Young Womens Conference GC
Three members of our support group traveled to the Gold Coast for the Young Women with Breast Cancer Conference on the weekend of the 10th Sept. We met up with some ladies we already knew and met some wonderful new friends. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend. The organisers should be congratulated!!!
Young Women's Conference
So I had an amazing time this last weekend at the 2nd National Conference for Young Women with Breast Cancer. It was an incredible event and I really had so much fun. I made some lovely new friends, learnt a lot & possibly drank a little too much. But it was worth it :) Hope that I can connect now with those that I met on…
The 2nd National Conference for Young Women affected by Breast Cancer
hi just want to say to everyone who is heading to queensland for the above event. "HAVE A GREAT TIME" and think of us all down here in SA in the cold and rain.... ENJOY!!!!!!
Breast Cancer Conference
I had been feeling a little down, everything had backlogged whilst I was having treatment.... and now hormone therapy! ....I so wanted to talk to other ladies who had been through the hormone therapy and had a young family....but I had only met 2 other ladies in a simular position.... I had been attending my local support…