are clear and easy to find information.

     I hope that this can be fixed as I am sure that lots of women don't bother coming back to the site due top these issues.



  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited January 2016

    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for providing us with your feedback. As Cosette mentioned above we are working on this. It's very important to us that all our members are able to find the information they are looking for and receive the support they need.

    If I can help you in anyway please just let me know. 

    ~ Ann-Marie

  • Flamingo girl
    Flamingo girl Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2016

    I officially give up.

    So sad for Australian women fighting this disease that they have to fight this website too.

  • angiesg
    angiesg Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2016

    oh that's so sad Flamingo Girl :(

    Cosette/Ann-Marie - do you have some timeframe as when you may be addressing some of these issues? It would be good to understand if something new is a few months away or even longer, gives everyone something to look forward to

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2016

    Fair question, Angie. 

    We are always working on improving the the online network.  Ann-Marie and I are logging every single issue that we encounter and is reported to us. Every week, we review these with our wonderful Digital Projects Manager and she helps us understand them from a technical perspective, turn them into tasks, and prioritise  them. Then they go off to the developers, whom we also meet with weekly.

    There are aspects of this that are visible, like the fact that this post will be in a box that is too narrow, and aspects that are somewhat invisible (bugs in the system). Some are easier to fix and take less time than others. We deploy fixes regularly, but not all of them are immediately or obviously visible to everyone in the network. For example, yesterday we fixed an issue that affected a number of users who were being navigated to a weird page, instead of the online network, when they logged in.

    Would you like regular updates from us about these kinds of things? We'd be happy to provide that :-)

  • angiesg
    angiesg Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2016

    thanks for the explanation Cosette re the process you follow, I come from a IT background so fully appreciate whats involved and its not always visible what is being fixed.  Communicating what is happening would be great as it would show the community that things are happening and especially if there are "bigger ticket" items that will enhance the experience and usability of the site for all.

  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited January 2016

    Hi Angie,

    I just wanted to jump in to let you know that each Friday I write an update for the Online Network. It includes user stats for the week, blogs and when relevant an update on any fixes for the Online Network that are visible for members.

    ~ Ann-Marie

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited January 2016

    Hi Cosette and Ann-Marie,

    I think Cosette's explanation of how the fixes have to be dealt with is extremely helpful for those of us with little IT knowledge. It gives a really clear indication of why it might seem that nothing really visible happens some weeks. I know that when the change to the new network happened, I for one had absolutely no idea about what needed to happen to fix things and how long that would take. Now I see how it has to happen, I can have a realistic expectation.

    On a positive note in the short time that I have been back on this site I have noticed that some things (sorry cannot get the bold to go off!) are actually working better than the old site. For example no spam posts. That was a really frequent occurrence on the old site. 

    The support that we give each other can still happen and that is the most important thing. 

    Thanks for the explanation Cosette.

    Deanne xxx


  • PaulaN
    PaulaN Member Posts: 237
    edited January 2016

    Hi Im new here & was diagnosed today



  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited January 2016

    Hi Paulan,

    I wanted to say hello and welcome to the Online Network. I am happy you found us but it's not easy welcoming new members. 

    Take your time, have a read of the information here, ask any questions you have and If I can help in any way please just let me know.

    ~ Ann-Marie x

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited January 2016

    Hey I found my problem! There were some extra symbols etc at the start and end of each paragraph in My Story. I updated my ipad and then could click into the right box, got rid of these extra bits and it then let me update my story!! Yay! Off to a good start this Monday! :) Deanne xxx

  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited January 2016

    Hi Deanne,

    This is great to read :) Happy Monday!

  • Twilightgirl
    Twilightgirl Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2016

    Thankyou so much for the welcome. I tryed to put in everything for my profile and clicked on submit and it does not keep it all on there like it is not adding all the information i put in i tryed to do it three times and it does not add the info i put in after hitting the submit button


  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited March 2016

    Hi Twilightgirl. Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with your profile. It seems like you worked it out. I can see your story in your profile:

    Does it look differently to you? Or is there more info you'd like to add?