hi there, Thought I'd say hi and introduce myself. I am 30 years old and have a 7 year old daughter. I was diagnosed on 27/11/2015. It all still feels very surreal and overwhelming. Doctors think I have Inflamatory Breast Cancer so are treating me for this diagnosis. My treatment plan is 6 rounds of chemo, surgery and then…
If YOU live in SE Qld from Northern NSW to Mackay I have compiled a list of face to face support groups. I started local support group on the Gold Coast back in 2019 and we now have 630 members - We opened our support group to include Ovarian due to the BRCA gene then gradually to ALL cancers for women on the Gold Coast.…
Young Mum
Hello everyone, I'm so grateful for this online community. It's been an overwhelming time for me. I was diagnosed on the 23/12/22 and had a really tough two weeks as I was unable to access any support just being to the time of year it was. I was breastfeeding my 20 month year old at the time, and didn't feel a lump, but…
First time lump: from a concerned husband's POV
Hi all I'm not really sure if this is the place to be asking this, but I've tried looking and reading online to get info, but it all seems fairly general, a little all over the place, and mostly american-based, which I don't find all that helpful, given the difference in standards / practises between our two countries.…
Insulting and Judgmental Comments
Something I was not prepared for post breast reconstruction, are the judgmental comments the scar on my belly is attracting. I have been undergoing abdominal ultrasounds to try and figure out the problems I am having with my period. The ultrasound people keep referring to the scar on my belly as a "tummy tuck". I've even…
6 years cancer free...then I'm not
Hi all, just wanted to share a little about my journey and was also wanting some advice... My story begins in December 2016, found a lump in my right breast after running my first marathon (lost quite a bit of weight with all the training). fast forward 11 surgeries-lumpectomies, sentinel node biopsies, egg…
Hope and cancerversary
It’s my 2 year cancerversary today 🎉. I’m in a really good place within myself, without comparison to how I felt right after my diagnosis, and even before it. I guess I hope I continue to work on myself, so I can be content with life as it is, with reduced stress, and cancer free 🤞🍀💟. I have mostly moved on, but choose to…
Womanhood when you're diagnosed young
Hi everyone, I'm 34 and recently diagnosed. Last Friday I started chemo after a found of egg freezing. So far I've focused on survival and have been taking things one step at a time but now that treatment has started, I'm thinking about how life will change. Will I still be able to have biological children? And if not, how…