Two days ago my life changed forever
Hi everyone, just hoping to reach out and seek some advice at a time that my life feels completely out of control on two levels. Two days ago, my (very recent) fiance and I arrived home from our long awaited overseas holiday. We'd been scrimping and saving for this trip, and had the most fantastic time. Although exhausted…
Newly diagnosed and pregnant
Hello, I am very very new to this network and I was hoping to hear from anyone who may be or have been in a similar situation to me. I received my diagnosis on Monday just gone and am 17 weeks pregnant. I am going in for breast conserving surgery tomorrow and will meet with the oncologist next week to discuss chemo. There…
An overdue introduction
They say better late than never right?!? I really would like to properly introduce myself to all of you amazing ladies and men! I have been employed here at BCNA for 8 months but have admired you all from a far. In October 2013, like many of you, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 36 years old, had just recovered…
30 year old with Dcis in both breasts
Hi everyone Just writing to connect with other people experiencing the same feelings. I got diagnosed with Dcis last week.Mammogram and biopsies showed right breast is covered in it and my left breast has a lump that is dcis.My lympnodes are very prominent so dr said cancer might have gone there too.I have 2 kids under 2…
Mastectomy and reconstruction tomorrow...trying not to freak out
Its exhausting, all of the tests, fertility preservation went well yesterday, they managed to get 11 eggs! Ive got my fingers crossed that there will be some survivors out of this batch, I know I'm strong but I can't do that again...71 injections/cannulations to date. It's suppose to get easier right? Im still waiting for…
how to stay positive
Hi, I just found out 2 days ago I have breast cancer. I'm 39yo & have 2 kids who are 4 & 1yo. Haven't seen a breast specialist yet, so I have no idea how bad things are. I'm terrified for my kids & feeling very alone. I'm normally pretty tough, but today for the first time ever I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed for…
I've offended my in-laws
Hi I was diagnosed 6 days before Christmas. I'm 33 and have 2 daughters aged 3 and 6. When I told my parents and sister the news, they all came to visit to be with me so unexpectedly, we ended up hosting Christmas celebrations at my house. It's taken all the energy I have to get out of bed (early) each day with a smile on…
But I'm only 31...
January 2016 I found a breast lump but I just shrugged it off, most of my friends had them, no big deal right? Being in the medical industry I knew I had to do the responsible thing so I went to get an ultrasound which showed a query cyst like structure. I didn't think anything of it, the size of the lump would go up and…
My mum- 46 yr old, grade 3 IDC- Lumpectomy surgery today
Hi Everyone, I'm 27 and my mum (46 years) has recently been diagnosed with a 14mm (pre surgery) grade 3 IDC and is about to have her lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy today. We wont know what stage and hormone status she is until the 29th. To give a bit of a background, her nanna and mum have both had breast cancer, with…