Welcome to the BCNA Online Network

Hello and welcome to the BCNA Online Network.
We know it can be hard to be the new person in the neighbourhood and to navigate a new online space. You’ll get the hang of it soon and here are some tips to help get you started.
First, be sure to read network guidelines.
And then, dive right in!
Update your profile. You can upload a photo and tell us a little about yourself. This is also the place to change your privacy settings.
Introduce yourself. Writing your first blog post can be a little scary, but it's a great way to meet others and find answers and support. To post, click the pink 'Post' button above and select 'My blog' from the drop-down menu. Enter a title, at least one tag, your content, and click on the pink 'Post' button at the bottom of the Post Content box. You can also introduce yourself in this thread instead.
Read member blog posts. You can read all member posts on the Online Network homepage. If you would like to be part of these conversations, click the pink 'Comment' button to respond to the original post or the grey 'Reply' button at the bottom of individual replies.
Join a group. We have more than 80 topic-based groups including breast reconstruction, living with secondary breast cancer, male breast cancer, partner support, and more.
If you need help finding your way around the community, check out our Help & FAQ page or join our Getting Started group. You could also post your question below or send a message to our friendly neighbourhood community manager Ann-Marie.
Once again, welcome. We look forward to getting to know you better.
Welcome Cosette
as a new person on the forum, I have a suggestion which I'm not sure is possible.
i noticed the posts appear in the order of the date of the original poster unless they are featured. I tend to read these in this way but then don't know if someone else has replied later, so unless I go back to them again it's hard to see if there is an update. Also I've noticed people respond to older posts that once again get lost after a few days.
is it possible to order the posts by the date they were last updated, then we would see the most current replies.
hope I'm making sense.
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Hi Angie. You can keep up with posts via the notifications that come into your Messages. You might also catch it in Latest Activity. We know neither of these are ideal and we're looking into ways to improve how posts appear and are organised. Thanks for your feedback and stay tuned!
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Welcome Cosette, I have been an online champion since 2011 and have always been available. However, ever since this network was changed last year I find it extremely difficult to navigate it.I don't get any notifications after I make a comment. This means I have to scroll through reams of pages to find a post. I think this is what Angie is saying too? With the old system,I used to get an email.I also used to be able to msge someone directly and I can't do that anymore either.I guess I'm saying it's a frustrating process now and I only check in occasionally now,as do many of us network 'oldies'.Tonya
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Hi I'm only new to this site and am so frustrated trying to find information and finding current posts on my questions. I hoped this site would be a good support for me but it's not user friendly at all. The navigation is very poor. I searched for wigs and got really old information and not in my area. If you can point me in the right direction on how to search and find information it would be greatly appreciated.
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As a Newby, I also find this site depressingly difficult to navigate and given the amount of Australian women BC effects, it's poorly supported. I have found far more information, help and useful discussions on the American site breastcancer.org
Very sad Nadine
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Hi Debra. Welcome to the online network. I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time with the navigation and we're here to help.
It doesn't look like there are any current conversations happening about wigs, but you can start one!
To post, hover your mouse over the pink Post button up top and click on My Blog.
Write your message and then click the Post button at the bottom when you're done.
Your message will then appear in the main feed on the online network home page.
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Hi Tonya. I'm glad you're still with us, even if occasionally. We're actively working to make improvements to the site so we really appreciate your feedback :-)
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Hi Debra,
We have a section on the website "Find service and support in your area". In this section you can search for services in your area and also find local support groups.
If you click on the link above it will take you to the search I have done on "Wigs".
The services and support you find on our website have been recommended and used by BCNA members.
I hope this helps with what you are looking for.
~ Ann-Marie
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Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with the online network site. The important thing is that you find the information and support you need. We're working on it. In the meantime, please let us know if you're looking for anything in particular.
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If your keeping a list of improvements , one more thing that would be good is to see not only the posts I have created but the ones I have replied to as well. When I look at my profile I can only see the posts I created as replies we have made are just as important to have access to.
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A "My Replies" section. Noted! Thanks for your feedback, Angie.
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Hi Cosette
Like Tonya, I am an 'oldie' who finds it difficult to use this new site. I was a very regular user of the old site but have virtually given up on trying to work with the new one. I read your post and thought, ok I will give this another try. I will update my profile. For the life of me I cannot work out how to do this. I get to 'My Profile' and then click on edit but it will not let me add to 'My story'.
I might add that even this comment has taken way longer than it should have as it keeps freezing and won't let me type.
I fear that I am one of many 'oldies' that have both lost lost their main source of support and also who are not able to offer support to newbies because of not being able to work out how this network now functions. I do not know what else I can do. Deanne xxx
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Thanks for your feedback, Deanne. We're taking it all on board. In the meantime, let's see if we can get your profile updated.
Go up to the top and hover your mouse over My Profile. Click on Edit Profile.
That should take you to the editor. Update your story and then scroll all the way down to click the Submit button.
That should do it. Let us know if you have trouble with this and we'll investigate further.
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Hi Cosette,
As I said in my comment, I have already done this! But just to be sure I have followed your instructions again. I cannot update my story because it will not let me click and type in the 'My story' area of my profile. I do get to the page that says edit your profile but it just won't let me. The curser blinks on the middle of the box that says 'I have been diagnosed with early Breast cancer', even though I am clicking on the my story box.
I hope I am not doing something wrong but I have followed your instructions. I am using an iPad though, maybe this is different?
Thanks for your help.
Deanne xxx
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Ah, thanks for the added info, Deanne. We'd like to explore this further with you so expect a private message or phone call from us soon.